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    Wow, you’re the first one who mentioned an allergic reaction besides me! What was yours like? Mine was the most unbearable itching I’ve ever experienced, and I broke out in a rash that covered my whole body. It looked like somebody shot me with a pellet gun a thousand times. Did you stop taking the medicine and restart, or just bang, one day you’re suddenly allergic?


    I had been on minocin (generic) for 18 months. I had reached complete remission at about 15 months. My rheumy had did blood work at my 18 month mark and my liver enzymes were elevated. He had me stop the minocin for 2 weeks. I re-did my blood work after 2 weeks and they dropped. I started minocin again. I took the minocin in the morning and by the afternoon I felt like I had the flu, I felt sick. I never had a rash. For the next 3 months I had a daily fever, muscle pain, extreme joint pain, my sed rate got to 140, lost about 15 pounds, had extreme thirst, had a dry cough, had extreme fatigue (pretty much in bed all day), and no appetite. I was wasting away. I was eventually hospitalized. A CAT scan showed spots on my lungs. I had to have a biopsy for cancer. It was terrible. It was not cancer, just extreme inflammation. In the end, I was put on 60 mg of prednisone and sent home. I immediately felt better. They did not know what was wrong with me. From my research, everything I experienced indicated drug induced lupus. I then experienced all the side effects of the pred. I went to Dr. T in Boston (he was the first to put me on minocin) for a 2nd opinion. I was living in Houston when I was hospitalized and they wanted to put me on some chemotherapy meds for the spots on my lungs. Of course I didn’t want to do it. I went to Dr. T and he said to not do it.

    Long story long… I stayed with a friend in Connecticut when I went to see Dr. T in Boston and came home with a tick on the back of my leg. The tick tested positive for lyme. I went to a local clinic and they gave me a prescript for doxycycline. I tried the doxy and immediately got a fever. I then knew that I can’t take tetracyclines. Dr. T felt I had an allergic reaction to the minocin, not drug induced lupus.

    I have since been trying different protocols/antibiotics and not getting the same results I had with minocin. I have the box of Borax, but just can’t bring myself to taking it yet. I read that it’s great for acne. I plan to use it topically on my 13 yr old daughter.

    I’m so amazed at your story. I just read it today. It’s still sinking in. I’ll give it a try; I just need a little more time. I’m really hoping that my reaction to tetracyclines happened for a reason – that maybe I’ll find a better solution. It’s always good to have hope…

    Thanks for your posting!!!



    @gordbentley wrote:

    I found a site that says that almonds are very high in boron

    @lynnie_sydney wrote:

    Krys – I cant see boron as a nutritional ingredient in almonds. It’s interesting that you find your fingers swell after eating as they are indicated as moderately anti-inflammatory. This site gives a full list of the nutrients. Perhaps it is one of these nutrients that doesnt agree with you? Your reaction doesnt appear to be a normal allergic reaction – second link gives some info on allergic reactions to almonds. Lynnie

    Lynnie, thank you for your very kind concern! And lol!, you caught me red-handed on 3 counts! I didn’t check the boron content in almonds, I just happily went with Gord’s find. Now that Trudi gave a link to boron in food, I feel a little less embarrassed. I keep eating almonds because I don’t think I am allergic to them. I’m just cheap. I bought a big batch of inorganic ones, and I’m munching away until they are gone. I think I am reacting to starch contained within the skin. When I blanch them, I still swell, but less so. I believe, as they are inorganic, that the lesser swelling is due to traces of pesticides. My body is being over-kind in showing me what is NOT good for me! I have always reacted to chemicals in food, just never as intensely as of late. So it looks like I am pressured to clean up my act a bit more? Thank you!
    @Trudi wrote:

    I used to have a burning in my hands after eating almonds. Thankfully, not anymore. In fact, when I eat them at night before bed, I feel better in the a.m.

