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    Copies of my latest bloodwork arrived yesterday. And the news is pretty well all good: My RF is down to its lowest ever at 270. At its highest in Sep 2003, it was 692 ? and has been stalled at around 300 since it first dropped in the first year of the mino regime.  C-RP is 1.1 (was lower last July, but this time I had just been through a mini-flare), ESR still a steady 5.0. My Full Blood Count was all in normal range.  The most surprising of all, for the first time in 5 years, no ANA Antibodies were detected!!! Results have all been positive and have varied (between bloodwork) from 40 to 160 and from homogenous, speckled and once even both homogenous and speckled. They registered a big fat zero this time!!!!!!!!

    For those of you who have not known me long, a very brief review of my journey:
    I began Minomycin (Oz brand of mino) 100mg MWF in July 03. Had great results very quickly and went into something close to symptomatic remission (my testimonial is on the main site). However, with a Mother ahead of me in years whose PRA was joined by RA which both went wild in her 60?s and which has pretty well crippled her, my still elevated RF was bothering me.

    So, in Feb 08, I decided to try to go further with this approach, stopped case managing myself (with my GP prescribing the mino) and I flew to another State to see an AP doc. She works a little differently to many, in tandem with a naturopath. After seeing them, I rigorously changed my diet and was rxd a new abx regime. They told me I had other pathogens to knock out. After trialling one regime for a few months (which gave me some weird and worrying symptoms), a new abx regime was rxd in July 08. A combination of 3 abx in small doses, two days a week.

    I have had some really good months ? but also some worrying episodes (flares/herxes) since omitting the mino ? which both doc and naturopath declared was no longer doing anything for me but modulating my immune system. I admit, I have been a little nervous recently. Did I make the right decision by going to see them? Is the naturopathic input valuable? Was coming off the mino sensible? What if I?m getting worse instead of better? Well, after yesterday's results, I feel now that I did make the right decision to ramp it up and go for more. I also believe the dietary changes have made a contribution to healing my gut and to the results. Overall, I believe my ?gut feeling? about this really served me well: there WAS more to do on this wellness journey. And it really seems that I am moving again – in the right direction! Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    Great news Lynnie! You so deserve it after all you've been through. What a testament to us all about pursuing recovery and health.

    😀 Susan


    Lynnie, thanks so much for sharing this FANTASTIC news! I am bubbling over with joy here for you and also for Jen (Tainabell) today!!! :roll-laugh: 

     It's always such a big step to change what is working or keeping us in a steady state for something that may rock the boat but bring better health down the road. Those unnerving periods of worsening can keep us guessing and making us think we're going nowehere, but backwards, but just look at how far you've come!

    You're a very courageous, stong woman and I admire these qualities in you greatly! :dude: Well done, my friend!

    Enjoy – no, absolutely wallow in – this victory over PRA!!!

    Peace, Maz




    Lynnie – that is truly great!  You're a great symbol of the hope that's out there for everyone.  An RF that drops more than 400 points and an ANA that sinks to zero!  What an example for everyone who thinks there's not hope…keep up the good work!:roll-laugh::roll-laugh:


    Wow Lynnie , this is such great news!!!! ANA finally negative after 5 yrs….hoorraaayyy! I am so happy for you !!!! This post just gives  so much hope to some of us seeing it still positive after 19 months, like me and my son. Now i know that we need more patience and we WILL get there!!!!

    Such great news!!!!




    Awesome news Lynnie!

    Diffuse SD since Apr '07
    AP since Feb '08
    100mg Mino twice daily
    Stopped Clindamycin IVs Aug 2019
    "No one should profit over someone else's illness"


    Wooo hooo!!!! Congrats!!! Awesome news!



    That is such great news :roll-laugh::roll-laugh: – wonderful for you and also a great inspiration to me as I embark upon an investigation of possible gut issues (appointment next week).

    So happy for you !!!!!



    Fabulous news Lynnie!!  I'm so happy for you, and wish you many more years of improvement and health!  Congratulations!!:roll-laugh:


    What awesome labs, Lynnie!   I do hope you're toasting with some of your fancy vodka. 😉

    I love your spunk and determination to want it all no matter what.  I'm sort of in that phase now of “whatever it takes” to be even healthier than when I got sick.  The fact that you did so well during your 7-wk trip to the states last year spoke volumes so I'm not surprised at these test results.

    Thanks for all you do around here.  You've kept me on track more than once. :blush:



    Very happy for you, Lynnie!! 😀

    David C


    You, maz & some of the folks here have contributed so much to this sites. A role model & AP warrior.  You deserve it and congratulation.



    Eva Holloway


    I am so glad for you to get these good results. Hopefully all the other test will fall in place andyou will do even better. Yahooo for Lynnie:roll-laugh::roll-laugh::roll-laugh::roll-laugh::roll-laugh:.


    Eva Holloway



    I'm so happy for you.  I know how nerve wracking it can be to change up the protocol but the results as you have shown can really be worth it.

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