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    I feel like I'm coming down with a uti infection (my last one was 23 years ago), interesting that one of the main causes for uti's is mycoplasma…maybe the mino has stirred everything up?  Anyone else have anything similar in their journey?  Any thoughts?

    Todd WI

    I don't know if this will work or not, but I was researching Dr. Ebringer (as per Dragonslayer's recent fasting posts) and came across an interesting read in part of a book on Amazon.  To read the section:

    1) go to Amazon.com

    2) search on “The new arthritis cure”

    3) go down to “search inside this book:”

    4) Seach for “Ebringer”

    5) sign in to Amazon

    6) if it worked this should put you on page 31, go back a page or two for the interesting stuff

    Sorry if this doesn't work.




    thank you!  At least the author thinks arthritis is an infection!  Another one on our side…this is bound to catch on soon, isn't it?!!

    Eva Holloway


     you may need to have the doctor check you for Proteus Mirabilis which has more to do with bladder infections and uti.


    Eva Holloway


    Drinking cranberry juice,  and so far (knock on wood) it's feeling much better!  Hopefully I don't have one at all!  🙂



    About a month to 6 weeks after starting my AP treatment ( doxy only at the time) I slowly developed a  UTI infection which progressed into the kidneys ( i also had only one UTI in my life about 15 yrs previously but nothing like this) . This became so severe and my kidney function began deteriorating quickly. I was put on other abx for this  but the only thing that worked was 4 months of  levaquin, a floroquinolone abx) added to the doxy. My urinalysis and kidney function slowly became normal. I do believe the doxy stirred up the mycoplasma but doxy alone didnt cut it.




    I had two diagnosed UTI's when I first was sick, even before abx.  Urinary issues have always been symptoms related to my disease.  I'm still trying to figure out if it is my body trying to excrete toxins, or if there is a real bacterial component. 

    I know that mycoplasma hominis, lyme and babesia can cause urinary issues as well.  At least, that's what I'm attributing my issues to….



    Hi, I have been on Minocin (MWF) for less than a month and have come down with a UTI. I don't understand how one can get a UTI when they are already on antibiotics. It's been about 4 days now, and doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm drinking juice, too. Is this going to be an ongoing thing with antibiotic therapy?


    [user=2256]Carrie-RA[/user] wrote:

    Hi, I have been on Minocin (MWF) for less than a month and have come down with a UTI. I don't understand how one can get a UTI when they are already on antibiotics. It's been about 4 days now, and doesn't seem to be getting better. I'm drinking juice, too. Is this going to be an ongoing thing with antibiotic therapy?

    Hi Carrie,

    Sorry to hear about your UTI…they're painful, I know. 🙁

    Unfortunately, if your UTI has been caused by proteus mirabilis, it will not be susceptible to tetracyclines and a different antibiotic would be needed. Different infections are treated with different classes of antibiotics.



    P. mirabilis is generally susceptible to most antibiotics apart from tetracycline, however 10%?20% of P. mirabilis strains are also resistant to first generation cephalosporins and ampicillins.”

    Very important to seek out help for a UTI, which can spread to the kidneys. I waited too long once during my college days and the pain in my back from infected kidneys was unbelievable…could barely walk.

    Depending on what type of antibiotic you are given (if not compatible with a tetracycline), you may need to come off your mino until the acute infection is passed and you've finished your course of antibiotics for the UTI. Sometimes AP will stir up other latent infections in the body….when one infection is beaten back, another becomes opportunistic. Proteus mirabilis has been linked to RA in studies by Dr Alan Ebringer, so it may be a part of your total pathogen load that is giving you a heads up about what is going on.

    Hope you can see your GP soon, Carrie.

    Peace, Maz



    OK, here is something odd to chew on. While taking my latest antibiotic for the UTI, I stopped my Minocin MWF routine. Two days into the new antibiotic my joints felt great and I had a surge of energy I haven't felt in months. I was able to workout.

    What do you think that is about?


    [user=2256]Carrie-RA[/user] wrote:

    What do you think that is about?

    Sounds like you've stumbled on to something that works for you.  What is it?


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    [user=2256]Carrie-RA[/user] wrote:

    OK, here is something odd to chew on. While taking my latest antibiotic for the UTI, I stopped my Minocin MWF routine. Two days into the new antibiotic my joints felt great and I had a surge of energy I haven't felt in months. I was able to workout.

    What do you think that is about?

    Hi Carrie,

    As mentioned above, proteus mirabilis, a common UTI infection, has been tied to the onset of RA. If you are treating the underlying cause of your RA, then it would make sense that you'd feel better. Wayyyyy to gooo!!! Maybe you've hit on the therapy for you?

    Peace, Maz


    Maz, that would be amazing if it was that easy. But now I'm out of the pills. What test do I need to get to prove to the doc that it was proteus mirabilis and get on a protocol. And would it be the same protocol as the Minocin (MWF)? And would I do both?

    I should also mention that my test for a UTI was negative (!)


    [user=2256]Carrie-RA[/user] wrote:

    Maz, that would be amazing if it was that easy. But now I'm out of the pills. What test do I need to get to prove to the doc that it was proteus mirabilis and get on a protocol. And would it be the same protocol as the Minocin (MWF)? And would I do both?

    I should also mention that my test for a UTI was negative (!)

    Hi Carrie,

    I'm sorry, my memory fails me…are you seeing an AP doc? If so, you wouldn't need to prove anything…the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so to speak, and an experienced AP doc would note your improvements and possibly figure out an appropriate combination oral therapy for you. What antibiotic were you taking for the UTI that worked so well?

    Here is a link that discusses various UTIs and infections. Apparently, e. coli causes 80% of all UTIs. Could it have been this type of infection? If not, there are two types of proteus that can be implicated…proteus mirabilis and proteaus vulgaris. The link says that proteus vulgaris can be differentiated from p. mirabilis using an “indole” test:


    To figure this out, you may need to see a urogenital specialist, Carrie, who would know what appropriate tests to run. Candida can also mimic UTIs, but as you responded to an abx, I doubt it was that.

    Peace, Maz


    HI, no I seeing a standard Rhemy who doesn't believe in AT. The antibiotic I'm taking is Nitrofur-Macr 100mg 2x day, although today is my last day. I guess I need to find an AT doc to help me with this.

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