Home Forums General Discussion Has LDN worked well & so quickly for anyone else????

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    @vera wrote:

    I tried to get the LDN in tablet form to make it myself, and the pharmacy I get mine from told me I couldn’t purchase it!! If anyone knows where to purchase the tablet, that would be good information.

    Maybe because the prescription said LDN not Naltrexone? Both are Rx meds.
    Jaminhealth: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=1960&p=35297&hilit=LDN+costco#p35297

    Eva Holloway

    I have been taking LDN for four years now and I sleep well and have lot less pain. About two years ago I had to stop taking LDN for several months because I had hip surgery and then dental work done. When I went back on LDN, I was taking 4.5 at the time I started , I noticed that I had an issue with the LDN giving me headaches. I asked Dr. K. if I could go down to 3 mg and she agreed. I feel a lot better with the smaller amount, don’t ask why. About every two weeks I don’t take the LDN for one night and it seems to help like a wash out. I probably will take the LDN as long as I can get it.
    I had Dr. K write me a prescription at one time for the 50 mg pill and then did it myself with distilled water in a brown bottle and a dropper from the pharmacy. I had no problem getting the pills. They gave me 5 pills per month and it made a little bit more than a month. Each pills makes about 11 days if you make it yourself.
    Eva πŸ™‚

    Eva Holloway


    @Eva Holloway wrote:

    I have been taking LDN for four years now and I sleep well and have lot less pain. About two years ago I had to stop taking LDN for several months because I had hip surgery and then dental work done. When I went back on LDN, I was taking 4.5 at the time I started , I noticed that I had an issue with the LDN giving me headaches. I asked Dr. K. if I could go down to 3 mg and she agreed. I feel a lot better with the smaller amount, don’t ask why. About every two weeks I don’t take the LDN for one night and it seems to help like a wash out. I probably will take the LDN as long as I can get it.
    Eva πŸ™‚

    Eva, your post is encouraging and informative! Thank you for sharing. It seems every thing we try goes through adjustment periods — LDN — included. Last night I panicked because I didn’t get home until late & took the LDN at 11:30 pm. I’ve read it should be taken at the same time each evening. I’m so glad to hear it’s worked so well for you. So far I’ve had no vivid dreams, and was able to sleep well from the second night onward.

    Thanks again, GG


    The price for the LDN has gone up from $4 to nearly $30 per month, so I am going to check into getting the pill from Costco and see if the price goes down. What I’m concerned about is getting it mixed up right and in the exact 4.5 mg dose! I’m glad to know it works for you, Eva! Makes me more willing to try.




    From what I’ve read about LDN, as well as 3 years personal experience on it, as long as you take it by 2:00 a.m. you should be fine. I’ve taken it as late as 3:00 a.m. and didn’t notice any difference (though it may not work properly taken that late).

    I used to worry about the timing as well, but it has never been a problem. What HAS been a problem is skipping 3 days in a row! πŸ™„ I got such a bad cold when I did that! In fact, a pharmacist who lectures about it (Skip’s Pharmacy) said he forgot to take it with him on a trip and got sick himself. But, forgetting to take it one night hasn’t been a problem for me.



    Can you feel the actual rise in endorphins, as in feeling better, happier emotionally? Could you feel that from the very beginning?

    It is stated that LDN should not contain slow release fillers. Does it mean that actual Naltrexone contains it? How do I recognize that LDN is done right (no slow release filler)? It is a major concern for me because of drop in endorphins which should not be happening.


    Hi Lori, oh, it’s good to know I have a larger window than I thought! I’m also excited that LDN has helped to keep you & others from getting sick!

    Thank you! GG

    Eva Holloway

    if you get your LDN from Skip’s it should be alright, heard a lot of good reports about his products. I live in Houston, TX and I have a compounding pharmacy not to far from where I live and I have asked several times what filler they use and at one time they where actually using Acidophilous but they do not use time released material. It should never be used at the compounding pharmacy. The pills should be okay as long as your doctor marks the paper “Not Time release”. I have never heard that the pills are time release.

    Eva Holloway



    I’ve had various concerns about fillers as well, especially since I developed interstitial cystitis over a year ago. The best thing I could recommend is to call the pharmacist compounding the LDN, or selling the tablet, and ask him. I’ve had to do that several times over the years and they are quite helpful.

    Yes, I felt an emotional ‘lift’ right away. Of course, things have leveled off, and frankly, I’ve forgotten all about that! πŸ™„


    My family constantly battles colds, yet most of the time, I don’t catch them. And I am on Enbrel which lowers the immune system! So LDN is especially important to me. I know that there is debate whether LDN is effective when you take an immune suppressant like Enbrel. But, I know what I felt like before and how I feel now!!! πŸ™‚ And, like a broken record, I experimented with not taking LDN a few days – and wham, got sick, so it does seem to work for me even on Enbrel. If I were to get off the Enbrel, maybe it would work even better!



    Thank you Eva and Lori.
    I’ll be asking for a new Rx and fill it up at Skip’s, unless I find out that the actual Naltrexone does not contain the slow release agent, then I’d prefer to dilute it myself. I think my present LDN (from previous Rx) does contain slow release filler, even though the compounder denied it when I contacted them after my first failure. Instead of rise in endorphins there’s a very marked decrease, just like last time I was taking it in the past. I’ve split 1,5 mg into 3 caps 0.5 mg each, hopefully it will help. πŸ˜›
    I don’t mind the bone and lung herx I’m experiencing and I do enjoy slowed down brain overactivity at night. I’ve been pidgging out on chocolate (over a pound a day) and it does help for a little while with endorphins! πŸ˜† Massaging acupressure points is not helping: they are getting too painful but practice makes perfect, so I hope to master the art! πŸ˜†
    Happy dreams, Krys


    @Krys wrote:

    Can you feel the actual rise in endorphins, as in feeling better, happier emotionally? Could you feel that from the very beginning?

