Psoriatic Arthritis
“In late 1997 a professional golfer that I'd known since I was a teenager saw me hunched over and limping. I was 39 years old and had been fighting psoriatic arthritis for more than 5”
Psoriatic Arthritis
“I came to this site in desperation in January 2016. I was about 10 months into the most intense flare that had me struggling to put on my socks and in constant pain from back,”
Psoriatic Arthritis
“My story starts in December of 2007, when I was a physically active 63 year old male. I did 3 miles on the treadmill and played golf several days a week. In August of 1999”
Psoriatic Arthritis
“I began having pain in my hands and feet, several years ago, that appeared overnight. I'm in my thirties and had been a professional athlete and was active. I attributed my pains to the violent”
Psoriatic Arthritis
“I think this story section is a wonderful idea- I found the life stories in Henry Scammell's book tremendously inspiring and comforting, and read them over and over during my first months on the antibiotic”