    Sounds like you would be a good candidate for boron supplements. I came across this product yesterday–http://www.wellnessresources.com/health/articles/calcium_fructoborate_a_novel_nutrient_for_bones_joints/. If you decide to supplement, let us know how it goes. I am very anxious to try the borax in water. As everyone else, I have to get up the courage ๐Ÿ™‚ . The article that Suzi posted yesterday and Gord’s pointing out the paragraph on blood coagulation did give me pause. I’m on the lower end of both Vit D and Vit K.

    Trudi, thank you for turning tables on me, and so graciously, too. It worked! I read the posts before going to work and there was no chance to reply. And Oh Boy! did I squirm mentally! As I believe that strong emotional response always indicates equally strong need to investigate the reaction, I found my inner saboteur at the bottom of my boron resistance. I still have big resistance to eating a detergent. But your link to boron supplement, Linnie’s mention of boron being one of the ingredients of her supp. and the effect it had, Sue’s links, Nora’s marvelous recovery, and Gord’s and others’…..I’m on!!! But it will be first a nice and clean looking pill, even if it is exactly the same as Borax. If I see results, which I should, being officially boron deficient, I may eventually join the enthusiasts doing the water dissolved version. I think my stomach may like it better. I always have problems with tablets sitting in the stomach for a long time. ‘ Could never “stomach” the big vitamin tablets!
    I really like the blood thinning effect! The thick blood got somewhat better with enzymes, but I can still feel it moving too slowly and if I get a nose bleed after blowing my nose, it is enough to raise the chin for a few seconds and it’s gone. It used to be 1 – 2 hours of cold compresses while lying down and carefully breathing through the mouth to stop the bleeding! Now it clots immediately, so lowering vit. K level will be good for me.
    Nora, thank you very much for sharing your success with boron and doing it with such passion! You ignited ours’.
    I’m enjoying the happy boron chatting in this thread, with most of us having a mixture of attraction and slight repulsion reactions and planning to go at it!!! Sparkly thread!!! Warm wishes to all, Krys


    Yes, yes. It’s a ray of hope. You’re welcome and thanks for reading and sharing. I must confess I have a phobia of needles and pills. I throw up large pills as soon as I swallow them for some reason, even if they’re vitamins! Shots hurt me inordinately, so drinking the “weird water” is a wonderful relief in many ways. I could never do IV treatments like so many brave people here have. I had a nurse try ten times to start one, and after collapsing the only two veins she could find, she gave up. I did get a few nice Dora The Explorer band aids out of that ordeal, though. ๐Ÿ˜†
    I can’t taste the detergent in the water, by the way. The water I buy is Smart Water. It’s vapor distilled and has electrolytes and minerals for taste, so that might make it more palatable. Joe gripes about me paying $1.58 a bottle for it, but I’m worth it. I use the 33.8 FL oz size. Publix has a 10-for-ten-bucks special sometimes.
    Very tall women and men should use 1/4 tsp (teaspoon) of borax, rather than the 1/8 tsp that I put in there. I figured out about five swallows, three times a day empties the bottle, and the dosage stays fairly consistent.
    I noticed today that some of my discolorations are fading! Yay!
    I truly hope that this triggers remission in other diseases, since all I can tell you is what it did for SS, and that you spread the word if it works for you too. If we get enough people who get better, we should throw a forum party. Y’ahoo! (I’ll bring the drinks, and gluten free Chex Mix!)

    Joe RA

    Nora, You just convinced me to try it to fade the blueing on my nose, it looks like a mess of blackheads on the tip of it and it drives my wife crazy. I read that boron has a bleaching effect on a lot of things, heck I may try boric acid solution topical too. This borax remedy just may work to keep someone in remission without the antibiotics or with much smaller doses. After hearing that this mans wife was using boron for her RA and hearing your testimonials in these very interesting posts and my research on it, I can agree with you. If it don’t show results in a month or so one has the option to stop it . Thanks Nora, the best to you and all, …..Joe RA….

