Home Forums General Discussion Looking for suggestions to alternatives to Minocin

  • This topic has 32 replies, 13 voices, and was last updated 14 years ago by Kim.
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    that would be great

    [user=492]maz.aust[/user] wrote:

    [user=909]JamesP[/user] wrote:

    Maz.aust do you have a link by chance with info on your protocol?  Did your doc recommend it or did you find out about it online?

    thank you

    I am assuming you are asking about the abx I take ??

    My AP Dr recommended it — there are a variety of combination abx she uses depending on the patient's needs & they compliment each other in effectivness working together in her opinion to make it more effective.  Although I have always had rulide & amoxil syrup prescribed we have changed the other 2 as needed.

    I don't have a link to my protocol but can PM you with how it went if you want to have a look?



    Kim could you tell me what test I should have done for Lyme from Igx?  They mailed me the kit but there are around 9 tests on it just for Lyme.  I've attached a scan of the form.

    [user=40]Kim[/user] wrote: [/b]

    Hi James,

    Nice to hear from you, but sorry things are not going well.  After a year and a half you should be farther along so doing more of the same is probably pointless.

    Have you been tested for Lyme (Igenex Labs, only)?  Everyone has had exposure and it could have triggered your RA.  If you would have Lyme it would take an entirely different abx protocol and an experienced Lyme doc, LLMD.  Here is a link to a previous post explaining how to organize a Lyme test.


    If you decide to pursue this angle we can send you a list of Lyme docs for Texas.

    Take care…..kim


    Hi James,

    My eyes aren't sharp enough to read the form, but if you order Test #188 and #189 that is all you need for the basic Western Blot.  It should run around $200.  My doc doesn't order the tests for co-infections because he says they aren't that reliable and a waste of money, rather goes by symptoms.

    Please do a search on the board for “Lyme testing” because it will walk you through the process.

    Once you get the results, insist on a hard copy and don't rely on your doc's interpretation (assuming it's not a LLMD) of “pos” or “neg” because it could very well say “negative”, but if you hit on very Lyme-specific bands then a qualified LLMD would say you definitely have Lyme and will treat accordingly.  The guidelines are ridiculous and will miss half of the cases, if one is basing a diagnosis on test results alone.

    Once you get your results we can help you interpret them.  I'm so glad you're having this done, because as you know, AP and Lyme treatment are very different protocols.

    Take care…..kim

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