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    I could use a few words of support for sticking to a diet that helps me and also for putting the energy, time and money into seeing various practioners that help me. Last night I was with a small group of friends and I got a bit of teasing for both. I know my great improvement has been due to all of the things I've done…



    Wow.. Your friends are teasing you about trying to get better? That's sad..

    As far as support.. I think you said it yourself.. “I know my great improvement has been due to all of the things I've done…” You are getting better so continue doing what your doing regardless of what your friends say..

    For me, personally, I feel that most people wouldn't look into diet, AP, and other things to try and get better.. Most people would just follow doctors advice blindly and take whatever pills they prescribe.. Think about how much easier it is.. If I would have done everything my initial rheumy told me to I would be on MTX right now and eating the same things I had been (very HIGH sugary diet) as he said “Diet has 100% no affect on RA”..

    Well, I choose to take my health into my own hands.. You did too which is awesome and takes a huge leap.. I believe you're doing the right thing and everyone here is here to support you and one another!

    Keep on keepin on!! 😀


    [user=128]Sierra[/user] wrote:

    I could use a few words of support for sticking to a diet that helps me and also for putting the energy, time and money into seeing various practioners that help me. Last night I was with a small group of friends and I got a bit of teasing for both. I know my great improvement has been due to all of the things I've done…


    Sorry, Sierra.  People can be really clumsy.  Most people just don't get what a day in our lives is like, so try to give them a pass.  You know what works for you and what sets you back, so ignore the comments, but keep the friends.  Friends that make us laugh are good for us. :blush:


    I have similar problems, Sierra!  Just remember, your friends don't know what you're going through.  If they did, I'm sure they wouldn't make fun.  But stick to your diet. 

    I almost fell off the wagon the other night, too! But I made a good decision, and I'm so glad I did.  Maybe that's the best advice: don't think of how you feel in the moment, think about how good you'll feel afterwards having known you made the right decision.  You can do it!  😀 

    Rockin Annie

    [user=128]Sierra[/user] wrote:

    I could use a few words of support for sticking to a diet that helps me and also for putting the energy, time and money into seeing various practioners that help me. Last night I was with a small group of friends and I got a bit of teasing for both. I know my great improvement has been due to all of the things I've done…


    Hi Sierra,

    I know how you feel, my own sister ribbed me all the time about my diet, everytime we went out with friends she would make a remark about my eating and how skinny I was. I used to get followed into the toilet to see if I was bulimic or asked if I was anorexic. People are funny, they cannot stand for anyone to take control of their lives, diet.

    I have learnt now not to make an issue about what I can and can't eat. The more improvement I get the more confident I get and in turn the confident shows.

    Keep confident about what you are doing and stay well………..Annie

    P.S. We went to a basketball game last night, and they were passing around nachos, I nearly succumbed, but I looked at all that cheese and thought mmmm is it worth it……….I resisted….and feel great this morning :roll-laugh:.

    Diagnosed with RA in 2004, after trying many conventional meds I changed to mino.
    2015 changed to doxy 50mgs
    2016 went off doxy, after getting double pneumonia and massive flare put myself on 250 mgs Zith & 50 mgs doxy, which I will increase slowly.
    Supps, magnesium, NAC, vit c, krill oil, oregano oil, thisylin, turmeric, olive leaf extract, vit B, multi vit.


    It is hard to stick with a special diet but very much worth it! I have actually lost a few friends due to my diet changes becuasethey think I have “an eating disorder” my friend found out Iwas sick and dropped me. If you ask me she did me a favor lol. I eat gluten free, dairy free, beef free, soy free and all organic. Pricey and doesn't leave too many options for eating out. I had severe heartburn and GERD for he past few years, probably due to SD, meds never helped. My ND told me that I have very low stomach acid and TONS of food intolerances. Once I respected what my body wanted I stopped getting heartburn. I am a firm believer that wha you put in your mouth has 110% to do with your overall health and it is sooo maddening to me when a dr will discount this fact.

    You are doing the right thing. Especially by seeing more than one practicioner. You are healing mind body and spirit, which I think is imperative to healing from chronic illness (ev er notice some people heal and others don't? You WANT to heal and are exploring every avanue which is why you WILL get better). I think that people don't want to deal with illness and that is whay they discount what we do (or its just because they have never been there themselves). God forbid any of them got a dx like one of us and was told, “Um, this disease progresses and there is nothing we can do but numb the symptoms” I am guessing htat most people would be doing just what you and I are…exploring every option there is and creating some new ones while we are at it 🙂

    There is nothing wrong with needing reassuraces. You are taking hte path less traveled and it is scary (especially when Drs are going against you and you are sick and tired and don't feel good). I personally don't know what I would do without htis website for reassurance and info. Please feel free to email me if you ever need support, YOU ARE DOING THE RIGHT THING ANYONE WHO TELLS YOU OTHERWISE IS NOT WORTH YOUR TIME!!!Take care and feel better:)

    Susan LymeRA

    Hi Sierra,

    I am really sorry your friends gave you a hard time.  How thoughtless of them.