    A Friend

    @51 year old wrote:

    I dont think my prior post went thru? I will try again.
    I was told I have RA a year ago and have been on minocycline since July. My mom was diagnosed with RA at 71. I was diagnosed at 50. I did everything right my whole life. I only ate organic foods, exercised 7 days a week, believe in alternative medicine, supplements, and just health living and I get RA. What a bummer. It is not fair!!! Should I have ate fast food, smoked, and drank heavily all my life? My doctor thinks out of the box and she is stumped why I have not improved. At first the pain, swelling, and inflamation was so bad that life was miserable. The pain was a 10 on a scale of 10. Now the pain and swelling has diminshed to bearable but I still reach for the iburpohen several times a day, occasional narcotic, hot tub in the morning or hot shower if I am traveling and I can barely walk at times. The pain in the knees and feet and ankles and truned me into a hobbling specimen. My quality of life sucks. My SED rate and RA factor is back to normal but I fear all the destruction that is still occurring to my joints.
    I am just about ready to start the dreaded Methotrexate regime.
    Please give me some advise.

    Your first post DID go through as has this one. Please look in the General Discussion area. It was moved to General Discussion from here (Personal History and Progress) which is for authors’ journal notes only and which cannot generate responses from others. RBFV

    Dear “Help, I’m Ready to Give Up” (I didn’t see your name any place),

    I was about to send you a note, because I could identify with your attention to a healthy life style, etc., and things still going downhill. Little by little, over many years now, I’ve gradually been finding answers. Before posting to you, I decided to click on “General Discussion” at the top of the page, and then insert “acidosis” into the little white search window, to see if my previous posts on this topic are there… and they seem to be. You might like to read some of these. These will have more information and my own experiences than I would want to write here today… and more than you would want to read.

    Something I don’t believe I wrote in previous posts, but have some interesting information about how even when we exercise regularly, etc, in some people they can have a problem with this, and are not able to deal with the lactic acid buildup that occurs from regular, strenuous exercise. An acidic/acidosis condition may not develop from just the lactic acid buildup, but each of us can have our own set of problems… in addition to this particular one, and together much acid accumulates that cannot be neutralized and excreted. Thus stored acidic wastes can cause chronic pain.

    I’ve narrowed it down in my own case, that one of the “biggie’s” for me is that my body is no longer able to manufacture glutathione fast enough to replace what it needs as the master detoxifier in my body; and glutathione is not easily rebuilt. Non-denatured whey protein has proved before to be one of the best ways for myself to address such a problem. I believe a big part of this problem is because I am naturally deficient in Hydrochloric Acid and do not digest rich sources of amino acids, such as red meat and pork, (but we need the amino acids in protein) and in the past this has left me with even more acidic wastes — to name just some of my previously unknown problems.

    This sounds simplistic, but I could not be more serious if I were speaking to one of my own children. I believe we MUST get pH testing strips (when we have serious chronic illness) and determine if acidosis is part of our problem. (Doctors tend to ignore and/or discount this). Because, if it is, we may improve even on AP (which has been a lifesaver for me), but we cannot get our health back unless, and until, we get our acid/alkaline balance into a healthy range and keep it there. It’s the acidosis longterm, that allows our bodies to become homes for all kinds of fungus, viruses, bacteria, etc. and these generate even more acidic wastes and toxins that some of us are simply not able to detoxify and excrete.

    Good luck to you,


    @A Friend wrote:

    I believe we MUST get pH testing strips (when we have serious chronic illness) and determine if acidosis is part of our problem. (Doctors tend to ignore and/or discount this). Because, if it is, we may improve even on AP (which has been a lifesaver for me), but we cannot get our health back unless, and until, we get our acid/alkaline balance into a healthy range and keep it there. It’s the acidosis longterm, that allows our bodies to become homes for all kinds of fungus, viruses, bacteria, etc. and these generate even more acidic wastes and toxins that some of us are simply not able to detoxify and excrete.

