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    [user=2526]zoofie_85[/user] wrote:

    I would like to apologize for my bad English. I'm from Sweden but would like to receive support from this side and you:)
    I have MCTD, has had this since 2002. No influence from internal organs as the lungs, etc.
    Only at the beginning but it disappeared with medication.
    I've tried most things, has always eaten prednisolone and remains of 7 mg.
    I have eaten CellCept but have a desire to be pregnant so I have to stop it.
    I have started the AP today! I hope so much that it should work. I eat tetracycline 250 mg two pilller in the morning two at night. CellCept did not help fully.
    Have had lot problems with swelling and pain.
    I know that you should not become pregnant while you eat tetra but you do not bring out the three months before in all cases.

    Now I wonder, have you succeeded with age ap?

    I have eaten penicillin / antibiotics as I was sick, colds and the like and then have been much better in my MCTD. Could this mean that AP may work for me?

    Grateful for answers!

    Darling you are certainly wise not to consider pregnancy whilst on Teta's any of them They will stain the teeth of the child.  When they were first introduced they gave them to us and two of my children have tetra teeth and one of them is a girl .  I was devastated.  It carried through to their second teeth also. after that they stopped giving them to pregnant women and children under nine.  I am concerned about the prednisolone though.  Is it possible you could use something else?  Ask your Dr. It effects the bones and actually seems to somehow make things worse. I regret the day I did.  The girls are right about reducing the dose, yes I felt better immed. then like Maz says the herx starts..  You need more than acidophilus for the fungus or you will be in big trouble down the track. What will help as well as the acid. is a product called GSE from the health food shop.  I just found that putting it in milk really helps stop it irritating your stomoch.  I know most do not have milk but GSE is worth fighting for as it kills bugs as well as fungus.  Just ask your Dr. about it for fungal relief and if possible get hold of the book The healing power of grapefruit juice. There are several but this particular one tells you all the bacteria that it kills.  Just start off with a few drops. Keeping all supps and acid 3 hours apart.  Reading the new Arthritis breakthrough is important as well and all the info on the board when you get the chance.  You are doing well with your english. the Abx have a chelative effect so good idea to be on vit minerals and check your B12. I have problems with blood tests whilst on abx  They are not accurate so trying a urine test to see if that is any better. really important to do this to keep you well. The bacteria also feed off your body so you need to supplement. Hope this helps


    [user=134]Rosemary PerthAust.[/user] Thank you for your words.

    I have bought B-komplex vitamines today. And probiotica, those u chew, eexpensive!! :O but it was the right pills i needed? everyone?

    Im still swollen, a lot, and tierd! taking tetra MWF, begins with B vitamines and probiotica today. Have raised my pred to 10 mg /dag today. Is it anything else i need? Carrie had told me some things I can use, and I ,like I just said have bought Vitamines B and Probiotica today. I will fix that milk tistle to! aand im eating Calc Vit D.

    [user=236]Eva Holloway[/user]- Im not on CellCept any more 😉

    Just tetra and pred..and those vitamins

    My hands are vvvvery swollen dont know if it is because of the tetra or of that matters that i have stoped cellcept.

    Lynnie- Thank u, I really should get a blender 🙂 Ok I hear u, ive reased the pred today, hopes the swelling will come down.




    thank u all <3



    Its really nice weather? is that right;) here comes pics from swedeeen=)



    Rosemary. i forgot! oo i hope i dont missunderstand this now. But did u mean that i should not taking pred under pregnancy? oooo! what do I do then? i dont think im gonna make it without!, my doc said it was very safe? :shock::?


    I'm forgetful today! Rosmary! hello again! pollen now I google translate;) but I do not understand this with fungus
    You wrote You Need More Than acidophilus for the fungus or You Will be in big trouble down the track. What Will help as well as the acid. Is a product called GSE from the health food shop. I just found putting it into That Really Helps milk stop it irritating your stomoch. I know most do note lotion milk ice GSE But Worth Fighting for as it kills bugs as well as fungus

    Do I need to buy GSE? I have probiotics and vitamin B, and will buy milk thistle, I thought, no blender, so I can not do the lemon thing:)

    Eva Holloway


    the prednison leaches out your bones, it makes them brittle and if you get pregnant the baby will use even more of your calcium from your bones. What dose you take on Prednison? Cut it down very little over two weeks, like .25mg and then two weeks later a little more and this way you not getting off to fast and your body will adjust easier to going lower. and no you should not take the prednison when you are pregnant

    GSE-Grapefruitseed extract is very strong so only take like 5 drops on the beginning, eventually you can go up a little bit. If your hands swell use some ice packs wrapped in a towel for just a short time, that will help some.

     I know it is very confusing if you don't get the whole story because of the language difference. I have been there. Many years ago I had to learn English and on the beginning it was difficult .


    Eva Holloway


    Hi Eva 🙂

    Yeah I worries by the prednisolone… Today I east 10 mg, i have been around 5 – 10 havent been able to reduce more than 5, it just dont work!!

    Mybe I have better luck now with tertra?

    Today Im taking 7,5 mg pred, yestarday I took 10 mg.

