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    In the past, many people have commented on the unpleasant side effect of so many rheumatic diseases being dry eyes.  I learned the hard way that that isn't always the correct diagnosis–and it only took me 9 months and 3 visits to the ophthalmologist.  The first two appts. they saw my medical history of SD, RA and Sjogren's and just said these diseases are known for causing dry eyes and didn't look for any other cause.  After religiously using moisturizing eye drops for many months and still feeling like there was sand in my eyes, I felt there had to be an infection, and I was right.  My third visit (requesting a different doctor each time) I insisted they check for infection and they found all of my tear ducts were blocked and a rampant bacterial staph infection.  Wanted to throw this out as a 'heads-up' for anyone suffering chronic dry eyes and not getting relief from eye drops. 


    You should be offered a refund for all those paid appts you had with wrong dxes.  It's crazy.:headbang: <--- doesn't this guy just say it all??!! Jenn


    Are staph infections associated with the mycoplasma in SD at all? I had a staph infection in my sinuses over the winter and took antibiotics for it, my sinsuses are STILL bothering me…


    I dunno.  I'm now thinking my eye problems are due to Bartonella, a co-infection of Lyme.  The massive doses of abx I'm on from Lyme are changing my eye symptoms.  I am now seeing what looks like worms in my right eye.  😯



    I just experienced this issue with the “worms” and floaters. I went to the the eye Doc and found out that I have an age related issue with the gel in my eyes. I can't recall the medical term for it. The initial concern is that it might be a retinal tear, but a quick exam confirmed the gel problem.

    I was told that I would have to live with it as there is no fix. Also that I need to supplement for macular degeneration, but that supplement is quite expensive and with everything else, it will have to wait a bit.

    Oh the joys of the “golden years”…

    You are so much younger than I, but since we have similar diseases, it may be disease related and worth checking out.



    Thanks, Dave, for the info.  I've had floaters before, but this is something different.  People on the Lyme board say it is Microfilarial Worms, and not uncommon amongst Lymies, but probably anyone with a compromised immune system is just as vulnerable.  There is a protocol to kill the worms using Vit C and salt that people talk about.  Not ready to go there just yet. :X

    The idea of having worms crawling around inside of me, in addition to all the other bugs, really turns my stomach.:sick::sick::sick:  Seriously, I am grossed out by ME!  I called my Lyme doctor and told them I was seeing worms in my right eye and they did not seem at all surprised — guess they'd heard it before.  They said to use antibiotic drops and detox.

    I've turned into such a skeptic, that I guestion almost everything any doctor says anymore.  At the very least, I look into whatever they told me further.



    Thank you for brining up this topic. I also have had same problems. Sometimes doctors can really overlook some serious infection.

    Lately my kids brought home cold virus. I have been coughing and also my eyes are inflamed :>;).

    Keep warm!


    A Friend

    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    I dunno.  I'm now thinking my eye problems are due to Bartonella, a co-infection of Lyme.  The massive doses of abx I'm on from Lyme are changing my eye symptoms.  I am now seeing what looks like worms in my right eye.  😯


    So glad you learned about this… seems like we always have to dig deeper and often find our own answers. 

    I just happened to have in front of me:  page 4 of 4 from


    and under Yeast Overgrowth Symptoms there is a bullet that reads:

    Nasal/Sinus Symptoms– headache, post-nasal drip, congestion, itching in the nose, burning or itching eyes, tearing eyes, ear pain, ear congestion, recurrent ear infections, sore throat, chronic sinus infections, visual changes

    Kim, you and I have some of the same “heavy-hitter” diagnoses in common:  MCTD and the uveitis, I'm remembering.  Am wondering if any of the following may be involved along with the other organism found?  It certainly was, and probably is ongoing, with me.   Just wanted to share this with you.  (I've been thinking I had these bases covered, but after closer study over the past couple of months, I am planning to begin a round of a heavy-hitter (Diflucan) for several weeks, from my AP physician at an appt. just last week.  If I'd known about the program discussed on the following link, I would have begun with it.  I am impressed with the appoach, which includes rotation using two products together and then with two others; along with protection with antioxidants; an excellent type of fiber for trapping toxins and moving them out; — and I know I've forgotten some other important parts of it.  It finally looks like the developer of this program knows about the “big picture” of these illnesses. 

    Hang in  there, Kim.  Sounds like you are making real progress.  And with your history of uveitis, this is a tremendous bit of knowledge. 





