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    Susan LymeRA

    And then there is this doctor's opinion.  He pretty much trashes the metabolic typing diet.


    Since I have had an aversion to meat my entire life, I hardly fall into his category about meat lovers and meat addicted folks. 

    I'm just thinking that the nutrient dense plant based diet is causing weight gain and elevated bp and therefore, may not be the right diet for me.

    I can see I will be discussing this with my doctor in Jan.


    A Friend

    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/size%;”>[/user][font=”Times New Roman”] wrote:

    Actually, not quite right AF.

    Much to my surprise, I test a strong “Protein Type” and should have meat at every meal and avoid certain starchy veggies, only whole grains and sprouted bread, no coffee (I have never been able to handle much coffee without raising my bp).




    The first line in my post that you quoted from was about the importance of getting our pH balance into a slightly alkaline range.  For myself, this is one of the most important things I could have known at the BEGINNING  of my illness, instead of in 2006!


    Susan, what kind of testing did you have *that showed you a “strong 'Protein Type'”?  Was this a lab test of some type, or the type Dr. Mercola does, etc?  Regardless of this, it is my understanding that our Blood pH MUST remian in a very narrow range (perhaps a couple of tenths) to sustain life.  That is why it is important that we use the pH test strips to measure our saliva and urine, so we can see if we are progressing in the right direction with these.  If we are remaining unhealthily acidid, then we need to find other helps to improve this condition. 


    Susan, I hope adding the meats to your diet doesn't cause you to become more acidic, if in fact you are acidic now — which most chronically ill persons are.  When we are younger, our pH may not “look” as bad, because the body borrows/steals minerals from the body and our bones to keep the blood pH where it MUST constantly stay!!! (Younger persons “can” have more of a mineral reserve, while olders ones may have depleted their readily available reserve.


    Lab tests are not accurate for testing magnesium (because the body steals it to add to the blood); and magnesium is one of the most important missing nutrients that can help our pH return to more balanced pH.  (I'm a lay person, not a scientist; I'm just sharing what I've learned about my long-term problem with acidosis — a condition unknown to me for ages, because I was eating such a “healthy” diet, I disregarded such books as Eat Right for Your Type.  It was when I was in relentless pain, and finally counseled by an ND to test my pH , that I learned mine measured 5.0-5.5.  And then my education really began, the end of 2006 and continuing today. 


    It sounds like, since you are also chronically ill, that your body had become overly acidic a while before this from many causes, and that whatever diet you were eating, many things were causing you to become more and more acidic — and this causes more and more unfriendly organisms to grow and multiply, i.e. yeast/fungus, viruses, bacteria, mycoplasma, etc.  Medications,  stress, meat (beef & pork) protein and especially sugar are very acidic — as is the daily/continuing excrement of yeast/fungal overgrowth and the other organisms.  If these things are going on in our bodies then the following, in my own case anyway, were/are desperatedly needed: 


    • Determining yeast/fungal overgrowth and treating it with a good antifungal (ongoing), as well as large doses of probiotics to replace those killed.


    • In the case of a rheumatic diagnosis, with mycoplasma, etc., ONGOING Antibiotic Protocol (AP) such as Dr. Brown used, or other physicians currently use.  


    • Using a diet to support the body that does not feed the organisms (and cause us to be even more acidic), while maintaining a slightly alkaline pH.  There are numerous other things that can be helpful for maintaining this healthy pH, which I've shared on this board… especially some of my favorite links to more information. 


    I am somewhat stunned at this result because all my life I have loved my veggies and could take or leave meat alone.  I have always had a high craving for cereals, pastas, starchy vegetables and sugar.  And my bloodtype is A which is supposed to be vegetarian.  Additionally, when I first got sick with RA, I tried the vegan diet and did well on it.


    So, I had a hard time swallowing this result, but considering what I just wrote above….ALWAYS ate mostly veggies, cereal grains, starchy veggies and have a huge sweet tooth……. and recalling that all my life I have been sick with one bacterial infection after another…….. and in the last 2 yrs I have put on 30 lbs despite a meticulous diet……well, I plan on trying this diet.

    It is going to be hard for me to do, because I am totally brainwashed against a high meat diet.  Totally. 

    But there is a saying I like that goes like this:

    If you do what you have always done, you will get what you have always got.

    So, I am going to try something different.

    I'll report my results.