    Im eatind VIT D /Calc


    Thank you, we have read engisch in school so this is a proof of what i have learn 😉

    Lynne G.SD

    Hey Zoofie;
         You make me laugh.my English was just about like your's 11 years ago when I joined this board.My husband used to say that no one would understand my FRANGLAIS(Francais x Anglais).A lot of reading here and I can say that my English is not too bad but there are terms and sayings that must still leave people perplexed and I do make a lot of spelling mistakes because I have put the dictionaries away.
         My sister who lives up in the Yukon also has MCTD along with Lupus.She started the Marshall Protocol 2 years ago and is doing just great also.I am sure you will get there also.


    Hi Lynne , well haha thanks 😉 i can understand its pretty fun tp read my weird svenglish 😉 ooo i hope people dont think it is to hard to read :/ i want you to understand!!

    Oh! your sister has mtcd! does she have kids?

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi ;
         My sister had her one and only child long before she got sick.Quinn is now 30 years old and is also showing some very weird symptoms and my sis is very scared for him.We suspect a weird gene in the family as my grandmother died of Huntingdon's and only learned later in life that she should never have had children.My aunt decided to never have any but my mother did anyway.4 of us children have  disease.I sure hope my daughters will be o.k.
        Zoofie,to help your English maybe you could do like I did.I took the dictionary and picked on word every day to practise when I would write here.Some of the oldies on the board must have had a good laugh and wondered why the same word kept showing up in every second sentence.Most were just too polite to tell me when I made an error so learning was slow.


    eeem ok, well i hope people understand.

    i just wanted answeres of those questions i wrote. people who dosnt understand maybe can tell me that.

    Eva Holloway

    Lynne G.

    I also had this problem with my language.I think I just now getting to see it when I make an error and I learned English about 55 years ago but somethings never change and I slip up and just don't get it.:roll-laugh::roll-laugh::roll-laugh:


    Zoofie, you will get through to us loud and clear, we may smile, but that's okay we know what you mean.


    Eva Holloway


    [user=2526]zoofie_85[/user] wrote:

    eeem ok, well i hope people understand.

    i just wanted answeres of those questions i wrote. people who dosnt understand maybe can tell me that.

    Darling try not to worry that is the most important thing the reason you are swelling and hurting is because you are herxing from everything you are taking not just the tetra, vitamins as well.  I cannot understand your Dr.  saying it is o.k. to use the Pred.  Ask him for something else that will be as strong. It not only destroys the bones but your teeth as well and it just makes the disease worse also. I know I was on it and my Dr. said it was o.k. also but it wasnt. He should not have you on Tetra either if you are pregnant. Are you?.  If this is the case you better stop it or the childs teeth will be discoloured first set and second set..  there are others you can use until after.  Eryramycin comes to mind but maybe some of the others could help here.   .  I would suggest you ask him if you could slow down a bit. You could get some magnesium which will help the pain as well. You can take what you need until it gives you loose stools I was told. It helps the pain and relaxes the muscles.  You need it with the calcium anyway so you absorb the cal. plus Vit B12  as well so you better speak to him about that also. choice of B 12 is important as well. a liquid under the tongue is best or an injection.   Concentrate on them first then move into the others later.  One step at a time.  I hope you understand me. No tetra if you are pregnant darling, change to erythramycin and only twice a week until you settle down. That might be enough to get you through.  Others please help here with the ones you can use whilst pregnant. 


    Ok today im very bad im home from work, i have cryed all this morning im soo derpress and feeling im not belive in this, everything is bad and i dont know what to do. Im soo swollen and have a lot of pain, could hardly get up from bed. The dream about babies feels impossible .

    I just cant stop crying, I hate everything who has to do with this shit and im never going to feel good again if i dont know this is going to work. I DONT KNOW if its a herexreaction!! and please dont tell you are sure it is, because im not!!!

    Im eating tetra 250 mg MWF , took one yestarsay before bed, now in the morning after im BAAAAD!! im soo depress i dont know what to do i want to takre the pills and throw them away !!1


    isnt anyone here 🙁 help i dont know what to do, i cant stop crying=( please help…


    Zoofie – so sorry. It is not that anyone is not answering you, simply that when you post those who live in the U.S. are generally in bed sleeping. I am in Australia, so my time is different again – it's morning for you and now 8.30pm for me. 

    I hear you. And I feel for you. Okay, so I wont tell you it is a herx. I know (from personal experience) how worrying it can be when things seem so bad and it just feels like everything is getting worse.

    In my fellow patient's opinion, I just think you started with such a BIG dose that your body is now in hyper-sensitive mode. Again, if it were me, I'd take a break for a week or so to let my body's inflammatory response calm down.

    Dr Brown's protocol advised against starting at too high a dose exactly because of what has happened to you. And it advises stopping for a while to let the inflammation calm down before re-starting. Here is the extract from our main site. The language may be difficult for you, but it essentially says what I have said in the paragraph above.

    An important guideline in successful treatment has been the avoidance of over-medication with paradoxical worsening. Too much medication can cause a delayed hypersensitive reaction to the drug itself and induce a flare of the arthritis with the development of symptoms closely mimicking the disease (Herxheimer Reaction). A therapeutic balance can be readily re-established by the temporary interruption of the treatment for a week and then restarting at the same low dose. https://www.roadback.org/index.cfm?fuseaction=studies.display&display_id=184#Anchor-The-14210

    Take care of yourself in whatever way you can, zoofie. I hope things settle for you soon. This WILL pass. Lynnie


    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)

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