Home Forums General Discussion FDA finally admits Mercury Amalgams are not safe

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    Susan LymeRA

    This is a “toe-in-the-water” acknowledgement, but a big victory considering they and the American Dental Association have denied for years there was anything wrong with mercury amalgams.

    What really amazes me is that the ADA handbook for dentists details how to handle the amalgam filling before placing it in the patient's mouth and when removing it.  The instructions read the same as with the handling of any other hazardous material.

    What on earth ever made them think it was safe in our mouths?




    Donna RA

    Hi Susan,

    Thanks for the great post.  Good news for sure.  Now if only the Dentists had to undo the damage (mercury laden fillings) they placed in our mouths.  I had mine removed a while back, and it was a slow, and costly process.  Dental insurance did next to nothing to cover any of that cost.

    Donna RA 😀


    Donna, I'm considering removing the mercury also. Did you notice any changes for the better after having them removed???:cool:


    My RA flared a month after having two mercury fillings replaced. The dentist used a “dam” but no oxygen. One other RBF-er had the same experience. . . a few weeks after getting mercury fillings replaced she had her first RA flare. Now this isn't exactly a big study group, but you may want to be sure you look up a biological dentist that safely removes the filling.




    FDA?s Biggest Blunders

    The Food and Drug Administration?s sordid drug recall past.
    By Jim Kling for MSN Health & Fitness

    Susan LymeRA

    In my 20's (after birth of my 2 children, thankfully) I had to have 11 fillings.  Dentist blamed it on the pregnancies.  He put mercury amalgams in.  In my 40's, they began to loosen and need replacing.  A different dentist replaced 9 of them with a white resin material.  I was happy to be rid of the metal look.  No precautions were taken and nothing bad happened that I related.  It was during this time I had my first very bad bout of lyme……coincidence?

    Fast forward to 8/05 when sudden onset of migratory joint pain.  My jaws were horribly affected to the point I couldn't close or open mouth normal.   When RA was finally diagnosed in 1/06 and I learned of the root canal connection (5 root canals in my 40's….coincidence?) I sought out a biological dentist.  He removed the 3 remaining amalgams using proper precautions.  He could barely get in my mouth to work because of my inflamed jaws.  Two weeks later, the jaw pain was gone and has never returned.  My mouth and jaw has worked normally since.


    Donna RA

    [user=48]Lizz[/user] wrote:

    Donna, I'm considering removing the mercury also. Did you notice any changes for the better after having them removed???:cool:

    Lizz, I really didn't notice any difference in the way I felt, but unknown to me at the time- I was having a bad yeast, and acidosis problem, which was causing alot of my pain.  I recently had testing done for heavy metals, and the results say that there is no mercury present, which was surprising since I have had no chelation at this point. I was told that mercury doesn't just leave your system, even after the removal of it, so that shocked me. I see the Dr on Monday for a better explanation of why no mecury shows up.  My advice is to get a good biological dentist that follows the Huggins protocol, and take it slow.  Mercury removal is only one piece of the puzzle, which may or may not make a big difference.

    Good Luck, Donna RA


    Hi Lizz,

    I had my amalgalm fillings removed with dam and all by a Huggins trained dentist.  During the duration I had horrible dental infections and the RA really flaired.   A month after the fillings were changed over, I lost my first tooth to an abcess.  Within a year I lost two more and it continued like that until all my teeth on the top became abcessed.  My AP doc had his changed over and he had the same thing happen to him.  He opted for root-canals on all his teeth.  I went the safer way, with a denture, and I have never been sorry.  I dont' have the infections and the nerve pain on the top teeth anymore.  I'm strugging with the bottom teeth and I do plan on getting those out too.  I can't take the discomfort.  The back teeth that were changed over to a composite, I have lost.  I only have my front teeth remaining and those are giving me problems.  When I have a tooth removed, the one or two next to it will also be lost and so the domino effect continues.  My whole immune system was too weak to make the change-over.  I had been tested for a  filling material  that I could tolerate, but I think that perhaps just having the work done in my mouth created an infection and inflammation issue. 

    I guess I now feel this way….if it works, don't fix it.


    Susan LymeRA


    I am so sorry you had such problems afterward.  I haven't known anyone else to experience anything like it and have to think you were an unusual case.   All mercury amalgams leak and even the FDA has been forced to admit that.  I would not keep mercury that is leaking in my mouth, not even if it is working.  I am glad you did not opt for root canals.