    Hi Friend–
    I’m glad to see you post. I was going to PM you. What do you think of the borax treatment? There is a lot of information on the Internet, but pretty much the most information I received from earthclinic.com especially a guy named Ted. He preaches the absolute necessity for the body to be alkaline to fight off ill-health.

    Here is a Q&A site for questions on the borax treatment; he often refers to being alkaline and borax being one of the methods–



    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?

    Joe M

    @Joe M wrote:


    Hi Joe–

    You had me checking this one out. I think the following article is pretty good–agreeing with your article, but also indicating that when the body has a tough time keeping us in balance by the food choices we make, troubles begin including the dreaded inflammation.

    The Truth about pH Balance

    Take care,

    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    @Joe M wrote:


    Joe, scientist I am not. I even often have brain fog and often get confused. But this article, which is a private opinion of the poster, to me, is just a strong expression of something that sounds like “mumbo jumbo”. It reminds me of the opinions stating that antibiotics are dangerous (and we know that the bugs do not like them, either) and therefore one should not take them.
    I think the poster doesn’t know what he/she is talking about.
    “The acidity causing disease claim is really a myth” and then he/she goes on to say how the body will protect itself, even…“in severe cases can pull minerals from the bones as a buffer against acidity.” So, let’s do nothing, calcium leeched from the bones will protect us.
    “Because chronic acidosis is so rare and diseases are so common” to me it’s a faulty and unsubstantiated line of thinking. How many people have their acidity tested when they have disease? “even common sense should tell us that acidosis is not a cause of most diseases. Most often it’s a byproduct of a disease, not a cause. So anyone who is going to claim that acidity is the cause of most or all diseases does not have a clue what they are talking about.” Those are not solid arguments at all. There’s a clear contradiction to the initial claim: first it is stated that “the body rarely ever goes acidic” and now it’s a “byproduct of disease”. And where and when was it proven that acidosis is not common?
    One can make any assumption, treat it as a fact and build up a whole line of reasoning, even sounding scientific, to draw any conclusion that appeals to you. Exactly what IDSA did with Lyme disease. Good science it is not. And what is wrong with testing acidity with pH testing strips? The passion expressed in the opinion in that link will not make people check and take appropriate measures, it will make them discard the chance of helping themselves by doing the test. A very cheap test, too.
    Joe, I’m not criticizing you. You offered a link with a different opinion, which is good. It helps one clarify one’s own views and hopefully get a better understanding of what would be helpful?
    Warm wishes, Krys

    A Friend

    @Joe M wrote:


    Joe, forgive me, but if the information in that post on Cure Zone wasn’t so seriously flawed and misleading, it might be funny. But, let me assure you, I don’t think it’s funny, but I do think it is very misleading. I’ve been researching this subject since late 2006 when pain was wearing me out, and finding really enlightening links/information by very educated health professionals. I’m sure I’ve shared many of the links, books, etc. in my posts over the past 4 years on this subject. Even my AP physician who retired about the time I was discovering the root of my problems, and who has had a rheumatic diagnosis since childhood, now regularly shares information on this subject with me. He apparently found acidosis to be part of his problem, too.

    The Cure Zone post (in what I term absurd) reminds me of a recent article about fraud recently having been discovered regarding research about mercury in vaccines, and the previous claims that there were no problems. A British doctor was trying to protect the public months ago, and quite a defamation job was done on him. Recently Dr. Mercola shared in his newsletter the article about the case of fraud by one of the scientist’s involved. If you missed it, you might use a few of these words and do a search. I’m one of those who respects Dr. Mercola’s work … I’m sure I’d even like his pots and pans!



    @A Friend wrote:

    The Cure Zone post (in what I term absurd) reminds me of a recent article about fraud recently having been discovered regarding research about mercury in vaccines, and the previous claims that there were no problems.