    Other things I' ve learned and shared can probably be found by doing searches on the RBF BB, and can give deeper insights from the articles.  I will not be available for posting or answering posts until after Christmas.  But, hope this is helpful for us together, Susan, to bring a greater awareness to readers looking for answers.  Merry Christmas, everyone!




    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    my bp is 150/100. 

    all the alkaline foods, supplements, etc have not made my urine alkaline

    Hi Susan–

    My bp, unfortunately, is hovering around your numbers, too.  For about 6 months it was doing quite nicely without meds so Dr. M feels it has something to do with a supplement or herb that I am taking.  I'm going to have to do a little investigating myself.  I have noticed that when I am out in the sun, take a hot bath, or do the sauna, my BP jumps.  My own thinking is that the killing of the bacteria plays a part.  The bp thing has been a real frustration for me since getting sick–whether on meds or off, it jumps around :(.

    I read recently that the urine is acidic because it is the body's way to get rid of acid from the body.  Makes sense to me.

    Thanks everyone for your input on this subject.  It has been very interesting reading this morning.


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?

    Joe M

    OOPS, I violated guidelines by posting the entire article.  Here is the link:


    My apologies to RBF staff.

    Joe M

    Susan said-
    “And then there is this doctor's opinion.  He pretty much trashes the metabolic typing diet.


    Susan, this is a very good article in my opinion, for these reasons:

    1.  It shows that nothing is settled in the field of nutrition.  As one of the posts stated, nutrition science is still in its infancy.
    2.  There are a few common themes in all the posts, that if we all adopted, would make us much healthier (grass fed meat, less processed foods, and not taking a “one size fits all” approach to diet).
    3.  There is no field of medicine that is 100% good or 100% bad. 

    Thanks for posting – you've given me lots to read over Christmas break!


    Susan LymeRA

    Joe M,

    Ditto on the lots to read statement.  It seems to be never-ending.


    Let me see if I can say this logically and correctly:

    I'm with you on all that you say and I am happy it worked for you.  All of my life, I have believed in eating lots of veggies and little to no meat.

    I have already addressed everything you discuss.  fungus, bacteria, etc.

    My current status:  NO RA SYMPTOMS!!!!!  HOORAY!!!!!!   You should have seen me shoveling snow this week.

    What isn't so good?  BP-150/100.   This is a change of condition which I think was brought on by the sauna.

    Weight 165 and climbing like a rocket.  I was 130 in Oct. 07 when my doctor started me on parasite cleanse and detoxing herbs.  It was at this time we ran the detoxgenome test and learned of my poor ability to detoxify.  It was also a result of this treatment that my inflammation began to drop and my weight to climb.

    My doctor has been saying, “don't worry about the weight gain.  It is normal with heavy metal detox.  The metals move into the fat cells before leaving the body.  But at the last visit when I had jumped 5 more pounds in 1 mth, she took it serious and wants to start serious chelation.

    All this time, I am eating a mostly vegetarian, incredibly green and alkaline, diet.  Cruciferous veggies are detoxifying.

    In fact, when I was first ill, Dr McDougall's vegan diet caused significant improvement in my inflammation and pain.

    So, trust me AF.  I have done ALL the alkalizing, detoxifying things I could find to do.

    I have to try something different.  I never dreamed that “something different” would be to change to a meat based diet.  Yet, after only 3 days, my stomach is down and my energy is up.  I will have my bp checked tomorrow.

    The test was no test at all.  It was a questionnaire.  A questionnaire based upon my reactions to food, my thoughts about food, how I feel after eating certain foods, etc.  It takes about 1/2 hr to take the test.  If you still feel, as I did, that your diet is not quite right, then I recommend the book.  Metabolytic Type Diet.  He is no Dr Atkins.  He also has the Carb type and the Mixed type.  You just have to eat foods according to your type.

    As I stated before, my doctor runs so many bloodtests, it will not be difficult to see if the diet trends in the wrong direction.  As it stands right now, the mostly vegetarian (and that is mostly cruciferous veggies and fruits, not processed carbs) is not trending well according to bp, bloodwork (sugar keeps rising) or the scales.

    Trudi,  my bp jumped after a session in my sauna and it didn't drop even 1 week later.  I think I am going to have to pack up my sauna for awhile.  BTW, when I researched things that cause bp to rise, heavy metal toxicity came up over and over.  I have a urine challenge test that reveals some serious heavy metal toxicity.  My theory is that the sauna may have pulled the metals into my bloodstream.

    The really good news in my life these days is that I have no inflammation in my joints and no symptoms of the RA. 

