Home Forums General Discussion After take antibiotic, more swelling and more pain, How can i reduce swelling?

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    I just started doxycycline since 26 Dec 09. Diagnose RA in Nov 09.
    I am now change to Minocycline for the past 2 dose, 100mg each time in evening (M,W,F i took) then Azithromycin 500mg each time (Tues,Thurs) in evening.  Since i change from doxycycline to minocycline, i feel more pain, (even worse) in more parts of my body.
    Surrounding my ankle swelling so much ( like pregnant lady's leg) and everytime after seating, wake up from bed, i can't even stand immediately and knee are difficult to stand straight.
    I hope this is kind of Herx action.  I don't know how long will i be like this.
    Do you have any idea i can reduce the swelling part? 
    Hope to hear from you again….

    from YG


    Hi YG,

    I would call the doctor about that much swelling.  I think they would want to see you.  I hope you feel better soon.

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.



    How did you feel when you were taking doxycycline? And why were you switched to minocycline so soon after starting on doxycycline?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    [user=1979]YG[/user] wrote:

    …everytime after seating, wake up from bed, i can't even stand immediately and knee are difficult to stand straight.

    Hi YG–

    This describes me also.  I wish I could tell you how quickly it will go away, but I don't know myself.  I do know that increasing the treatment makes it worse and reducing it makes it better–so I believe it is killing off bacteria and I am herxing.  Also, my fibrinogen level is up and that does cause problems with circulation–that is why standing up hurts.

    By the way, I had a terrible time on doxycycline.  I was given it for a month after we realized that I had Lyme disease.  I was in such pain, could hardly walk across the room.  I think my bacterial load at that time was probably off the charts.  I am ever so slowly getting better!

    Take care,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    I would definitely discuss your swelling with your doctor.  I also agree that sometimes going slower with a low dosage is better for the inflammatory aspect of the dieoff.  If the inflammation barrier is too great, the abx will not penetrate the tissues as well.  It's important for you to get a handle on the inflammation for you to be able to have the medicine work the way it needs to. 

    Please update us on how you're doing.  RBF is a wonderful forum for you to ask any questions you have.–someone is always here for you, and there's such a wealth of information available to you.

    All the best,


    Sir Rifes alot

    Hello Yg,I dont think its a herx.I am having the same problem right now.I take MSM for inflammation and it was working till 2 weeks ago .Could it be weather related ? I have posed this question to a friend in here and waiting for an answer I will let you know what she thinks is the problem.



    Hello chris

    Haven't heard from you for a while, how are you doing.



    Hi Chris – if you re-started the protocol on 7th January, you are absolutely in the time frame for starting to herx. Hopefully this time it wont deliver such a knock out blow. However, if pain or inflammation is still unbearable at any point, you could consider dialling back your dosage yet again. Effectiveness on this therapy is NOT about the amount of abx you are taking, it's about finding the right dose for you. Herxiing is a good thing, sure, but it needs to be manageable and inflammation needs to be kept down so that the abx can reach their target. Lynnie  

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)

    Sir Rifes alot

    Hey Lynnie,doesnt feel like herxing to me.I was traveling earlier in the week .too long of an explanation to get into anyway different climates, elevation and weather where i was and then came back to where i live .The inflammation isnt painful or unbearable just annoying ! I have been waking up stiff in the morning and not in a good way LOL.i think once the weather gets drier here i will feel better.30 degrees right now and 84 % humidity ! temporary bump in my road.Today is my mino day .I am on odd days I realize but I started back up on a thurs. I am not a traditional person anyway.Anything is better than the darkness i was feeling in December! I couldnt do that again.i am convinced its the weather here making me feel bad .I have commisserated with friends here where i live and they all are blaming the weather for their uncomfortableness also.But herxing HMMMMM !!! Ok could be but i am going to ride this out and see what happens.


    Sir Rifes alot

    Davit,I am ok just a minor bump in my road .I am sure I will feel better soon .Thanks for asking .I was feeling real good 2 weeks ago .I started driving again.I am enjoying the physical therapy I even have feel a little muscle appearing in my arms WOO HOO .LIFE IS GOOD !! I got my medi pot card the other day finally my appetite has picked up .



    [user=1701]Sir Rifes alot[/user] wrote:

    I was feeling real good 2 weeks ago .I started driving again.I am enjoying the physical therapy I even have feel a little muscle appearing in my arms WOO HOO .LIFE IS GOOD !! I got my medi pot card the other day finally my appetite has picked up .

    Hi Chris,

    Nice to hear from you and to also hear you're faring better on the lowered dose. When I switched from daily to pulsed dosing, it was so much better, but still an up and down ride for about 8 months…three steps fwd, two steps back allllll the way. So keep the faith.

    Flares will continue for a while, but they should be decreasing in intensity, duration and frequency over time as the immune system takes a while to be re-trained in very gradual increments. The only way I found I could gauge my progress was in looking back. It's almost impossible at times to figure out anything when in the midst of a flare and can really feel like you're drowning and going backwards.

    Lots of people give up at this stage of the game, but you're hanging in there and hopefully, by summer, you'll be looking back to see just how far you've come, too! 🙂

    Peace, Maz

    Sir Rifes alot

    Hi Maz, always great to hear encouragement from you.I have come along way here in a short time I think.At least my energy is high and my attitude positive thats a good part of healing! I finally got my c-pap machine 2 days ago and i am tweaking it to work for me .This is gonna make me feel way better yet getting a good nights sleep every night .It takes sometime to tweak the machine and get used to the mask but its gonna work I am sure of it. And you are right about looking back !! Thank you for reminding me . As far as Giving up MY partner wouldnt let me give up .And I know myself I dont give up on anything .I may step back and have a look at whats going on but never ever give up on anything ! I need to ask a favor of you .Could you send some encouragement to my new friend in here shes really having a tough time she isnt on Ap yet but she could really use another friend I think to just be there for her she is kind of all alone out in the country with just her husband and dog. PLEASE !

    thanx a million


    [user=1701]Sir Rifes alot[/user] wrote:

    Could you send some encouragement to my new friend in here shes really having a tough time she isnt on Ap yet but she could really use another friend I think to just be there for her she is kind of all alone out in the country with just her husband and dog.

    Chris, all the best with your c-pap machine. My brother-in-law uses one and calls it his Snofalopagus!!! :roll-laugh: Said it was tough to get used to in the first week or so, but he kept going with it and sleeps like a baby now. He even uses it when they go away on long road trips and sleeps in the car – now that is a visual! Hope it helps you sleep better, too, Chris.

    Your partner sounds like a really amazing person. I remember you saying he'd been through a lot himself, so I guess he's an old pro at facing pretty tough stuff, too. It really helps to have supportive partners…my hubby went through a bout of cancer about 12 years ago and so he's been my rock, too.

    I'd be happy to chat with your friend…please tell her she is very welcome to PM me if she prefers. 🙂 I don't know her name, so if she lets me know she is your friend, then I'll connect the dots.

    Peace, Maz


    You   don't   seem  to be  taking an  anti-inflammatory,  or   at   least you   don't  mention one.  If  I   were  you,   I  would  take  an anti-inflammatory  besides  the antibiotics.  (I myself take  an  NSAID called  Voltaren,    plus   prilosec  to   protect  the stomach from  the Voltaren) Dr.  Brown emphasized  that antibiotics all alone seldom  work. You   have   to reduce  the inflammation  before the   antibiotics can reach   the  infection.

    Sir Rifes alot

    superperro, Oh yeah i do 30,000 mg MSM and 2000 mg fish oil every day .Just didnt list them sorry.


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