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    Parisa – The first recipe I tried was about 6 carrots, 1 apple, and 1 inch of peeled ginger root. I loved it!  Beets are notoriously strong and I've read a couple of places that you should not use them until your body gets used to drinking juice every day. 

    For really juicy vegetable juices, try starting with cucumbers and celery.  They provide a lot of liquid and have some of those good veggie things.

    But I've found that I must ALWAYS use a whole apple and usually a whole lemon to sweeten the juice. 

    Tom – how's your juicing going?  Have you done any more recently?


    We got a lot of veggies / fruits this weekend.. Some things we got that we didn't have on hand were: Ginger root (wow that thing looks nasty! Never seen one before), pineapple, pears, kiwis, and grapefruit..

    I haven't used mine daily.. I would make a carrot, apple, and celery drink but that's pretty much all I had to make.. I felt it wasn't really worth it to just do those three one time a day to my body..

    Is it worth it? Would just drinking that every day make a positive difference?


    My son's girlfriend is Indian, and her mother has mentioned to me a treatment used in India that involves a strict veggie/juice diet for the first 2 weeks. I think she's referring to ayurvedic medicine, but I'm not sure. It would be interesting to know the rate of AI diseases in India compared to those in more industrialized nations, their diet seems to be much healthier than ours, but again, I'm not sure. I'm not a juicer, either, why can't I just eat a healthy balance of fruit and veggies as they're in season?


    [user=11]linda[/user] wrote:

    My son's girlfriend is Indian, and her mother has mentioned to me a treatment used in India that involves a strict veggie/juice diet for the first 2 weeks. I think she's referring to ayurvedic medicine, but I'm not sure. It would be interesting to know the rate of AI diseases in India compared to those in more industrialized nations, their diet seems to be much healthier than ours, but again, I'm not sure. I'm not a juicer, either, why can't I just eat a healthy balance of fruit and veggies as they're in season?

    Just thought I would remind you that Hindu's consider it a sin to kill any living thing so if you are Hindu you are vegetarian !!  I would so turn into a vegan if I could just cook things that were tasty, all my attempts at vegetarian taste bland …. so I remain a carnivore although I juice every day….

    It would definitely be interesting to find out the rate of AI in India v/s the rest of the world….



    Dec07: Diagnosed PRA, (CTD; Fibromyalgia; suspected Lyme):
    Mar08: Diet to heal gut/bolster immune system (no gluten, dairy, sulphites or sugar)

    Jan 2018: ABX Mon/Wed/Fri (started AP 2008)
    1/2 x 150mg Roxithromycin(Biasig), 1/2 x 150mg Clarithromycin (Klacid),
    1/2 x Fungillin, 1 x 250mg Cephalexin (Keflex)

    All off days Probiotics


    I don't really have recipes for juicing. I should use the compact juicer my Mom brought me from Taiwan more often. It is like a little blender but is powerful. I usually juice berries and add some yogurt or soymilk for liquid and sweetness. My mom juices anything including whole grapes with their seeds and leftover veggies.


    I just tried juicing carrots (4), celery (2), ginger (1/4 inch) and a clove of garlic.  Very spicy but tolerable! I think I wil probably stick to spicing things up as I don't care for the sweetness of carrot juice by itself but am not ready for green drinks that aren't sweet either.


    There was a period of time when all I juiced was carrots, a lot of garlic (three cloves – much to the detriment of my coworkers) and a tablespoon of green barley grass.  The carrot juice with the garlic, for whatever reason, always reminded me of shrimp scampi.  Perhaps it was just withdrawal as I gave up all shellfish around the same time.

    I truly believe that the anti-bacterial/fungal/viral properties of garlic, gained though the juicing, along with the use of colloidal silver provided me quite some benefit.  I felt wonderful, all things relative, for a period of seven months after having consumed this combination for only one month.  I've been considering attempting it again.  Right now I'm torn whether to get back on the mino once I've got this fungal thing under control or to work with a doc who will potentially use agents other than tetracyclines that might prove beneficial in combating this AS.

    Either way, juicing is a useful adjunct!  Parisa, your post just made me think of the carrot/garlic/barley grass combo. 


    Hmm…it never occurred to me to juice garlic.  Most of juices are kind of sweet, so maybe wouldn't work with garlic.  But I know it has so many healthful properties to it. 

    Parisa, that drink sounds yummy!



    I have a juice machine question. I was told that if you buy the inexpensive juicers that you must drink the juice immediately and that the Green juicer allows one to “keep” the juice for up to 48 hours without losing all the nutrients. Doe the Jack LaLalaine juicer keep the integrity of the vegetables? I would much rather spend $100 than $400 if I can!


    A Friend

    [user=290]louris[/user] wrote:

    There was a period of time when all I juiced was carrots, a lot of garlic (three cloves – much to the detriment of my coworkers) and a tablespoon of green barley grass.  The carrot juice with the garlic, for whatever reason, always reminded me of shrimp scampi.  Perhaps it was just withdrawal as I gave up all shellfish around the same time.

    I truly believe that the anti-bacterial/fungal/viral properties of garlic, gained though the juicing, along with the use of colloidal silver provided me quite some benefit.  I felt wonderful, all things relative, for a period of seven months after having consumed this combination for only one month………



    Over the past several years, I've read so much about garlic's help with many serious illnesses…. and I like garlic many ways.   Just this past week, in Dr. Patrick Quillin's latest, 3rd edition, of his book, “Beating Cancer with Nutrition,” (it comes with a CD in a back pocket in the book) that garlic is discussed as being one of the power players in nutrition helpful for cancer.  I believe it would be beneficial for all of us to at least check out this book, as the causes of cancer seem to be right in line with the causes of our many chronic illnesses — changes in our  cells; and also in relation to the overgrowth of yeast/candida/fungus. 

    Louris, about the phrase in your post above:  “much to the detriment of my coworkers,”  did you find that “aroma from it” was as strong if you consumed it at night as it was if consumed earlier in the day?  Several of us used to pick up a lady for a morning meeting who had a chronically ill husband.  When she got in the car, there was a distinct aroma of garlic.  I assumed that she was probably juicing using garlic for her husband and herself, too.  I want to juice using it, but would like to find a way for it not to emit that strongly. 

    Thanks for any info on this,



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