    The bad news is the bp, blood sugar (not diabetes yet) and the weight gain.  In addition, most of my weight is in my belly.  I seriously look about 6 mths pregnant.  I exercise daily and remember, have been on a stellar vegetable diet.  I am taking this belly fat serious.

    My doctor is on top of the bugs, fungus, metals, etc. 

    I have been feeling my diet needed adjusting and hence I checked out the MTD book.

    I was 9 y.o. when my dad had his first heart attack.  Mom put us all on the low fat, low chlorestrol diet.  Yet, every year of my life I had strep throat, all the itises.  In my 20's allergies and strep on the brain once and the spine twice.  At 30 I had a hysterectomy.  At 40 my first bout of Lyme disease and asthma arrived.  At 49 RA.

    All this time, I have barely eaten meat.  So, I took the questionnaire twice to be sure and I am solid in the Protein category.  So, guys, forgive me if I give this diet a try.  Eating the other way sure has not saved me from illness.

    I promise to let everyone know if the meat diet kills me.  (In case of death, I will have my next of kin tell you)


    PS:  Notice my face in my signature does not look fat.  That was just taken at Thanksgiving.  Most of this weight gain is in the belly and a little around the thighs.  Something just isn't right about that.



    A Friend

    Susan, All:  I'm about to paste a reply I created in Outlook, and I'm sure it will put a zillion windows in the text:   

    I wasn't going to post.  Have tons to do.  But couldn't resist chiming in on this subject. I've put my comments in Bold black. AF

    My doctor has been saying, “don't worry about the weight gain.  It is normal with heavy metal detox.  The metals move into the fat cells before leaving the body.  But at the last visit when I had jumped 5 more pounds in 1 mth, she took it serious and wants to start serious chelation.[/size%;”>[/size]
    Susan, I too have had heavy metal testing which showed problems.  And in the reading about AP, I've read that AP is cannot be as effective as it can be until/unless these are addressed.  It seems you and your doctor are making real progress on some of the problems… especially the inflammation, which is pretty significant.  [/size%;”>

    Trudi,  my bp jumped after a session in my sauna and it didn't drop even 1 week later.  I think I am going to have to pack up my sauna for awhile.  BTW, when I researched things that cause bp to rise, heavy metal toxicity came up over and over.  I have a urine challenge test that reveals some serious heavy metal toxicity.  My theory is that the sauna may have pulled the metals into my bloodstream.[/size%;”>[/size]
    I, too, have shown postive for heavy metals toxicity.  I've accumulated a collection of detox regimens in a file in Word, which I'd be glad to share as an attachment to be e-mailed, if wanted or needed by anyone.  However, in the case of heavy metals, I also want to mention there is a book by L. Ron Hubbard (a scientist as well as his other status) on the sauna and indepth guides to detoxing.  (A support group leader/friend was so impressed with the FIR sauna that she started a business, selling and some for use.  I had shared a recorded tape I'd made of Dr. Sherry Roger's speaking on a radio program about the FIR.) My friend found the book on LRH's detoxing, loaned it to me, and I remember reading that we detox in layers.  Years and years of un-detoxed wastes can be stored in our bodies; and the sauna was a way for former addicts to detox.  This scientology group, in the book, was said to have centers all over the country where people could go for detoxification.  Also, in other medical writing relating to the FIR sauna, Mayo did tests that showed it helped seriously ill heart patients who had failed all other offered therapies for their condition.  
    One of the detoxing entities that has also (perhaps most) impressed me is the clinic in the east in which Dr. Patricia Kane, et al, are involved can be read about by doing a search on Dr. Mercola's site for “The Detoxx System”.  Before I finally figured out what was causing my stubborn, continuing problems, I ordered their book available with physicians protocols for detoxing, “The Detoxx Book for Physicians.”  I first learned about all of this when I read a post by a young father who had gone to hell and back, and learned about this system; had his physician get him in quickly as a patient, and finally he got better.  He suggested patients not get the Detoxx Book for Patients, but rather the one for physicians. 
    This is pasted from a file in my Sent file:

    [font=”Times New Roman, Times, serif”]The Detoxx? System: Detoxification of Biotoxins in Chronic Neurotoxic Syndromes
    by John Foster, MD, Patricia Kane, PhD, and Neal Speight, MD[/font]

