Home Forums General Discussion Thougts on Flu Shots – Swine Flu death RA underlying isssue

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    The following is from the Houston paper:

    The pregnant woman, Judy Trunnell, 33, from South Texas, was hospitalized for two weeks until she died Tuesday. The teacher was in a coma, and her baby girl was delivered by cesarean section. According to the report, she had asthma, rheumatoid arthritis, a skin condition called psoriasis and was 35 weeks pregnant.

    I have always been anti-vaccine but should I rethink the flu shot? 

    Thanks for any input!

    Joe M

    Hi Diane,

    The current flu shots do not protect against H1N1 (swine).  I read in the Dallas paper that the family was asked by officials to not discuss her specific medical problems and the exact circumstances of her death, so it is impossible to say which health condition, the asthma, RA, RA meds (if she was on any), or psoriasis contributed to her death.  By itself, the H1N1 virus is not fatal and is generally more mild than the regular flu.  You don't say why you are anti-vaccine, but flu shots are generally recommended for anyone whose immune system is compromised.  If I were you I would discuss these concerns with my primary care doctor and/or rheumatologist. 



    Hi Diane & Joe,

    Very annoying that they won't give any details.  I understand privacy and all, but this makes the imagination run wild, doesn't it?

    Keep me posted what you hear, Diane, and I'll do the same!

    Susan LymeRA

    My personal thoughts based on nothing more than my opinion.

    Normally our intact immune system saves us from disease and death.  But occasionally a fully functional immune response kills us.  This was true of a past flu epidemic (I think the spanish flu but not sure which one exactly)  Anyway, people with healthy immune systems died when their immune response filled their lungs with fluid causing them to drown.

    Sick people with weak immune systems survived. 😯

    Not sure which way works with H1N1.  Seems to be killing in the age group that normally survives which could indicate too strong an immune response but then you have a couple of the victims with prior health issues.   The fact I am now on Enbrel does not give me comfort in this situation.  But even more reason why I do not want a flu shot!

    Vaccines do not inject supersonic immunity into our veins.  Quite the opposite.  It injects a small amount of the disease itself into our veins.  The hope is that the amount is small enough to not harm us and big enough for our own immune system to build antibodies against it so we have protection already in place when the actual bug bites us.

    So, if my immune system is medically handcuffed, I certainly do not want to intentionally inject ANY amount of the bad stuff into my body.  Instead, I am trying to do all I can to build up my body's defenses and I am consuming daily amounts of natural antibiotics like garlic, colliodal silver, grapefruit seed extract,  parasite cleanse, etc.

    These are prescribed by my doctor at pharmacutical grade strength.

    Maybe they will work and maybe they won't.  So the most important aspect of my protection (in my mind) is daily prayer and surrender to God.  I am 100% certain that some day I am going to die from something.  I'm building my treasures in heaven and doing my best to enjoy my time here on earth.:D



    Well spoken, Susan.  I agree with you.  😉



    H1N1 works the same way as the Spanish flu, those with healthy immune systems created a cytokine storm which caused inflammation in the lungs and eventually death. I was a little freaked out being in Tx like you, but my immune system is on the low side from Enbrel (altho it is not working, so I don't know how much I should count on that). Anyway, I'm out and about and washing my hands like a crazy person – I heard a report that said to tell your kids to sing the Happy Birthday song while they are washing their hands, that's about 20 seconds. I'm more worried about the flu season next year and what this virus will do then. And we'll still have the conundrum of whether or not to get the new vaccine for H1N1. It never ends, does it?


    As the previous posts stated, the current flu shot may not cover the H1N1 and new H1N1 is on the way. This guy from our university is working hard on this H1N1 and he is in the last phase of testing it. He said it may take a while for FDA approval. So there is some positive news.

    My daughter school has one positive Swine flu case. We are all very nervous. Every one in our household are taking extra zinc each day. I hope I won't get it. I may kick the bucket if I get this flu.




    Susan and all – antibiotics are used to treat bacterial infection. They are not intended for – and do not work on – viruses. Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)

    Susan LymeRA

    Yes, you are right Lynnie.  I should have said antivirals.  The nice thing about herbals is that they are broad spectrum as opposed to manmade pharmacuticals which are specific to only one or two strains.  So garlic, etc are antibiotic, but also antiviral.  Antiparasitic too.



    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    Vaccines do not inject supersonic immunity into our veins.  Quite the opposite.  It injects a small amount of the disease itself into our veins.  The hope is that the amount is small enough to not harm us and big enough for our own immune system to build antibodies against it so we have protection already in place when the actual bug bites us.

    So, if my immune system is medically handcuffed, I certainly do not want to intentionally inject ANY amount of the bad stuff into my body.  Instead, I am trying to do all I can to build up my body's defenses and I am consuming daily amounts of natural antibiotics like garlic, colliodal silver, grapefruit seed extract,  parasite cleanse, etc.

    Hi Susan,

    Thought you might like to read this article in light of your insightful comments above. Although an article written by Jim Carrey, the comedic actor, it's a pretty balanced lay perspective and raises some good points about the additional chemicals that go into vaccines and how difficult it is for naysaying CDC to now retract its hard and fast statements about vaccination safety:


    Thought his comments on the veterinary perspective re: “vacciniosis” was pretty startling, too. When our lovely lab came down with autoimmune hemolytic anemia, one of the stated possible causes was toxicity due to multiple vaccinations (in addition to Lyme/babesiosis).

