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    I dont think my doc is willing, he is on vaccation for 1 month, can I write to him? dont know if im going to be strong enough to be persistent  but ill give it a try. I dont know what to do. And I understaand that you in here maybe dosnt know either, i have to know what to do with the ap, how im suppose to feel and not to feel, if I have to start cellcept again? do a higher dose of tetra?:crying:


    I would not do a higher dose. I would stick to a slow and low approach. I think it would be a good idea to email Dr S in Iowa. Are you in pain all day or just the mornings upon waking up?


    Hello again Carrie:)

    ITS woooorse in the morning, i can hardly move, im in so much pain and swolling. I cant go uo from bed, and I can lie down because it hurts.

    Then i take 10 mg pred and after some hours im much better, today i took a walk after a few hours. A little bit rigid  but MUCH better


    Good! I am glad you are feeling better….think of it as “you were just having a moment” and try to move passed it….remember what I said about psyching yourself out ….make yourself beleive you are getting better and this med is working. Cant work if you are stressed about it all the time!!! Think positive and hang in there!! Your a fighter!!! :roll-laugh:


    thank you.

    Does it mean something that i have the pain in the mornings?

    OK, i promise the last question for today:)


    You are not moving around while sleeping so body stiffens up. I would shower with hot water right when you wake up and then try to stay very active so joints dont stiffen…….Very common in mornings….that will subside though


    Hi Zoofie,

    I am sorry as well, & it's true you have to watch the time zones to figure out if anyone is awake or not (Sweden is GMT +2 … where I am is GMT +10) so I know although I just got to work that you are asleep right now.

    I agree with Lynnie ,,, stop taking everything for a week to let your body recover then start VERY SLOWLY with a really small dose MWF & build it up over time.. when I started I took the antibiotics on Tues & Thur only then after a month moved it up to MWF.  Remember this treatment works best if its done really slowly.  If you start with too high a dose the doctors say you might experience a lot of pain & inflammation which isn't good for you & really hard to cope with & that is what's happening with you!

    As Lynnie said, IT WILL PASS !!!!  

    Good luck & keep your chin up,
    Maz – Aust   

    Dec07: Diagnosed PRA, (CTD; Fibromyalgia; suspected Lyme):
    Mar08: Diet to heal gut/bolster immune system (no gluten, dairy, sulphites or sugar)

    Jan 2018: ABX Mon/Wed/Fri (started AP 2008)
    1/2 x 150mg Roxithromycin(Biasig), 1/2 x 150mg Clarithromycin (Klacid),
    1/2 x Fungillin, 1 x 250mg Cephalexin (Keflex)

    All off days Probiotics


    [user=2526]zoofie_85[/user] wrote:

    isnt anyone here 🙁 help i dont know what to do, i cant stop crying=( please help…

    We are here just cannot always get to the computer. Poor darling we all feel for you

    Do you understand what Lynnie and I have said about    EASE UP ON THE DOSE






    ofcourse I Understand that you are not avalible all the time!

    I understand you, thank you! today, Im feeling much better i Could take me out of my bed very easy! Hooow can it be that different? yersterday it was so bad i tought I might not make it :

    The different maybe is that I tool 10 mg /pred yersterday and only 7,5 mg dhe day before that, sooo yesterday ( when i took 10) I became better during the evening (am?) so maybe i stick with 10 mg.

    Should i anyway reduce the tertacyklin?


    thank you! and i hope you have a good nightsleep 🙂

    im going to work now.:roll-laugh:


    For my money yes I think you should reduce the tetracycline!!   

    Maz – Aust,
    ps : If I were you I would want to get off the pred asap.

    Dec07: Diagnosed PRA, (CTD; Fibromyalgia; suspected Lyme):
    Mar08: Diet to heal gut/bolster immune system (no gluten, dairy, sulphites or sugar)

    Jan 2018: ABX Mon/Wed/Fri (started AP 2008)
    1/2 x 150mg Roxithromycin(Biasig), 1/2 x 150mg Clarithromycin (Klacid),
    1/2 x Fungillin, 1 x 250mg Cephalexin (Keflex)

    All off days Probiotics


    ooh.. okej.