    [There are two clinics:  The WellSpring Clinic in Wayne, Pennsylvania and The Center for Wellness in Charlotte, North Carolina for patients with neurotoxic illness.]
    This book is for physicians, contains excellent information about neurotoxic syndromes, and has detailed, specific therapy and products for use for patients to recover, along with case histories that include numerous Lyme cases and others with CFIDs, FM, MS, etc.   
    The book and protocols also include some of the work of Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, MD, Pokomoke, MD, who pioneered some of the identification techniques and treatments for lyme, pfisteria, etc. patients.  http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com   There is an online testing, using very sophisticated technology (VCS, Visual Contrast Sensitivity test for identifying neurotoxin levels, and retesting levels can show the degree of improvement after subsequent treatment.  [A number of years ago, I heard about Dr. Shoemaker's work and purchased one of his books, “Desperation Medicine.”  My then AP physician (also a partient) took the VCS tests and also used the Cholestyramine (CSM) for trapping neurotoxins and forcing them to be excreted; then retesting after certain periods of time to see his improvement.  He encouraged me to take this test, and I did; and subsequently used the CSM.  The Detoxx Book recognizes and includes some of Dr. Shoemaker's protocols.  http://www.chronicneurotoxins.com/learnmore/latestAbstracts.cfm
    [Let me add regarding the CSM, I've read that when we are on a treatment protocol (i.e. AP, etc) that is killing unfriendly organisms, or if we are detoxing, that patients will benefit from, and need to include, such as psyllium and/or other fiber supplements, which (similar to CSM) also can trap and help move out acidic waste.  If this is not done, the waste is often fat-based organisms and can be siphoned back into the body from the bowel (this is a function of the body, to re-use fat), to be used and kept recycling through the body, instead of our being able to excrete the waste in stool.  AF]
    Trudi,  my bp jumped after a session in my sauna and it didn't drop even 1 week later.  I think I am going to have to pack up my sauna for awhile.  BTW, when I researched things that cause bp to rise, heavy metal toxicity came up over and over.  I have a urine challenge test that reveals some serious heavy metal toxicity.  My theory is that the sauna may have pulled the metals into my bloodstream.

    [Sounds like the Detoxx Protocols might be helpful with this.  Did I mention that the Kane group in their practice, and in the book, have incorporated much of Dr. Shoemaker's findings in his research.  (Dr. Shoemaker was outstanding doctor of the year in his state at least one year, but maybe more for his findings about environmental toxicities, i.e. lyme, phfeisteria (sp?), etc.)  In your sentence below, Susan, sounds like the sauna got a lot of the toxins loose and swimming, and quelled the inflammation.  I purchased a FIR from my friend, and its use, very soon, helped with chronic pain up and down my spine.  (I'd read that organisms have an “affinity” for the spine.  My guess was that the sauna use caused them to move out.)

    The really good news in my life these days is that I have no inflammation in my joints and no symptoms of the RA. 



    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    Trudi,  my bp jumped after a session in my sauna and it didn't drop even 1 week later.  I think I am going to have to pack up my sauna for awhile.  BTW, when I researched things that cause bp to rise, heavy metal toxicity came up over and over.  I have a urine challenge test that reveals some serious heavy metal toxicity.  My theory is that the sauna may have pulled the metals into my bloodstream.


    I think there is a connection between the heat therapy and my blood pressure.  My doctor would like me to take tub baths and I agree with him for the benefit of killing bugs.  But I know things have gone haywire of late, as far as BP, and so I'm staying away from things I consider contribute to it. 

    My urine indicated that I had 3 times the amount of mercury in my system.  A couple of months ago I had a really bad time of it and the machine indicated I dropped quite a bit of metal toxicity.  So that too could be a factor.  Wish all of this would be a little more black and white.

    Good luck on your diet.  I felt so much better after going back to the meats.  The machine pointed to sensitivities from dairy and tree nuts.  Nuts definitely make my joints ache more.  I've tested it–I love all the Christmas cookies–but not enough to be in pain afterwards :).  Kim said it may also be the sugar–in either case I'm staying away from it.

    Take care,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?

    Susan LymeRA


    I have read some of Ron Hubbard's success with sauna and I am a fan.  I am going to research your Detoxx info.

    It has been my experience throughout this illness that everything clobbers me initially and we have to take baby steps to get to the point I can use these other methods, like the sauna.


    I'm only on day 3 of eating some meat at every meal and WOW do I feel good.  I sleep deep and long and awaken full of energy.  My constant hunger is gone. Last night I worked around the house until 9:30 and then I bounced on my rebounder for 30 mins while watching TV.  My husband commented that I was acting like my old self.

