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    [user=2256]Carrie-RA[/user] wrote:

    HI, no I seeing a standard Rhemy who doesn't believe in AT. The antibiotic I'm taking is Nitrofur-Macr 100mg 2x day, although today is my last day. I guess I need to find an AT doc to help me with this.

    Carrie, here is an article on Wiki about Nitrofurantoin, which is a bacteriocidal used again UTIs caused by e-coli. It has no action against proteus infections, so seems more than likely you are hitting e-coli with this:


    It has a few nasty side-effects (including stomach bleeding) so probably not a good idea to be taking this longterm. A good AP doc would be able to prescribe a different, more tolerable bacteriocidal abx that could be taken for a longer period of time.

    If you need an AP physician list, then let us know and one of the volunteers would be happy to send one to you. VA has a healthy number of AP docs, including a lady rheumy who also happens to be Lyme Literate (though she has a bit of a wait-list).

    Peace, Maz


    Hi, I'm back.

    Had subsequent test for UTI, and it is not PM. Now on a different antibotic (Cipro). Guess I have to stop my Minocin yet again…seems like I everytime I get started with the MIRA protocol, I have to stop. I hope it's not related.

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