    I cant reduce the pred! its impossible i get very sick!:crying:


    If you reduce the tetracycline you hopefully will find that you are not in pain & don't need the pred !!

    Stay positive, keep your chin up & you will understand all of it eventually.

    Maz – Aust 


    Dec07: Diagnosed PRA, (CTD; Fibromyalgia; suspected Lyme):
    Mar08: Diet to heal gut/bolster immune system (no gluten, dairy, sulphites or sugar)

    Jan 2018: ABX Mon/Wed/Fri (started AP 2008)
    1/2 x 150mg Roxithromycin(Biasig), 1/2 x 150mg Clarithromycin (Klacid),
    1/2 x Fungillin, 1 x 250mg Cephalexin (Keflex)

    All off days Probiotics


    No you dont understand, or maybe I dont =S

    IF i reduce the tetra AND the pred I dont know how its going to go! bad i guess, the pred its wats working for me right now, without cellcept. IO dont think tetra is doing anything yet, im sticking with 10 mg and see if I notice any change of the tetra, than maybe i can reduce the pred a little, to 7,5 mg.

    And im not sure im in pain because of the tetra, i think it was becouse of that matter that i took 7,5 mg pred and not 10 mg, and at the same time no cellcept.

    Im sooo sensitive with the pred. I hope tetra will start to work, but i think its not working for everyone so if its NOT working for me its a very big misstake too cut down pred.


    But what do i know, im sure you have better check  on this.

    If it dosnt working, i have to get back to cellcept, maybe along with tetra but certainly with pred.


    Thank u for your answeres!:)


           Dont be hard on yourself. It is ok to be frustrated. English is not my mother tongue either – so i promise not to laugh at you

    I first had RA 6 years ago – I went into remission within 7-8 month – my then doctor used a combination of prednisone, pain medication and Minocycline.

    I first started with pred and pain medication for 1 month ( no minocin then as I was feeding my baby). Then i slowly introduced Minocycline 100 mgs MWF ( I started with 100 mg twice daily but had to reduce as I was able to tolerate it).

    As the Minocin slowly started working – I slowly went off the pain medication first and then started lowering the prednisone. As the AP treatment kicked in properly after some time it became easy for me to go off prednisone. I am sure if I were asked to go off prednisone before the antibiotics started working well – my body wouldnt have been able to handle it. So be on the pred for now – and as soon as the AP starts working start weaning yourself off the pred ( slowly). I am sure you can do it.

    I had my second child 2 years back. I stopped minocin/tetracycline immediately after my pregnancy was suspected and switched to erythromycin 3 times a week. After the first 2-3 months  the pregnancy hormones kicked in and I could go off the erythromycin.

    HOWEVER after the baby was born I immediately went back on erythromycin and I had a flare and had to go back on prednisone when baby was 6 months. I started on the Mino again – but it did not work anymore 🙁

    However i have now changed to doxycycline 100 mg 2 times a day and slowly but surely ( touch wood) it seems to be doing its job. I am also considering doing IV if things dont improve within a month.

    So hang in there – dont be depressed – there will be good and bad days – but ultimately you WILL get better.

    Also if you are strong enough you can and will have a baby even if you are doing AP ( I did too).  Just make sure you understand the risks.  I had my second baby ( touch wood very healthy baby girl) while on AP and I dont regret it at all. She is the light of my life – and even the flare I have now is nothing compared to the joy I feel by just looking at her or by holding her. So dont give up your dreams of having a baby – you CAN and you WILL have a baby if other things are ok.



    Thank you soo much [user=2406]Tintap[/user]
    I am so incredibly grateful that you wrote this to me. All you are very nice and helpful, so much support here, I have never received so much before. And yes, I'm hard to myself, I have always been. I usually force myself to work even though I have a lot of pain and when it gets really bad I break together in total because I can not do things as usual

    Nice to hear that the pregnancy went well, so much fun for you! I plan to not eat the tetra during pregnancy, only Pred. I hope it will work.

    Yes, I'll be patient, to see if giving effect tetra and then reduce the Pred.

    Feeling good today, a very BIG different from yesterday!!!


    Again, thank you!

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