    Hi AF,

    It’s lovely to see you back again – you’ve been missed! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Did you catch this latest news? The vaccine fraud you mentioned above has now been exposed.


    A Friend

    @Trudi wrote:

    @A Friend wrote:

    Hi Friend–
    I’m glad to see you post. I was going to PM you. What do you think of the borax treatment? There is a lot of information on the Internet……….

    Hi Trudi,
    You asked what I think of the borax treatment. I’ve not read about the borax treatment per se, BUT I recall very vividly reading in one of Dr. William Crook’s books something he wrote about why a gastrointestinal yeast condition goes systemic (and systemic yeast overgrowth is a more serious form of yeast infection). I’m going to try to find the exact quote… but for the moment I’m going to try to rely on my memory: Dr. Crook wrote that once the candida yeast greatly multiplied and could not find enough biotin (one of the B vitamins) in the gastro areas (where good bacteria make many of our B vitamins), they would go looking for biotin and would burrow deep into the tissues of the body to find more — this becomes known as systemic yeast overgrowth. And would you believe that among the supplements I began taking then and still take years later…. Biotin. A search just found the following link and I hope you will read the statements under the short Biotin paragraphs in: http://www.fungusfocus.com/html/biotin.htm

    Also, in the course of searching for the Biotin information, I also found a very respected physician, Dr. Hyla Cass, MD, who co-authored a book with Dr. William Crook (a pediatric allergist by training, who became probably the world’s greatest yeast overgrowth researcher), “The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health.” I hope everyone will read the first several short paragraphs ABOUT WHAT SOME OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION HAVE TO SAY ABOUT YEAST INFECTIONS — I’m afraid that’s all in our heads, too. We are an imaginative bunch, aren’t we??? The link is: http://www.cassmd.com/library/yeast.con.html
    PS Please take a minute to read Dr. Cass’ credentials: http://www.cassmd.com/about.html


    A Friend

    @Maz wrote:

    @A Friend wrote:

    The Cure Zone post (in what I term absurd) reminds me of a recent article about fraud recently having been discovered regarding research about mercury in vaccines, and the previous claims that there were no problems.

    Hi AF,

    It’s lovely to see you back again – you’ve been missed! ๐Ÿ˜€

    Did you catch this latest news? The vaccine fraud you mentioned above has now been exposed.


    Thanks. I’ve missed all of you, too. Also, thanks for posting the link. I was afraid I’d lose my post if I began trying to find it.


    @A Friend wrote:

    Dr. Crook wrote that once the candida yeast greatly multiplied and could not find enough biotin (one of the B vitamins) in the gastro areas (where good bacteria make many of our B vitamins), they would go looking for biotin and would burrow deep into the tissues of the body to find more — this becomes known as systemic yeast overgrowth. And would you believe that among the supplements I began taking then and still take years later…. Biotin.
    …. short Biotin paragraphs in: http://www.fungusfocus.com/html/biotin.htm
    Dr. William Crook…”The Yeast Connection and Women’s Health.”

    RBF is angels’ site! Such incredibly life saving, health restoring information and all supplied with generously kind and caring hearts!
    Thank you, AF! The links are awesome. I’m ordered the book.
    And thank you all angels, here!
    I’ve been occasionally grouching to myself lately about ….not making enough progress (in spite of regularly doing something I should not: inorganic food which always reminds me it’s got chemicals in it, not enough sleep, very organic gluten or chocolate or starch…small amounts …just to check if it’s still a “NO”…) and I asked the angels to give me a very, very clear information about what will help. And lol!!! You, the angels in the body are supplying it so clearly. Wow!!! Boron, vit Bs, Biotin, taking more aggressive approach to systemic yeast, and a lot more. Even systemic yeast and neurological symptoms (MS). And what a great and comprehensive list of anti-candida herbals in one of the links. Thank you so very much messengers of well-being! It’s so amazing to get such inspiring answers even without posting a question! WOW!!!! Spaceful of blessings, Krys

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