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    Anjoe, try L-glutamine. Because of constipation, I was a little scared of trying L-glutamine since one of the side effects of Glutamine is constipation. But I tried it recently and it really was shocking to see my intestines are really working well with it and my inflammation has gone down a lot with it. I have no constipation problems with it. I think leaky gut problems as mentioned on this forum is one of the problems associated with RA. If you correct leaky gut problems , RA problems along with vitamin deficiencies also correct themselves.

    A Friend

    Hi Dawn,

    Haven't been around very much for a while, and had forgotten about this Inflammation topic being here.   

    The following is a link that I posted in a new topic this morning on Inflammation.  The link was so long, I used “tinyurl” to shorten it.


    Yeast & Inflammation
    Article by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND

    Based on my own experience, I think it is one of the best papers on this subject I've read.  Hope something in it will be helpful. 



    [user=28]A Friend[/user] wrote:

    Hi Dawn,

    Haven't been around very much for a while, and had forgotten about this Inflammation topic being here.   

    The following is a link that I posted in a new topic this morning on Inflammation.  The link was so long, I used “tinyurl” to shorten it.


    Yeast & Inflammation
    Article by Carolyn Dean, MD, ND

    Based on my own experience, I think it is one of the best papers on this subject I've read.  Hope something in it will be helpful. 


    Yeast and inflammation

    Whenever I am on antiboitics, I have big yeast problems. Now, 750 mg daily Flagyl has given me so much pain that I can hardly carry anything more than one pound. I cannot open the doors. My wrists are hot and painful, so are my fingers. I don't know if this is because Flagyl is working or Flagyl is causing yeast problem. I need some one to help me to put clothes on these days. I take Aleve each night to get me through the night. It's been very frustrating.


    A Friend


    So sorry you are having such a difficult time.  I haven't taken Flagyl, so don't know much about it.  Will try to do some detective work to learn more.  Hang in there.  Regardless whether it's a yeast or a herx, there's got to be something that will help you feel better.  Wondering if taking the 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of cool water twice a day might flush out some of the toxic waste?  Your pain could be from die-off irritating the nerves… but then there could be another answer.  Regardless, the soda/water ought to help dump some of the toxic wastes and lower the pain level.  Also wondering if you could have leaky gut that is letting toxic wastes seep through into the bloodstream and you're getting an immune reaction to it?  Questions, questions… we need answers. 

    Get better soon!


    Hi Dawn,

    I  really sympathise  for you  husband,  i  also  have  kids  and  its  not  nice  being  unable  to  do  things  you  want  to  with  them.
    His  pain  sounds  like  mine,  and  i  was  originally  told  i  had  gout,  then  palindonic  rhemathisum,  none  of  the  gout  treatments  worked  for  me,  i  really  am  starting  to  think  a  lot  of  it is  to  do  with  certain  foods,  has  your  husband  had  any  food  sensitivity  tests, may  help.



    Hi  jb

    I  am  also  getting  yeast  overgrowth  and  loads  of  pain,  even  got  white  on  my  tongue,  when  it  used  to  be  pink,  This  must  be  antibiotics  causing  it,  thanks  will  read  link,



    [user=28]A Friend[/user] wrote:


    So sorry you are having such a difficult time.  I haven't taken Flagyl, so don't know much about it.  Will try to do some detective work to learn more.  Hang in there.  Regardless whether it's a yeast or a herx, there's got to be something that will help you feel better.  Wondering if taking the 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a glass of cool water twice a day might flush out some of the toxic waste?  Your pain could be from die-off irritating the nerves… but then there could be another answer.  Regardless, the soda/water ought to help dump some of the toxic wastes and lower the pain level.  Also wondering if you could have leaky gut that is letting toxic wastes seep through into the bloodstream and you're getting an immune reaction to it?  Questions, questions… we need answers. 

    Get better soon!


    Thanks so much for the suggestions. It wont hurt. I have not been very faithful on baking soda diet. I am going to do it right now.

    Next week, if I am still doing poorly I will give the doctor a call. The reason I have not called is because I don't want to take prednisone he prescribed. He could tell me to take that. I'd hate to take it.


    I am sorry you also are having more pain and flare ups. I also have a lot of pain and thrush on my tongue caused by yeast problems due to antibiotics. I recently lost my voice due to the complications either from yeast or a lot of phlegm build up in my vocal area. It's a struggle. 

    I hope you will find some relief soon.




