“I am the mother of an eight-year-old boy who on April 2007 was diagnosed with Systemic Scleroderma. We have been trying to figure out what is wrong with him since May 2006. This is just”
“July of 2007 was my one year anniversary on AP, and also, on being diagnosed with aggressive, diffuse scleroderma. I figured it had started months before I was diagnosed (but didn't clinically meet the criteria),”
“I have had Systemic Scleroerma for 2 1/2 years. Iam told the disease progresses for 5 years. Here is my story: I turned 58 on 8-26-06. I went to the beach carrying my own backpack”
“I wanted to post my story to date to give all of you who have been struggling with this disease (scleroderma)tremendous HOPE: Two years ago, at age 46, I rapidly went from an extremely physically”
“My Story is dedicated to the memory of Jane Lee the lady who told me about "some website called road back or something like that." Fifteen years ago I had Raynauds syndrome and my esophagus”
“In the fall of 1997, I had never heard of scleroderma. I was very familiar with RA [rheumatoid arthritis] as my paternal grandmother had it for over 70 years. So, when my hands started going”
“October 1998 ,the first tip-off something wasn't good was that my blood pressure started to rise. A trip to my internist yielded blood pressure med .One month later ,I started to get big swelling in”
“I stumbled on to this website months after my Mother had been diagnosed. She was in a bad way. It was so difficult to see her going through this. She had been to the usual”
“Law Enforcement graduate. Did social work for 6 and one-half years. Started having pain in my hand in 1999 when I held on to things. In the fall of that year my fingers started-up with”
“Before I moved to New Zealand I had been living in New York for 14 years. I had a good job there and good friends in a city that I loved. Phil and I met”