Home Forums General Discussion Peptide Injections for RA/OA & More

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    Hi Jill,

    I’m glad to hear your last injection went well and that you continue to make progress.


    Thanks Parisa. To Heathman & others – I Dont know which Peptide you got or if it was from Oxford over in the UK or what. Was it for SD?
    In any case i view this as a in concert effort meaning that I am using more than one avenue realizing it takes time for the AP to work & be effective. In my case I lost alot of time due to being undiaganosed (spelling) and during that time I had many areas that got affected – I am trying to reset the clock as much as i can without being too harsh on my system as well as I need to treat the untreated chronic Lyme which was preventing the typical dosage of AP for the SD from being as effective. Did you complete 12 months of Peptides Heathman? lt would be helpful to know this as there is not as much patient history as there is for AP. I think anything that can help the immune without causing harm in side affects is a consideration.

    I dont know how long the peptide will be effective – there is more long term cases to look too for SD with AP. I just know the skin lesions are lessening each time I have done a injection – again I dont give all of the credit to the peptides but to the increased AP & to some degree the HBOT I still view the AP as a cornerstone no doubt and good support from supps & diet. THe increased circulation is a direct affect. Yes it is a risk of how long if my immune can get to the place where it can take over …

    What i would like to know is with the increased lyme AP is when my stomach may slow down in not getting frequency & occasional loose stools. Yes i have already uppped my Probotics but a tl. of 2mg’s a day for AP it was felt that Flagyl would be a break from Plaquenil & be less toxic but would do the cyst killing job for Lyme in order to take Flagyl 500 mg’s BID it was then Zithromax 500 mg’s BID a day as Minocycline & Flagyl dont work well together.
    I had hoped it was temporary but this is still a issue at least a few days a week thus far – not daily. I dont know if this is a good thing in die off or a bad thing. Some doc’s can offer a opinion either way.

    Best – Jill SD & Lyme


    For now the gains i got from my peptide injections were temporary while each time I got a bit longer affect – it was felt by my Doctor to stop the injections even though I only had 3 injections in total he felt I should be seeing more longer lasting affects.

    The one thing that he mentioned was the nickel which can cause a effect as can other things ( bacterias etc) in causing Scleroderma that nickel is not a toxin but a allergen if someone is allergic to the metal – the peptides i was getting were for toxins & drug reactions only felt to be behind many SD cases. The thing is long term allergic processes of which i have many things i am allergic too – confirmed in testing etc – while not a toxin can cause long term inflammation which then makes the immune system weak which opens the door for bacterias etc to build. A basic site in example to this is -http://www.achooallergy.com/chronic-inflammation-disease.asp Of course Lyme enters into this equation too but the chicken & egg of which came 1st, mainly the thing is a strong immune system can fend off better opportunistic bacteria(s) and allergic processes can lead to leaky gut & antibodies all sorts of ills that over time take a toll on the body.

    It maybe why this peptide is either impaired at the moment as my system is not able to make good use of this OR it is just not the right peptide for my own situation as to why I have this disease. I have hit more plateaus in using ABX than i have Herxed too – so finding that sweet spot between nothing or so sick i cant keep any food in me and am too weak to fend off anything in too strong a herx has been really touchy – def. the bugs are there. As one doc said i could do IV’s forever every day but if Lyme is in the dormant form you cant get to it the ABX he feels only works when it comes out of dormacy & it is hard to pinpoint that – & it becomes very good at hiding from the immune system and ABX. Changing it out yes and using cyst form ABX is a must too but the forms of other ABX what these months have shown me is my bacteria hides & then comes back with a vengence after the IV is done not just a Herx but new symptoms coming forward so what this told this doc is that we didn’t kill the bacteria it just went hiding & then they come back to life – he said this is the time to hit them hard, but it is tricky. This doc & I am working with Herbs & ABX to try to hit that sweet spot now more than ever as I need to stop or slow progression – i have continued to progress in further disease expression since March some newer things i have been able to push back thank God but old stuff has gotten worse. This doc had Lyme himself & his whole family – he said it would be a miracle if my whole family didn’t have this espec. y hub. contagious by kissing.
    We are working on the high cortisol levels his formulas are better in helping me than the ones i had been using – the ones i had were from Pure Formulations which have good products but his are working much more effectively for me.
    He also has given me better enzymes & 2 products one for inflammation & the other is a anti fibrogen – I never realized that Lymies have fibrogen too I knew for SD yes – I find that interesting as I have both.
    Will see how much this can encompass my body with AP & the herbs he has for Lyme.

    I continue to reach out for help to doc’s. Still waiting for the blood work taken march 5th up in Iowa to come back for bacterias involved – was told around 4 months or so – so hoping soon. Am open to stem cells & whatever it may take all i know is i have to do so much more it seems right now but then i am so far behind the 8 ball in this having gone on for 9 yr’s. In some ways it is grace that i have gotten this far. All I know is having both diseases is by all accounts written by doc’s much tougher to which I can say my body says so too.

    Best – Jill Systemic Diffuse SD & Lyme 2 different labs with positive SCL-70 and Lyme CDC & IGENEX positive 6 bands with a indeterminate 7th band. Many inflammatory high risk markers including PLAC2 for heart – stroke, HA or clot. Cardiolipin continuing to rise despite one year of ABX & all sort of other new markers ACE, Cholestrol, Triglyercides, more markers than i care to think and new oddities in blood work. Supp’s OMG – antiinflammatory diet held too since Dec. due to inflammatory markers was 90% mostly on one for years already.

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