    Of recent lately, I have had low energy.  Something new in the healing path I am sure.

    I am not eating whoppers or greazy burgers with cheese.  I am eating healthy meats along with vegetables on my allowed list which is substansive.  I don't think I have lost weight yet but the bloat and burping is gone.  That alone makes my stomach feel smaller.

    This morning for breakfast I had organic bacon, organic peanut butter on organic toast with a conventional banana.  Please, nobody count up the calories for me.  Please.

    One of the traits I have always had is a ravenous appetite.  You don't get between me and a meal.  So of course I had to eat low calorie in order to not be the size of Mama Cass. 

    My husband, who can skip meals endlessly, has always said “as soon as Susan finishes one meal, she is talking about the next”.  I always defended myself by saying “If I don't plan ahead, it will not appear on the table”. 

    Well, that ravenous appetite and constant thinking about food are two traits of the Protein Type.  Now, by eating some meat at every meal, I am not the least bit hungry inbetween.  New feeling for me!

    So, we will see.  I want to see improvement in my bloodwork, my bloodpressure and my stomach size. 

    For someone who has always eaten meat 2 or 3 x a week at the most, eating it at every meal feels very weird.




    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    The bad news is the bp, blood sugar (not diabetes yet) and the weight gain. 

    Hi Susan,

    This is probably totally moot, as your LLMD sounds like she covers every inch of every corner possible, but have you had your thyroid tested recently? All of the above (incl. fatigue mentioned above) can be related to hypothyroidism, too.

    Just thought to mention it…. wonder if it may not be a totally separate issue from the detox? Seems the thyroid (pancreas/blood sugar and adrenals/cortisol) is subject to imbalance when the body is going through stuff and maintaining the delicate balance between all the endocrines.

    Great news that you're feeling so well otherwise, Susan! 😀

    Seasons greetings to you and yours!

    Peace, Maz

    Susan LymeRA

    Thanks for the thought Maz, but my thyroid has been a “person of interest” from the start of my illness and they test it routinely.

    In fact, a couple of doctors have run tests on it and it was last tested in Nov.  Always normal.

    Good thinking though.  You are thinking exactly as my doctors. 😀



    Susan and A friend, thanks for sharing these wonderful tips and articles. Susan, you have a very good doctor. Mind sending me his/her name and all the relevant info on PM? Do they do phone consultation. This alkaline theory is really interesting. I will post my own experiences soon after trying it out. There is something very interesting about Vitamin D-3. I have started taking 3000IUs of Vitamin D-3 recently along with Magnesium 250 mgs. Will post results here soon.


    Susan/Lyme RA wrote

    Well, that ravenous appetite and constant thinking about food are two traits of the Protein Type. 

    Susan – just a thought. When I was ravenously hungry all the time after changing my diet (as per doc/naturopath's testing and instructions re Leaky Gut), my doc told me I must be getting hidden gluten from somewhere. My “addiction to it” was no longer being satisfied and I was getting just enough from somewhere to make me crave more. As soon as I found that source and cut it out, the ravenous hunger instantly stopped. Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    Hi Susan, last time you posted about using circumin and querticin concotion. Can you please give me this concotion again? Can it be taken with food? I remember 250 mgs querticin and 250 mgs of circumin with olive oil cold pressed. I got all this today from vitacost.com but I wanted to confirm the dosages again and if taken on empty stomach or not.

    Lynne G.SD

    Now here is something totally different re BP.  My normal is somewhere around 85 over 68.Since I am always on the run and have my adrenalyn running at such a rate that I swear I can taste it,I like to take a hot whirpool tub for an hour now and then and catch up on some technical stuff in the orchid world.By the time I get out it is down to 77 over 50 so relaxing drops it for me.I learned a long time ago(when I was dancing) how to keep my BP down I can control it just by the way I breathe and a darn good thing too as a dancer cannot make it to the end of a performance otherwise.
       I treally don't buy into the “eat for your blood type” theory.Since I am O+ it says I should eat meat.I do much,much better on veggies with only a couple bites of meat.This gives me a lot more stamina.Since I cannot eat most grains other than rice or corn I simply do without any most of the time.
         My dentist clued me into the saliva PH story and I have checked out the info with other docs.It is the bacteria in your mouth that will give you your PH.I.E. lots of bugs=low PH.Blood PH is always constant as the body will raid your bones of minerals to keep it that way.If one has real acidosis,one will not live long.Urine PH is pretty well dependant on what you eat and how you metabolise.

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