Home Forums General Discussion Looking for suggestions to alternatives to Minocin

  • This topic has 32 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Kim.
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    Hi guys,

    I posted a while back on Dec 1st that I was having what I thought was major heartburn from taking Minocin 2/day.

    Well it turns out it was not heartburn but esophageal spasms which I am taking 20mg of dicyclomine for.  I've determined it's definitely the Minocin that is jacking me up and causing the spasms.  I've been off Minocin for 2 months now and my hands are really starting to flare back up 🙁  I've tried taking the minocin with food and various other tactics but within minutes of taking it I feel like I have crushed glass going down into my gut.

    I wanted to ask the board for suggestions on other medications I could try taking in lieu of the Minocin.

    The GI I saw said Minocin and other tetracyclines are very hard on the stomach and is not surprised that it's been causing me issues.

    I've gotten Clindy IVs once a month since Nov and these don't cause me any problems but getting an IV once a month is not having any noticable improvement.  It seems I need to get them more regularly, like the 5 days straight I did a few months back, to have much effect.

    Any suggestions on what I can try to get back on an AB protcol?

    thank you!  sometimes I don't know what I would do without the advice on this board.



    Was your minocin a brand name with the little prills in the capsul. Used to be Lederle but is some one else. That one taken with a full glass of water and don't lie down for an hour usually doesn't cause reflux but it sounds like you have more than regurgitation.

    Do all the tetracyclines do this to you? Even Doxycyclin?



    Hi James,

    Nice to hear from you, but sorry things are not going well.  After a year and a half you should be farther along so doing more of the same is probably pointless.

    Have you been tested for Lyme (Igenex Labs, only)?  Everyone has had exposure and it could have triggered your RA.  If you would have Lyme it would take an entirely different abx protocol and an experienced Lyme doc, LLMD.  Here is a link to a previous post explaining how to organize a Lyme test.


    If you decide to pursue this angle we can send you a list of Lyme docs for Texas.

    Take care…..kim


    Hi JamesP,

    I had the exact same problems as you with minocycline – causing my throat to tense up and feel swollen and painful. I stopped the minocycline for two weeks when it was at its worst, and then restarted it at one per day, and now back to two daily. It doesn't seem to be giving me the same trouble this time around. This might be because I am more careful about taking it before lying flat than I was before, or maybe my body is getting used to it?

    Anyway, I just thought it was worth mentioning that you could try a little break and then restart to see if you can get past this problem. It was pretty bad for me too, and made me think I couldn't tolerate it either, but I seem to have been able to push through it and now my throat is more or less okay. It's a weird symptom for sure.

    And I second Kim on getting tested for Lyme – such a worthwhile thing to do!



    Hi James P! I also suffered from some bad ….what i think was heartburn/acid relux/who knows. Anyhow, nexium was not working at all. I did Apple Cider Vinegar for a few days and that helped relieve it…but it was not fully gone. Then my RA dr told me to try sucraflate. That worked like a charm. May want to try this before giving up on the minocin. FYI, I use the minocycline globle brand its in a capsule. It is an ulcer med….which i dont have but my dr said it would work on acid reflux .


    Sucralfate is an anti-ulcer medication.

    Sucralfate is not greatly absorbed into the body through the digestive tract. It works mainly in the lining of the stomach by adhering to ulcer sites and protecting them from acids, enzymes, and bile salts.

    Sucralfate is used to treat an active duodenal ulcer. Sucralfate can heal an active ulcer, but it will not prevent future ulcers from occurring.

    Sucralfate may also be used for other purposes not listed in this medication guide



    Please describe the Minocin that you were taking. Are they capsules or tablets? What color are they and what is written on them? What happens when you shake one of them? Notice anything?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    [user=1429]PhilC[/user] wrote:


    Please describe the Minocin that you were taking. Are they capsules or tablets? What color are they and what is written on them? What happens when you shake one of them? Notice anything?


    dexcel pharma brand which is euro

    they have some pellets or something inside them

    also the minocin is not causing heartburn. I've tried taking high dosages of acid reducers and I still have the same issue. I'm taking an esophageal relaxer now that helps but does not prevent it entirely


    Hi James,

    It would help a lot if you could tell me what's written on the capsules.  There should be some letters and/or numbers. Using that information I can figure out exactly what you're taking.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Hi James,

    Nice to hear from you, but sorry things are not going well.


    the capsules are maroon and tan, no numbers.

    The box they came in has the folllowing:

    Pl 14017/0062
    almus pharmaceuticals
    b.n. 0906033



    You can call Igenex yourself and order the test kit.  They will send you the kit which includes 2 vials for your samples and forms for you and your doctor to fill out.  The basic Western Blot is Test #188 and #189 for around $200 (you pay when you send back your sample).  Take your signed forms to a lab for the blood draw, have them prepare (spin) the sample, then pack it up and drive it yourself to UPS.  This has to be done on Mon/Tues/Wed so it arrives at the lab during the work week.  Igenex will only send the results back to your doctor so you'll have to get hard copies of the actual test from him.  They may call you and say your results are “neg” which can be meaningless if you hit on certain very Lyme-specific bands so be sure to get the actual test. We can help you interpret the results. 

    The other option would be to see a Lyme doc (LLMD) and have him do the testing.  We can send you a list of docs in your state if you want to do it that way.

    Most LLMDs are swamped with patients so if you're on a long waiting list it saves time if you can arrange the test first yourself.

    Hope this made sense…..kim


    Kim wrote: “Have you been tested for Lyme (Igenex Labs, only)?



    Ticks are in every state in this country, and Iowa is one of the more heavily hit states in the midwest, but ticks aren't the only vectors.  Mosquitos and biting flies can also transmit the disease.  All of my (20+) bites have been on my head so I didn't see a bulls-eye rash, only 50% of people even get the rash anyway, so if you're using that as a marker it's a mistake.  Most doctors in the midwest are clueless about Lyme so you'll have to be assertive if you want testing and insist on the right testing (Igenex Labs).

    Lyme is a big garbage bag of mixed infections and hard to test for each one specifically so most LLMDs just hit every patient with the whole arsenal of abx.  As sick as you are, Sharon, I think it would be a good idea to know if Lyme is what triggered your auto-immune problems.  Lyme triggered all of mine, and now that I've treated Lyme and the co-infections, the SD and RA are in a nice quiet place of remission. 😉

    Take care….kim


    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote:

    Mosquitos and biting flies can also transmit the disease. 


    My husband's aunt was bit by a horsefly at an outside party.  She was terribly sick by the end of the day.  It was lyme.  She was very fortunate that she was treated right away.  I don't think she has any residual problems with it.

    Take care,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Wow–Thanks Kim and Trudi, I didn't know that!


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