    Peace, Maz

    Susan LymeRA


    All I can say is “WOW”.  I have always been a fan of Jim Carrey's wacky acting style and actually love him in his more serious roles but I never knew Jim Carrey, the person.

    What a well written article and so true.  I am passing it on to my children and thank you for sharing.

    My mother, my daughter and myself are natural in our thinking and I have become a lot more organic in my lifestyle since this illness.  My daughter, though, has always been organic and when her son was born, she put all her organic knowledge to work on him.

    She ducked and dodged all vaccines until he entered daycare at two, then she got only the bare minimum.  She scoffed at the idea of vaccinating him against Hepatitis B.  How absurd!

    My son was not so concerned about health matters and his son, born 1 mth premature, had enormous medication and all the recommended shots.

    My daughter later divorced and married again to a man with a son the same age as her son and my son's son.  I am now blessed with 3 lovely 5 yr old grandsons.

    Here is the story on them.

    My step-grandson received all the shots and his mother is a HUGE junkfood junkie.  Really bad diet and she gets mad at my daughter for pushing a good diet.  Well, in the one year of this second marriage, my step-grandson has been in the hospital twice with horrific stomach pains.  His urine tests twice reveal too much protein.  He has many frequent doctor visits because of colds and vomiting.  He is pale as a ghost and dark circles under his eyes which usually indicates liver stress (natural medicine thinking there).  He takes medication every night for one thing or another.

    My son's son has autism.  Heartbreaking.

    My daughter's son is the picture of health and has only had 1 antibiotic in his 5 yrs of life.  His first year of school approaches this fall and she sought every legal way to get around the majority of the vaccines and could find none.  So she has been slowly getting him vaccinated.  We all have been on our knees praying fervently for God to protect him from any harm the vaccines could cause.

    Our own personal experience regarding diet and vaccines has us convinced the closer we stay to natural, the healthier we will be.

    This is criminal greed from the medical and political world and it is by far not the first time. 



    Jim Carey's child has autism as can be seen by the passion with which he writes.

    Eva Holloway


    I have had twice a flu shot in my life and both times I ended up so sick that I have refused to have another flu shot. When I was a child and later as a teenager I had twice flu, one I know was the Asian Flu the other I don't know and both time I was very ill. My ex-rheumy tried to push me to have a flu shot and every year I told her NO, she finally gave up on me and told me if I wanted to get sick with the flu it was my fault. Well I never had the flu again. I try to stay away from people that have colds etc. and when I was sick recently with allergy problems,  I stayed home.

    I think people know what is good for them in their health situation. I have friends they take the shot every year, and that's their choice. I will not get the flu shot or even the pneumonia shot ever again.:(


    Eva Holloway


    Hi All–

    I have been very interested in the vaccine controversy since I now have a grandchild.  Unfortunately, my daughter and her husband insist that he gets all his vaccinations; my son-in-law is from France and they will be travelling there often.  They feel he needs the protection.

    Thus far the only problem I see (he is almost 5 months) is bad acid reflux (which is enough!!!).  My daughter got bad acid reflux after she got the Hep B vaccine as a teenager; her hair started to thin and she also developed acne.  When she was pregnant, I urged her to wait on the Hep B–unfortunately, they didn't.  According to a pediatrician, in an online article, the incident of acid reflux in infants is “skyrocketing”.  The babies are being prescribed Zantac and other acid reducing medicines.  My guess would be the Hep B vaccine is the culprit, but I have yet to find an article which specifically points a finger at it.

    Dr. Sears wrote a book on vaccines which is very informative–


    I, too, will be very careful with all future vaccinations.  I've often thought that a tetanus vaccine in the early '90's added to my grief.


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    [user=236]Eva Holloway[/user] wrote:

    I think people know what is good for them in their health situation.

    Eva, that's a very wise philosophical viewpoint! So true that everyone's situation will be different and no one knows our own bodies better than us who reside within them and everyone's immune system is unique.

    I was talking to someone today about vaccinosis…over-vaccination, as dubbed by veterinarians. I was thinking back to my own past, as I carried a yellow travel vaccination booklet that was attached to the inside of my passport. My parents lived in developing nations as I grew up and I lived in some of those countries with them and then visited when I went to boarding school. By the time I reached 18, my booklet was completely filled and I needed a new one. I had shots and all kinds of boosters for everything – yellow fever, typhoid, tetanus, cholera, hepatitis, gamma globulin…you name it. As a result of living abroad in these countries, though, I missed out on the more common childhood illnesses, like chicken pox and parvo. When I started having kids and they brought these things home, I got them, too, and they hit very hard, as an adult. Mind you, I didn't get off scott-free in those countries and got some weird and not so wonderful infections (usually gut infections) from the poor sanitation in spite of the vaccinations.

    There is no doubt in my mind that toxic overload (from who knows what preservatives or growth mediums the vaccines are grown on) and being lambasted by multiple dead and live vaccines just put my immune system into a hypervigilant state. When I got Lyme and it was just the last bad apple to tip the apple cart for me.

    The lady I spoke with today mentioned contaminents in the growth mediums on which vaccines are produced and that there are a number of what are termed “acceptible” contaminants. Mycoplasma are common contaminants and apparently considered benign, for instance. Thought that was interesting.

    Peace, Maz

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