    Thanks, AF.  I should also mention that my Lyme doctor has me taking cholestrymine (sp) which is used by diabetics to lower cholesterol.  It is a suspension that you mix with liquid, and it binds to the toxins and eliminates them before they are reabsorbed.  Too early for me to know if it's working, but interesting concept if. in fact, it's good for detoxing.

    You can read more about it on http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com/info/research.cfm

    Dr. Shoemaker has done some fascinating research on chronic neurotoxins.

    A Friend

    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Thanks, AF.  I should also mention that my Lyme doctor has me taking cholestrymine (sp) which is used by diabetics to lower cholesterol.  It is a suspension that you mix with liquid, and it binds to the toxins and eliminates them before they are reabsorbed.  Too early for me to know if it's working, but interesting concept if. in fact, it's good for detoxing.

    You can read more about it on http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com/info/research.cfm

    Dr. Shoemaker has done some fascinating research on chronic neurotoxins.


    I followed Dr. Shoemaker's work several years ago, and purchased one of his books, “Desperation Medicine” (if my memory is working).  My AP physician (himself a patient) at that time took the online eye test showing neurotoxin levels (it is a very good test, even though it sounds a bit kookie, with expensive equipment) and suggested that I take the test.  I did, and I failed it; and took the cholesteramine (CSM), and re-tested and each time, it had helped.  The CSM, in some people, can cause some tough reactions (impactions).  I'm sure they cautioned you about these and how to keep them from happening. 

    You may be interested in knowing, if you don't already, that the Detoxx System physicians on the East coast use some of Dr. Shoemaker's protocols in their own protocols for a long list of very difficult illnesses, including ALS, Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, and some of Shoemaker's work is included in their protocol book.  A very well-known neurologist online sends some of his patients to the Detoxx group for therapy. 

    If anyone has need of this, where I first learned about the Detoxx System protocols being available was on http://www.mercola.com a number of years ago.  I believe you can still go there and do a search and find it.  I ordered “The Detoxx Book for Physicians” from the online clinic materials (it has the detailed clinic protocols for doctors to use, and thought it might come in handy sometime for our physicians to read who were interested). 

    Edit/added:  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2003/08/09/detoxification-biotoxins.aspx

    Sounds like you are in good hands, Kim.  



    Just to chime in on this thread. I too had terrible uveitis all last year and the year before with dry eyes and what seemed like burst blood vessels in my eyes every 10 days or so. It went on and on, and even after I was diagnosed and treated with antibiotic drops, it continued unabated. Very annoying as you all know.

    I took MMS (chlorine dioxide – there's a thread about here it if you search for it) for two months last December and it entirely eradicated the uveitis, I am glad to say. It didn't cure my arthritis, although it was improved (energy especially) whilst I was taking it. But I had to stop taking it as I wanted to try and get pregnant. Once my pregnancy and breastfeeding are finished (I'm 6 months pregnant), I intend to give it another try, though probably this time with smaller doses and intermittent dosing as with AP. I'll also be back on the AP too of course!

    Anyway, I just wanted to mention that of all the 'possible' benefits of MMS, the main ones were total ceasing of dry eye and eye infection problems and I haven't had a cold sore since either (can't say for sure they're gone obviously, but I used to get about 3 a year).

    I should add that MMS is a very strong antibacterial, and is not to be used without reading up on it first. You MUST start with one drop, and taper up the dose slowly. Also be careful to dilute the solution with a half glass or more of water, to avoid giving yourself the runs with an overconcentration. If anyone has any questions, I'm happy to answer based on my own experience with it, which was very positive.


    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Thanks, Dave, for the info.  I've had floaters before, but this is something different.  People on the Lyme board say it is Microfilarial Worms, and not uncommon amongst Lymies, but probably anyone with a compromised immune system is just as vulnerable.  There is a protocol to kill the worms using Vit C and salt that people talk about.  Not ready to go there just yet. :X

    The idea of having worms crawling around inside of me, in addition to all the other bugs, really turns my stomach.:sick::sick::sick:  Seriously, I am grossed out by ME!  I called my Lyme doctor and told them I was seeing worms in my right eye and they did not seem at all surprised — guess they'd heard it before.  They said to use antibiotic drops and detox.

    I've turned into such a skeptic, that I guestion almost everything any doctor says anymore.  At the very least, I look into whatever they told me further.