    JB – are you now seeing an LLMD? If so, I am very surprised he would suggest pred, which is generally regarded as a no-no for Lyme. It sounds as if the Flagyl is giving you bad herx probs, maybe see if he will agree to you cutting this down and/or spacing it out a bit more. Think you and your body need a bit of a break right now. Thinking of you. Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    [user=30]lynnie_sydney[/user] wrote:

    JB – are you now seeing an LLMD? If so, I am very surprised he would suggest pred, which is generally regarded as a no-no for Lyme. It sounds as if the Flagyl is giving you bad herx probs, maybe see if he will agree to you cutting this down and/or spacing it out a bit more. Think you and your body need a bit of a break right now. Thinking of you. Lynnie


    Thanks for pointing out the medicine. The medicine's name is Hydro-cortisone. I thought it was a generic prednisone, no?

    I have not taken it.



    You can heal your gut problems with L-glutamine. http://www.caringmedical.com/condition_details/Leaky_Gut_Syndrome.htm


    I bought a container of Magnesium Glycinate Formula made by MagSense. I read a link below:

    'Who Should Not Take Magnesium?
    Certain individuals should not take magnesium supplements(1):

    • *People with kidney disease or severe heart disease [/*:1zonydri]
    • *Individuals taking magnesium-containing antacids and laxatives (which could lead to excessive magnesium consumption) [/*:1zonydri]
    • *Tetracycline users [/*:1zonydri]


    So if you guys are on minocyclin or doxy, perhaps you need to do more research on side effects.

    A Friend


    I'm on pulsed Minocin three days a week.  My understanding is that we should not take any minerals close to taking our abx.  I've been taking MagChlor85 (a higher strength magnesium chloride) every morning for  quite some time, and all is well.  I believe most of us are probably magnesium deficient, based on what I've read the past several years. 


    Susan LymeRA


    I had severe swelling and eventually lost all the cartilege in my left wrist to this disease.  Other than Advil, which I also had to quit due to leaky gut, there were no quick fixes for my swelling. 

    Just killing bugs would have overwhelmed me and just detox would have been helpful but not a permanent solution.  It is a combination of the two while also building the body back up with diet, rest, exercise and supplementation.  We are very sick and there is no simple one pill answer for most of us.

    My treatment began with

    1-IV's of glutathione (weekly, then bi-weekly, then monthly) This was very helpful.

    2-IV's of lipostabil

    3-anti-inflammatory diet (lots of veggies especially cruciferous and avoiding foods that increase inflammation)

    4-Anti-inflammatory herbal supplements (no obvious relief)

    5-exercise, rebounding, epsom salts, sauna.

    6-Minocycline (switched to Doxy after first year)

    Everything had a gradual improvement with some 1 step forward/2 back kind of progress but by 1 yr I was significantly better.  Diet made a big difference, especially after a food allergy bloodtest was conducted which showed me reactive to certain foods like milk and soy proteins.  Cutting out my allergic foods brought significant reduction in swelling and allowed me to add back some foods I had been avoiding.

    A second significant booster was Vit D.  When I went from 1000 IU daily to 5000 IU, my herboden's nodules shrank significantly. 

    My doctor is a rheumatologist who believes in infectious causes to auto-immunities and when I first met her she said “When you are this sick, it is never just one thing”.  She was so right!

    Our immune systems are overwhelmed and usually by multiple factors which all require attention.

    After 1 1/2 yrs, my doctor convinced me to use Enbrel and that has been a big help too.

    Today, I am mostly inflammation and pain free and am enjoying a full life again.





    Hi  Susan,

    Why  did  you switch  from  minocycline  to  doxy.
    At  the  moment  im getting  lots  of  acid  reflux  and  dont  know  if  its  the  Minocycline  or  Rifampacin.
    Glad  your  doing  well  now


    Susan LymeRA

    Hi Wayne,

    I switched because I was having some lupus symptoms which the minocycline can cause.  I tested negative for lupus and switching to doxy stopped the symptoms.

    Today I am on neither and instead take Azithromiacin 250mg every other day.  I like this better because I can get out in the sun, but my mycoplasma numbers jumped up when I stopped the doxy in March 09 and they jump around these days.  I had to stop doxy when I began Mepron for Babesia.  The doctor said it was my choice whether to start the doxy again or not.  She said it only suppresses the mycoplasma. 

    Since my numbers keep jumping around on the mycoplasma, I may choose to start doxy again.  I'm holding off as long as I'm not having symptoms.  Since I ride horses, I really hate having to avoid the sun.

    Occasionally I get heartburn.  When I do, I drink an 8 oz glass of water with 1 tsp baking soda and the heartburn stops immediately.  Too much baking soda can raise your blood pressure so be careful there.  Diet seems to control/cause heartburn for me.  Observe what you ate prior to the heartburn and see if that is the problem.

    Wayne, I promise you these diseases are beatable and you will get better too.  Do everything you can to help the medicine do its job and remember, there is a reason why you are sick.  Fix the reason and you will no longer be sick.


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