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    No problem! It is a hard thing that we are all doing and it really helps to have a bunch of people that can totally relate to what we are doing. I don't really talk to any of my friends right now, they are not all supportive (Except for my best friend since I was a kid, who is the godmother of my daughter, we have ben friends FOREVER lol she my not understand or agree with what I do but she NEVER makes comments ad always offers to help and is encouraging) I am just stying away from those who have negative comments because I truly believe that your mental and emotional sate has so much to do with the healing process. My ND told me something that I will never forget when I started my healing process in June : “You are going to be making positive changes in your life and for your body which will then shift your energy. Whenever you shift energy it is like a ripple effect and touches everyone around you so as you shift this energy some people may be turned off and neg (BAD friends who generally hve stagnant energy from what I have found) and others will be warm, receptive, and encouraging (VERY GOOD friends!! who have freely flowing energy I have found)” basically she told me to cut off the energy suckers they aren't good for you. When my friend stopped speaking to me I was at a VERY low point in my life financially we were really struggling and i was ill. So it showed me she obviously didn't love me who leaves a friends when they have no money and are serioisly ill? A TERRIBLE self centered person who cannot be bothered that is who and she did me a favor she was always criticizing what I was doing the friendship consumed more energy than it gave out to me so I don't really miss her at all! I am not telling you to lose your friends LOL just weed through any that are like the girl I thought was my friend. They will only hold you back on your healing. Feel free to PM me if you ever need, I honstly have found some people on here that I have gotten so close with I email every day and call. One of my friends got married and flipped out becuase I was so sickly and broke that I couldn't afford to e in her weding or go to her shower she told me I HAD to go to hte wedding so I forced myself to go, and haven't spoken with her since. I understand that a wedding is a huge and important thing in your life but so is dealing with a life threatening disease (which she KNEW about) that was friend number 2 who did me a favor (althoug that one was way more painful as I had been friends with her since I was littel) but oh well I am over it … the way I look at it I have 2 little girls (and my hubby) who NEED me and to hell with every one else. I have to live and heal and if that means I have no friends well my girls have a mom and that is all that matters.


    Little Red

    Thanks for the “your don't look sick” website, its great have already sent to several family members.
    I too wish I could “walk it off”
    Thanks for sharing really lifted my spirits.
    Little Red

    Rockin Annie

    [user=11]linda[/user] wrote:

    We're sickly, we're picky, and we're here to stay. Get used to it, world!!!:cool:

    I know our friends and family can be hurtful without knowing it; my father is convinced that all I need to do is walk 2 miles a day to work the kinks out of my joints and muscles, then my pain will go away. These significant others in our lives mean well, but they can not understand what we're going thru or why we've made the choices we've made unless they too have experienced some form of long term, life-changing illness. If we do try to explain it do them, it's so complex that soon their eyes roll back in their head and they almost fall asleep. I read a paper called, “The Spoon Theory”. It was an attempt by a woman to help her friend understand the physical challenges of her disease. Here's the link –


    Hi Linda,

    I have just read that link, Spoon theory, it was a very emotional story, I was trying to read it to my hubby, but a lump kept coming up in my throat, it is exactly how it is………thankyou, I will let give a copy to all my family………..Annie

    P.S. I hope you are feeling a bit better too. :blush:

    Diagnosed with RA in 2004, after trying many conventional meds I changed to mino.
    2015 changed to doxy 50mgs
    2016 went off doxy, after getting double pneumonia and massive flare put myself on 250 mgs Zith & 50 mgs doxy, which I will increase slowly.
    Supps, magnesium, NAC, vit c, krill oil, oregano oil, thisylin, turmeric, olive leaf extract, vit B, multi vit.


    Sierra, People can be very ignorant when they do not understand.  When my face was puffy, co-workers would say “Oh my God, you face is puffy.”  I wanted to say”And you have a fat butt every day and I don't say a word about that.”  Of course I never said it, but do what is best for you.  Keep working on getting better and ignore the stupid comments.  Best wishes, JoAnn

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