    A change of diet was the very first thing I tried after being diagnosed RA.  I could do that without a prescription and it brought about an estimated 50% improvement.  Later testing would explain why, but obviously I was sold on the fact diet does have a lot to do with inflammation.

    My rheumy however was not.  He pooh-poohed the idea even though I had such obvious improvement.  I just looked at him and thought “you've already told me you don't know what causes it and you don't know how to cure it so why should I listen to you”?  He actually screamed at me when I requested minocycline.  No problem.  I stuck to my guns.  He gave me the mino and I went in search of a doctor trained in nutritional healing.

    One year later that same rheumy declared me nearly dormant.  At least he was humble enough to acknowledge that whatever I was doing, it did seem to be helping.  Of course, he did not bother to learn more about what I was doing.

    Now 3 yrs later, I am living a normal, painfree albeit managed life.  I am working with a rheumy who believes in infectious causes among other things.  My mother and I were just discussing yesterday, how everyone who tells us about someone they know who has R.A. always tells how poorly that person is doing.  I never hear any success stories like myself.  I think that is very very telling.  It amazes me too how many sick people don't want to hear about things that work for us.  They just figure if it was true, their doctor would know about it.

    Hang in there.  This is your life, your fight and your right to fight it the way that is best for you.






    I know exactly what you mean. It is hard enough sticking to a very restrictive diet when people are not supportive. I went to my husband's Christmas party the other night and these people I had never even met before were making comments on what I ordered. I ordered a salad with no vinegar (because it has yeast in it). This lady was grilling me “you're allergic to vinegar….I've never heard of that before. She then watched me order my salmon, potato and veggies grilled with no seasoning. I also passed on dessert which her husband thought I was crazy for. She made some comment like “that explains why you are so tiny so she was probably thinking I had an eating disorder”. I felt like telling her about SD and saying that I've always been small from years of running and sports but didn't want to get into it with her. Instead I blew out my cheeks and made oinking noises while I watched her down her cheesecake! Just kidding! My husband would have been horrified!

    Anyways, I find that people either don't understand and think we are being obsessive. Just know that you are doing what is best for your body. It is difficult at this time of year but worth it. I have noticed that my heartburn has pretty much disappeared since I've eliminated my food intolerances. Stick to you guns and ignore others!


    As to the teasing my dad used to say consider the source. If your friends are like most of my friends what has been their biggest health problem? Most likely nothing to compare with our issues. Just keep up the good work and don't look back. Your results have been good and you know what you have to do.


    We're sickly, we're picky, and we're here to stay. Get used to it, world!!!:cool:

    I know our friends and family can be hurtful without knowing it; my father is convinced that all I need to do is walk 2 miles a day to work the kinks out of my joints and muscles, then my pain will go away. These significant others in our lives mean well, but they can not understand what we're going thru or why we've made the choices we've made unless they too have experienced some form of long term, life-changing illness. If we do try to explain it do them, it's so complex that soon their eyes roll back in their head and they almost fall asleep. I read a paper called, “The Spoon Theory”. It was an attempt by a woman to help her friend understand the physical challenges of her disease. Here's the link –


    great friends. If they act like it's just a downer to have to listen to you talk about your progress when it comes up in conversation, it's time to re-evaluate the friendship, or at least insist that they keep any negative comments to themselves because they are hurtful and ultimately slow down your progress. Try to put it aside and enjoy the holidays. It's a magical time of year when lots of really cool things happen between family and friends if we're watching carefully”>

    Patti D

    Hey Kim
    Your right friends that make us laugh are really good for us, We should all take time to find some laughter in each and every day. It does reduce pain at times and it also makes you feel “normal”

    Happy days!


    I am so very lucky – in that my friends are all so supportive of my dietary restrictions. No issues at all and genuine interest in the what, why and how. When I travel and stay with people, I take my own stuff. Their response? You are soooo easy to have as a guest! My challenge in life has been having a mother with my condition who lives the other side of the world and who has been the classic 'my doctor knows best' person – and is now suffering from years of heavy hitting drugs. It has been a great learning for me on many, many different levels.

    When people respond the way your friends did, it says a great deal about the way they approach life. Maybe compassion is a way for you to respond. You are the one who has the fortitude to be an 'upstream swimmer' – not everyone does. Lynnie    

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    [user=11]linda[/user] wrote:

    We're sickly, we're picky, and we're here to stay. Get used to it, world!!!:cool:

    I know our friends and family can be hurtful without knowing it; my father is convinced that all I need to do is walk 2 miles a day to work the kinks out of my joints and muscles, then my pain will go away.

    Linda, you crack me up! :roll-laugh:   Listen to your dad, just walk it off. :headbang::headbang::headbang:  Too funny, I'm sure you just hadn't thought of that.


    LOL I WISH I could just walk it off LOL:doh:


    Thank you!!! All of these responses really lifted me up.

    Sierra 😉

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