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    Has anyone gotten the shingles shot that has SD? My husband now has shingles in his eye and his eye doctor stated that I should get the shingles shot asap, I was wondering if anyone that did get it if you had any side effects or any trouble after you had gotten the shop


    @DAR wrote:

    Has anyone gotten the shingles shot that has SD? My husband now has shingles in his eye and his eye doctor stated that I should get the shingles shot asap, I was wondering if anyone that did get it if you had any side effects or any trouble after you had gotten the shop

    Hi Dar,

    This is a great question and one that may raise a lot of discussion as some are for such vaccinations and others not. Each situation is unique and needs to be made in an informed a way as possible. Here is one case study linking the development of an autoimmune skin condition, called Bullous pemphigoid, to the shingles vaccine:


    (Go figure: at this link, tetracyclines or erythromycins are described as helping to control bullous pemphigoid!!!: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bullous_pemphigoid#Treatment_and_prognosis)

    Here is more info on Wiki – it is a “live” vaccine, which could potentially cause a hyperstimulation of the immune system.



    Personally, as I am pretty reactive to many drugs and if I was in the same situation, I’d be consulting a naturopathic or integrative physician to ask about natural anti-viral alternatives (ensuring I was fully informed about any herbal that is an immune-stimulant) or even considering talking to my doctor about taking a prescription anti-viral during this time rather than the vaccine.

    It’s a tough one, eh?


    Thanks Maz for your input, I am actually afraid to go and get it, I just feel that it will just lead to all kinds of trouble down the road, when I was a child my mother always told me that I had a very severe case of chicken pox worse than my brothers and sister, I don’t know if that would have given me any immunity or not, I have been around people that have come down with shingles and have managed not to get them, but of coarse with my husband I am putting drops in his eye every couple of hours and putting stuff on his out breaks around his eye, I have been wearing gloves but you know how it is you always have that little doubt in your mind.


    I’ve had low level shingles on my back for many decades. One thing that helped was the homeopathic Shingles remedy. I’d give that a shot. If I experiment with antibiotics, I notice some shingles coming back. The shingles could have it’s origin from the gut. I stay away from all vaccines. Minimize processed and GMO foods.


    In my opinion I would not get the vaccine. My brother had to be hospitalized for a few days after receiving a vaccine. It cased rapid breathing, trouble breathing, it was awful.


    Hi: I got the shingles vaccine last year with no side effects whatsoever. It doesn’t mean that I will not get shingles but my changes are greatly reduced.


    Diagnosed with RA in 2005. Taking minocycline M W F. Taking B vitamins, fish oil, probiotics, vit E, calcium, vit D, DHEA, zinc, magnesium taurine, curcumin, msm, GLA, vitamin C, glutathione capsules. Using topical ointments for pain such as Voltaren. Drinking lactose free milk, eating lean meat such as chicken and fruits and veggies. Exercising 3 times a week.
    My side effects of mino are hyperpigmentation of my face/neck and darkening of my gums and whites of eyes which is very distressing. Diagno


    Vaccines are part of the depopulation agenda. Vaccines don’t work either. Congress has passed legislation protecting vaccine manufacturers from law suit just like they did with monsanto. The government has even admitted that vaccines caused injury in their case files regarding claims.

    Historically communities that didn’t get the vaccine were more protected against disease like polio especially the most devastating kind. Amish generally stay away from vaccines. It is one of the reasons why chronic diseases are rare among them. I have a nephew who is Amish. We told them to stay away from GMO for their livestock. They tried it for two years and it was a disaster. They threw out all the GMO crops after they saw what it did to their livestock.

    There is a disinformation campaign by the powers that be on the internet that claim that many Amish vaccinate. Relatively few vaccinate. Some get duped into it. Some adopt vaccinated children. Some need it to get into a school or college. I like how they claim that there is some “unknown environmental” factor behind autism rise. Right! Vaccines and processed foods have spearheaded the rise in autism. They need to obfuscate and create doubt on the Amish situation so people don’t see the obvious.

    One amish guy where my nephew lived got vaccinated because he ended up in a hospital or clinic for some reason. He didn’t realize what they were doing. Everyone told him it was bad thing to do. The worst time to get a vaccination is in the first 2 years because the immune system is not developed. A healthy adult may or may not be able to weather the assault.


    Fact –Monsanto has been paying plenty to settle lawsuits —last two settlements were for 390 million –hardly protection —polio is unheard of in this country due to one reason and one reason only –vaccines —smallpox has been eradicated in developed nations because of one thing –vaccines —-I did quite a bit of business with the Pa. Amish a few years ago –here are some facts –they dont adopt because they have plenty of their own children –they generally dont vaccinate —as far as autism –the Amish have a frightening rate of autism- defects etc —these kids are never seen in public rather they are hidden away in the farmhouses and rarely go in public –I recall vividly the fear in summers of polio –every neighborhood has victims –paralysis iron lungs and death –every summer in the early fifties and before- this occurred until DR Sabin and DR Salk developed their vaccines –I believe in the flu shot –never had flu for about 40 years now —


    This isn’t a debate. People need to do their own due diligence. I just give
    people a heads up especially to the mothers of children. After that, it
    becomes their responsibility to inform themselves.

    Congress passed laws to protect vaccine manufacturers from suit.
    Supreme Court rubber stamped this also.
    One can read between the lines in those actions.

    Anybody claiming vaccine injury will need to go thru the Federal Claims Court.
    The government will ultimately decide the claim. Good luck on that claim.
    Does one trust the government to do the right thing. I know they can’t be trusted.
    Vaccines create injury decades after their administered. That rarely gets addressed.
    I think only a class action suit can just partly address that but that gets complicated by the
    poisoned food and water supply. If someone shoots you with 100 bullets and one dies, one
    will never really know which bullet ultimately killed the person.


    Do you tell them how to get their kids into school without vaccines –thats millions of kids yearly –and they are all harmed ???????????????


    Kids can get exemptions for vaccines but there could be exceptions.
    As far as schooling, i always advocate home schooling.



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    Thank God I live in the UK where vaccination for your children is not compulsory yet.


    Most of us have the shingles Virus in us as most of us come into contact with it in childhood so I don’t know that older people are necessarily catching it just more likely their immune systems aren’t so strong to keep it at bay. In childhood it is called Chicken Pox when you get it as an adult shingles. I know two men who suffered with RA both were long term steroid users who both had regular bouts of shingles, more a case of compromised immune system defences and general poor aging.

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