    Hi Kim,

    So sorry you now have this on your mind. I remember Weintraub talked about these nematodes in “Cure Unknown” and her comment that very little was known about them. I was wondering whether they might respond to a natural anti-parasitic, such as black walnut hull or wormwood? This might be something to ask your Lyme doc about.

    I remember talking to my Dad (a vet) about these remedies and he said vets used them as anti-parasitics in animals, although should be used with care, because they can be tough on the gut. Lynnie might be able to tell you more, because she just went on an antiparasitic protocol before her trip, as recommended by her Chinese med doc, I believe. I asked her about her experience, because I was thinking of doing such a protocol myself. I believe Susan (Lyme/RA) also did an anti-parasitic protocol early on in her Lyme treatments…perhaps she'd also kindly expand on this for us other Lymies, too?

    Peace, Maz



    [user=415]spacehoppa[/user] wrote:

    Once my pregnancy and breastfeeding are finished (I'm 6 months pregnant), I intend to give it another try, though probably this time with smaller doses and intermittent dosing as with AP. I'll also be back on the AP too of course!

    Spacehoppa…how great to hear from you!!!  I was wondering how you were doing and how far along you were in the pregnancy now. Do hope all is well and you're enjoying a much deserved respite from all symptoms!!!

    Peace, Maz

    A Friend

    [user=415]spacehoppa[/user] wrote:

    Just to chime in on this thread. I too had terrible uveitis all last year and the year before with dry eyes and what seemed like burst blood vessels in my eyes every 10 days or so. It went on and on, and even after I was diagnosed and treated with antibiotic drops, it continued unabated. Very annoying as you all know.

    I took MMS (chlorine dioxide – there's a thread about here it if you search for it) for two months last December and it entirely eradicated the uveitis, I am glad to say. It didn't cure my arthritis, although it was improved (energy especially) whilst I was taking it. But I had to stop taking it as I wanted to try and get pregnant. Once my pregnancy and breastfeeding are finished (I'm 6 months pregnant), I intend to give it another try, though probably this time with smaller doses and intermittent dosing as with AP. I'll also be back on the AP too of course!

    Anyway, I just wanted to mention that of all the 'possible' benefits of MMS, the main ones were total ceasing of dry eye and eye infection problems and I haven't had a cold sore since either (can't say for sure they're gone obviously, but I used to get about 3 a year).

    I should add that MMS is a very strong antibacterial, and is not to be used without reading up on it first. You MUST start with one drop, and taper up the dose slowly. Also be careful to dilute the solution with a half glass or more of water, to avoid giving yourself the runs with an overconcentration. If anyone has any questions, I'm happy to answer based on my own experience with it, which was very positive.


    Good luck with the pregnancy, and hope everything goes beautifully for you and the baby. 

    Right before I was to leave this PC for the day, I saw the notice in my inbox of your post and clicked on it.  Your message is very, very timely.  Also, it is a confirmation of something under discussion. 

    I can't thank you enough for sharing this information, and am so very glad you had such a good result with the uveitis.  I think of myself as being a pretty tough individual, but when I had the sight-threatening sudden onset of uveitis, that was a completely different ballgame.  I had to wrestle with that for a while, but finally realized I had to make peace with that probability.  My case was sudden onset and it was dramatic, and I was told if I didn't do thus and so, I could lose my sight, and wouldn't get it back.  Joints are one thing, I thought; eyes are another! One of those “thus and so's” was MTX, and once started, it was eating me for lunch.  Dr. Emil Wirostko (now deceased) saw me at his office in NJ and turned everything (as Dr. Brown used to say) “right side up”, emphasizing for me to stay on my Minocin (and stop the Mtx because “it is undoing everything we're trying to do”), and soon the uveitis was in remission, along with other things he had me doing. 

    The MMS you mention, it's my understanding that it works in quite a remarkable way, addressing only the things that are unhealthily acidic in the body, including problems in the mouth/teeth when used to brush the teeth for a time, even addresses heavy metals, leaving everything else as-is.  It sounds amazing… almost too good to be true.  I've been impressed with the stories about the thousands of malaria patients in Africa and other places who have been and are being treated with it and are quickly cured. 

    Again, Spacehoppa, I believe you may have planted a seed that hopefully will bear more fruit. 





    Hello Kim:

    I have chronic dry eyes and i always use those tear drops but only a bit relief. That sand like thing also is bothering and the worms floating around.

    I went to an opthamologist but no use.

    What was the antibiotic they prescribed for the Staph infection. Probably i think i also have the infection but how to approach those docs?

    Thanks for the information



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