Home Forums General Discussion Has anyone succeeded in curbing their Raynaud's with natural approaches?

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    paper tiger

    I just did a six week stint on Trental/pentoxifylline and absolutely nothing improved. Moreover, I live in Montreal (fact: January in Montreal is apparently statistically harsher than January in Moscow) so every single day is a total drag.

    I'm going to persuade my rheumatologist to let me try Adalat next, despite my low blood pressure, but I've been looking into natural remedies pretty seriously because I don't like the idea of taking more drugs.

    Has anyone had considerable success treating their Raynaud's through natural remedies? And if so, what did you do?

    Niacin hasn't really helped me (though I still take it). My friend's mother told me about OPCs/grape seed extract the other day and I think I'm going to start taking that too. Apparently it's great for circulation and for strengthening blood vessels. I drink litres and litres of green tea and ginger tea every day and my mother wants to bring me to her acupuncturist.

    We're about to hit the harshest chunk of winter so if anything helps, I'll know it instantly (perhaps I'll be in less consistent pain?) but I'm looking for any tips or success stories if there are any to be shared!



    Hey Tracy,

    Raynaud's and winter, a nasty combination. :crying:

    My Raynaud's was really bad in my hands, feet and ears, but now is 95% gone and I didn't use any prescription drugs.  I bought an infrared sauna and used it almost daily at first and took Neprinol.  The combination does wonders for improving circulation and thinning blood so it can move.

    You can use the search feature and read previous posts because we've had lots of discussions in the past on various approaches that have worked for people ~ some with drugs, some without.  Hey, whatever works. 😉

    Take care……kim


    Hi-If you are going to try Adalat –talk to the doctor about adalat XR–which is extended release–worked for me –



    [user=1359]paper tiger[/user] wrote:

    My friend's mother told me about OPCs/grape seed extract the other day and I think I'm going to start taking that too. Apparently it's great for circulation and for strengthening blood vessels.

    Hi Tracy,

    That's a very good idea. Are you taking any other supplements?


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    I had mild Raynaud's that went away with minocycline treatment.


    paper tiger

    I will ask about XR, thanks for the tip!

    PhilC: Currently, I am taking the following for, well, everything: Vitamin C+E, Niacin (B3), Vitamin D, Zinc, and DHA/EPA Omega-3 supplements. Will start on OPCs as soon as I have a chance to pass by a good health food store.

    Also, sorry for the gratuitous photo. I'm just wondering if anyone else has mostly permanent Raynaud's as exhibited in the photo I posted. Basically, I don't feel like I'm having an “attack”, my fingers are just blue most of the time, chiefly my right index and left middle fingers. This is when I'm sitting around my house or whatever. I get attacks where I feel tingling and then pain, but that's when I go outside or deal with cold water. Sometimes the blue goes away, for instance if I'm really overheated, but in most settings, even in a perfectly well-heated room, I've always got a tinge of blue going on. Anyone else in my boat?


    I have those purple color (almost all 10 fingers). Learning from Kim, I bought myself a portable sauna. I have not used it much but I am trying. I also take Ginkgo Biloba. I drink hot ginger tea (with cane sugar). I am doing okay so far for the winter. Still have icy cold feet, nose and also fingers, but they are not as bad as last year.

    My fingers turn white and then blue when I get nervous, even when it is 90 F.

    Hang in there, paper-doll (paper tiger sounds scary:cool:)




    Paper Tiger,

    Thanks for posting this great photo.  They really help.  I hope someone has some decent natural ideas. With your interest in the far east, any eastern medicine ideas?


    Diffuse SD since Apr '07
    AP since Feb '08
    100mg Mino twice daily
    Stopped Clindamycin IVs Aug 2019
    "No one should profit over someone else's illness"


    Hi Tracy,

    I gave some magnesium oil to one of my friends who has Hughes syndrome (clotty blood) and Raynauds. It relaxes the blood vessels slightly I think. Anyway, it works for him quite well. He rubs it on when his hands begin to hurt, but I suspect it would work even better if he used it more often.

    Just google magnesium oil and you'll find lots of places to buy it online. One bottle lasts for well over a year.




    Hi-Aside of the Raynauds has any doctor mentioned about a drift on two fingers on I think your right hand ????  If you have coverage you might want to talk to the doc about some kind of therapy –physical or occupational –it helps –while I am not a doctor it does look like early signs of contractures –an important  point is to try and prevent the drift —


    paper tiger

    Thanks about the tip about Ginkgo Biloba! It's definitely something to look into.

    Randy: I am actually going to see a new Chinese doctor this January! I grew up thinking Chinese medicine is very hokey but I'm starting to give it a bit more credence. What I've started doing is adhering to the yin/yang diet my mother had me follow growing up. It's about achieving a perfect balance in your diet and apparently, once you achieve this diet, your circulation is 'perfected' and you operate optimally. I don't see it as a miracle diet but I do think it'll help. At the end of the day, Chinese medicine has been around a few thousand years, they have surely gotten a few things right…

    Spacehoppa: I'm googling magnesium oil right now, thanks for the tip!

    Richie: I'll point it out to my rheumatologist the next time I see him, but I don't think it's SD related. I think they may be the result of piano playing and straining my hands because they've been crooked much longer than I've had Raynaud's or any health complications. Still, it's better to be safe than sorry, so I'll enquire about it anyway!


    Hi kim, what is neprinol and where can I get it?

                                        Thank You, Lindalou

    A Friend

    [user=1359]paper tiger[/user] wrote:

    I just did a six week stint on Trental/pentoxifylline and absolutely nothing improved. Moreover, I live in Montreal (fact: January in Montreal is apparently statistically harsher than January in Moscow) so every single day is a total drag.

    I'm going to persuade my rheumatologist to let me try Adalat next, despite my low blood pressure, but I've been looking into natural remedies pretty seriously because I don't like the idea of taking more drugs.

    Has anyone had considerable success treating their Raynaud's through natural remedies? And if so, what did you do?


    Tracy, the information on this link has been helpful for many, including helping with liver detoxification, and other reported helps.  This is a link where you can read about the lemon/extra virgin olive oil drink.  Even some of my favorite holistic cardiologists recommend use of lecithin, etc. which is also suggested as an addition to the drink for Raynaud's, etc.  The drink helps the liver get rid of stored  acidic wastes which are part of the inflammation and swelling problems in the body, and probably circulation as well.  http://www.keephopealive.org/lemondrk.html

    Good luck,


    AF – That's a great article.

    Tracy – my rheumatologist recommend ginko biloba to help with my circulation. Others on the Board have used Grape Seed Extract. Attached is a link that was posted previously on Grape Seed Extract.


    A Friend

    [user=869]Mumof3[/user] wrote:

    AF – That's a great article.

    Tracy – my rheumatologist recommend ginko biloba to help with my circulation. Others on the Board have used Grape Seed Extract. Attached is a link that was posted previously on Grape Seed Extract.



    Tracy & Mum, the above is a good link, too.  I think we are on a roll here.  After I'd posted earlier, I remembered that B-6 has been outstanding with help for hands — and all the B vitamins affect a tremendous number of functions.  After reading the above, I did a search for “Raynauds and B6” and immediately found a piece by Dr. Ward Dean (he's very knowledgeable about natural medicine). 

    This is the link, and he raises another possibility about Raynaud's that you may appreciate:



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