    Hi Krys, I don’t actually feel a change, but tonight I do feel more alert around two hrs after my dose. I’d been feeling draggy all day since I took a bit of Ativan to help me sleep. I had an espresso w/ two sugars at dinner, needing to stay up for a play we were going to. I wish I had not taken the Ativan. I never do well with those kinds of drugs! Anyway, I feel much better now! I also just did my every other day FIR sauna which leaves me feeling relaxed/ calm.

    @Krys wrote:

    It is stated that LDN should not contain slow release fillers. Does it mean that actual Naltrexone contains it? How do I recognize that LDN is done right (no slow release filler)? It is a major concern for me because of drop in endorphins which should not be happening.

    I understand that Irmat Pharmacy is most knowledgeable about assuring quality & NO slow release anything in their LDN. I learned about all this here: http://www.lowdosenaltrexone.org/ It lists various LDN compounding pharmacies & their differences.

    @vera wrote:



    My family constantly battles colds, yet most of the time, I don’t catch them. And I am on Enbrel which lowers the immune system! So LDN is especially important to me. I know that there is debate whether LDN is effective when you take an immune suppressant like Enbrel. But, I know what I felt like before and how I feel now!!! πŸ™‚ And, like a broken record, I experimented with not taking LDN a few days – and wham, got sick, so it does seem to work for me even on Enbrel. If I were to get off the Enbrel, maybe it would work even better!


    Hi Lori, I’m doing an experiment tonight. I have had to run air purifiers for the last two years both at home & in my shop. Usually, if one is shut off by accident, I start to cough. So far, tonight, no coughing after purposefully turning them off. If I remain cough-free, I will have to credit the LDN. I hope!!! Best of luck with the Enbrel!

    Take care, GG



    How does a person determine the “marked decrease in endorphins” as you mentioned? Is it the way you feel, or is there some way to measure? That would be interesting to know!

    Chocolate is good for that! YA!



    Lori, I just have to respond to your Chocolate Loving habit. I’ve been a naughty girl on all food fronts. When I tried to go to the gluten free or any change in diet in order to discourage the bugs, I’d lose more weight, which was not a good thing for me 😐 So I eat everything in as balanced a way as I can. I’m also faithful to my supplements, especially Magnesium & Vit C.

    My “Chocolate” is Espresso in the am w/ 2 tbs sugar — yes, both are big no no’s, I know!!!! But when I’ve stopped this, I took a nose dive in energy & mood. I literally go into withdrawal by the second day and life is bleaker. What I can say is that that is the ONLY caffeine I have for my entire day, for the most part. It gives me that initial boost & keeps me there until bedtime.

    OK, LDN UPDATE: Tonight will be my day 8 of LDN at 4.5 mg. There are a couple of significant changes that I can share already. 1) my nodules have stopped growing (elbows & ankles & some in knees). 2) All nodules are beginning to get smaller incrementally, but I do see the change. 3) My left elbow is locking less often, almost to nil. 4) My right foot began to feel warmer upon waking this am w/ a bit of sweat at the toes — really strange, since I don’t sweat without major exertion (ie tennis in past life). 5) appetite is improved & am putting on some weight 6) Stretching is much easier. 7) arms have gained some strength 8) needing to use Magnesium gel w/ Lawang oil a little less often 9) still not coughing & hacking since turning off the air purifiers last night. . .

    Still waiting for 1) my hands and arms to gain much more strength 2) grip to improve on both hands 3) less stiffness after sitting a while (I need to shake it off upon standing, then I’m OK) 4) my body to let me run & dance & play tennis — not too much to ask πŸ˜‰

    Still love my heating pads, FIR sauna QOD, AP of course!, Magnesium Taurate 125 mg q 4 hrs, tons of stretching & rom/ range of motion exercises.

    More to come. I just want to say I am so excited to have LDN in my life!

    πŸ˜€ OO GG



    I just had to reply about the feel good emotionally from LDN. It has always helped me this way. Pain not so noticeable. πŸ™ I went off it for a while, can’t remember why?? Anyways I went back on it this summer. My dr wanted me on anti depressants, cause life has been very hard the last year. Hubby had a stroke and other stuff. Situation depression, he called it. Tryed the anti-depression pills and they made me dizzy, so I quit them. Went back on LDN and intantly felt that familar sence of well being. Still feel emotionally good and I have been back on LDN for about 3 months. Talked with my doc in August and he said it was ok for me to just keep up with LDN and not take the anti-depression pills, for now.



    to GG

    WOW! You’ve had remarkable results with LDN! and so quickly, too! I don’t doubt it will continue to gradually lessen some of your other problems over time. For me, I just look back to 3 years ago, and know I’m better. Of course, the mino is playing a part in that, but I wasn’t on mino when I started the LDN, that came a year later, and I was already improving!

    You have the opposite problem as me – you lose weight and I gain it – arggghhh. I’ve been told that espresso actually has less caffeine than brewed coffee and for some people caffeine is beneficial. I’m one that can’t take more than what’s in green tea. I just loved coffee.

    Keep up the good work and I’m so happy for you!!!

    to Lor

    Congrats on being able to get off the anti-depressants and that the LDN works as well for you – better even! I’ve been prescribed anti-depressants for urinary and vaginal problems, not depression or sadness, and have resisted, too. From what I’ve read they can cause permanent problems. I sure don’t need any more problems. I try to find natural remedies for things when possible, and LDN while a drug, is pretty benign in my experience.

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