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    Carrie!!! YAY!! 😀 I:D because of YOU im here!!!!!!!!!!!!! thanks a LOT!!!!

    Ok, i must sound like the dumest!! but WHAT IS PROBIOTICS ????I googled it but everything in difficult english!!



    Thak you thank you Kim 😀 I will read about it more! its tuff to understand it all but Ill give it a try :D:roll-laugh:


    Well yea.. hello again! question number 5 !!

    You say i should reduce my dose , ( my dose now is 2 pills am and 2 pills pm, 250 mg pills) BUT then i read this

    Tetracycline is the first generation tetracycline and, although it was used by Dr Brown (minocycline came out in 1979), it doesn't have quite the same superior tissue penetration of minocycline….nor does doxycycline. That said, if you prefer to use it, a 250mg dose of tetracycline is equivalent to 100mg dose of minocycline.

    should i anyway reduce it to 1 pill am and 1 pill pm, MWF ???

    I have to understand this!!:D thank you please for helping!



    Ok! I know what probiotics is its probiotika in swedish! not so difficult! 🙂 thank you!



    If 250 mg. is the same as 100 mg. of minocycline, then one 250 mg. pill, twice a day, would be an acceptable dose.  You have to monitor yourself and make sure you do not have greater pain or inflammation.  If your symptoms increase, then reduce the dosage.  (For those of us that are used to minocycline or doxycycline, 250 mg. seemed like alot).

    Probiotics add the good bacteria to your stomach.  When we take antibiotics, we kill the good and bad bacteria.  Probiotics help us replenish the good bacteria that is necessary to keep our gut in balance.  If we don't take probiotics we can get yeast or candida issues.  Any health food store has probiotics, some yogurts have it too.

    Detox refers to the support we need to give the body when it's getting rid of all this bacteria and toxins.  A simple detox method is to add half a lemon, with the peel,  squeezed into your water daily.  Many here take an epsom salts, hydrogen peroxide bath, because it helps sooth the joints, and detoxes the body. 



    Thank Nancy!

    Okej? I try the lemonthing, not reaally sure why but i will do it!:D [/size]

    it tickles in the body after I have started with the AP. [highlight= #fff” title=”” uc=”no allergic reaction, I think, something else? ” tc=”ingen allergireaktion tror jag, n


    Thank Nancy!

    Okej? I try the lemonthing, not reaally sure why but i will do it! thats no harm.

    it tickles in the body after I have started with the AP. no allergic reaction, I think, something else? but my friend Carrie:) said it will go away so I'm waiting for it!
    Must go to the pharmacy and see if they have any probiotics!


    I would try low and slow sofia! I would do 1 pill in am and 1 pill in the pm for a few weeks….then add your second pill in the am and pm. I would only only take them on Mondays Wednesdays Fridays.

    Here is what i would do if you want to start low and slow and avoid possible herxing….. others can chime in with their approach too because everyone is different:

    Week 1: 1 pill in am and 1 pill in pm on MWF

    Week 2: 1 pill in am and 1 pill in pm on MWF

    Week 3: 1 pill in am and 1 pill in pm on MWF

    Week 4: 2 pill in am and 2 pill in pm on Monday, 1pill in am and 1 pill in pm on W & F.

    Week 5: 2 pill in am and 2 pill in pm on Mon. & Wed, 1pill in am and 1 pill in pm on F.

    Week 6: 2 pill in am and 2 pill in pm on MWF.

    Then continue the 2 pills in the am and 2 pills in the pm on MWF as your dosage for the duration of this medication.

    Not sure if this clarifies or helps you understand but this worked for me….i did it low and slow!!!! Too fast could be bad…lots of herxing.

    As far as probiotics you can get them at a vitamin store or online.

    Here is some info I got from internet:

    What are Probiotics?

    Probiotics work to keep a healthybalance of intestinal flora. Theyreduce the amount of harmfulbacteria by replenishing andmaintaining the ?friendly? bacteria.*The depletion of ?good? bacteriacan occur as a result of poor diet,taking certain antibiotics, stress,food poisoning, travelers' diarrheaor poor overall digestive health.
    What is GNC Ultra Probiotic Complex 50?

    The cultures in Ultra ProbioticComplex 50 have been clinicallyshown to replenish healthy bacteriain the digestive tract.* Each capsuleprovides 50 billion live and activecultures of Lactobacillusacidophilus and Bifidobacterium.
    Why take GNC Ultra Probiotic Complex 50?

    With the first dose, Ultra ProbioticComplex 50 improves the balanceof beneficial flora in the digestivetract.* These probiotics help reducebloating and stomach discomfort,aid in improving regularity andsupport a healthy immune system.*Ultra Probiotic Complex 50 hasbeen tested to ensure the full 50billion cultures are live and activewhen used by the expiration date.


    Basically you need to be taking something called  Lactobacillusacidophilus and Bifidobacterium. These two things need to be replenished in your gut  because the tetra kills it….if you dont have these then yeast develops and you can get a yeast infection.

    Maybe MAZ or Kim can better explain this!



    Yes, I had the itchies for about two weeks….felt like bugs were crawling all over me….I guess this is the die off….maybe someone can chime in and help explain better…..but thats all I know is that it was a good thing…..as long as there is no rash. Its a really good thing!


    perfect Carrie!!! i will try this!! sooo many thanks!!!


    Is it safe to eat antibiotics for a long time, well if its working I would like to sty on it for a looooong time, and now I am 24 years..

    Is it safe for long?? DO ANYONE KNOW?



    Many are on tetracycline-type antibiotics for a long time.  Some are on them for years, others will never go off them.  It's pretty safe.


    [user=2526]zoofie_85[/user] wrote:

    ..omg its much to learn about this!!!:?

    I dont knooow what to do, should i reduce or not and how much?

    omg, you even know that expression in English.

    I hope you will ask the dr. prescribing the tetracycline these questions.  Especially the 'tickling', that would worry me as an allergic reaction.  i hope your dr. can help you.

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.


    well yes I do know that.


    Ok, thanks

    Jan Lucinda1


    I'm so impressed that you are pursuing AP in Sweden where I guess there is not alot of information.  It sounds like you are getting some good advice.  Best wishes.

    Jan in CA


    Thaaank you Jan!!! =) its hard and i wish there were more information in sweden about AP. Minocyklin was impossible , becouse its not passed  / ok? to take here.

    Im soo grateful for the help, im using google translate somtimes 😉



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