    Hi Susan,

    I know what you mean about the amalgalms leaking etc…I just wanted to mention that before you have a lot of work done, to realize that the possibility does exist that your body may not tolerate the change-over either!  Mine system didn't and my AP doc's didn't either and he's healthy!  We both went to different Huggins trained dentists.  Mine started getting infected soon after the work was done.  His teeth went bad about 4 years later, and it hit him all at once.  He was in major misery.

    If I had the money to do it over, I would have maybe tried the Rife machine.  That unit is suppose to help cancer, help save teeth etc….   Everything is so expensive though.  

    Sweden has banned all use of mercury fillings and did that quite some time ago.  I thing over 20 years now.  I had my filling changed over at the start of the AP which is 16 years for me.


    Susan LymeRA


    I am not familiar with the Huggins method but you are right.  We need to hear about all experiences and proceed with caution.  I hope it is better for you now.

    Rife gets mixed reviews in the lyme world.  Some swear by it.  Have you looked into Photon Infared Lazer therapy?  It is FDA approved for RA and is supposed to be very good.  I think I also read that it can clear infected root canal teeth. 



    Hey Susan, did you start the prolotherapy, yet? If so, how's that going? Also, how is the “new baby” faring? She's so cute…I just love that pic of her with you and it always brings a smile.  😀

    Peace, Maz

    Susan LymeRA

    No.  We have had to delay the prolotherapy.  I have had a setback and actually had to go back on the Enbrel.  grrrr.

    Dr. has me on some really heavy duty herbal detoxing.  Blood was drawn to see what infection is triggering this flare.  I don't think I shared with the board what happened to us when we purchased the farm.  I was there two weeks and had to leave due to severe allergic reaction to some kind of mold or fungus on the farm.  I had a mold specialist inspect the house and there is some mold growth in the crawl space coming from improperly installed downspouts.  The specialist said this amount of mold would not even be noticed by most people, but I am sensitive. It can be easily cleaned and the spouts directed away from the house.

    The saddest thing is, I can just spend a few hours there outside and still get a  reaction.  When the baby was rejected by her mother, it forced me back to the farm in order to feed her every 2 hrs.  I lived on Claridon.  A veterinarian told us of a formula I have to order out of Ohio but it allows me to make a 12 hr batch so I only have to go twice daily to feed.  Still, the baby has no one for company.  She is too little to turn out with the other horses.  So we spend a few hours each evening with her. 

    My doctor is furious at me.  She wants me off the farm and said “give the baby up for adoption”.  That baby follows us around like a puppy.  She is so excited when we come and she really thinks we are her parents.  Can you imagine how attached I am to her?

    Of course, this has been heartbreaking, stressful and exhausting.  I believe it is what caused the flare.  The doctor thinks I am reacting to the mold which she says releases a toxin in my body.  What to do?

    For now, I am taking the Enbrel, doxy and a bucketload of herbs.  I have some tough decisions ahead of me about the horses.  We have been forced to sell one mare we have owned for 10 yrs.  She is having weight issues as she ages and if I can't keep her with me, it is very hard to monitor her food intake.  Stables around here just want to stick them out on pasture and not do any work for the money you pay them.  Keeping a horse in a diet paddock requires cleaning up after them.  Fat on a horse is as hazardous to their health as ours.

    Obviously the baby is the next one to let go of, but I would at least like to keep her until she is weaning age.  Boarding horses is expensive.  My healthcare is expensive.  How I wish the doxy alone was enough for me.  I toy with the idea of giving up riding, but it is my life and I'm still healthy enough to ride.  I'm just facing some tough choices right now.

    I spoke to the doctor more about the effectiveness of the prolotherapy and she said it works wonderfully for rehabilitating the tendons, ligaments and even promotes cartilage growth.  The dr is firmly convinced we can put my RA into remission so it will not destroy the new growth.  But she warned she can't get me there if I keep exposing myself to the mold.

    I have bloodtested positive for so many things that it seems to me, once we kill the parasites and bacterias and clear my body of the toxins and the heavy metals, my body will be able to once again handle the toxins it encounters daily.  I do believe I will have to take some form of glutathione for the rest of my life since my ability to produce my own glut is severely limited. 

    But, God does not seem to want me on a horse farm and I am trying to remain open and flexible to his will there.  It is just hard for me to be without them altogether and especially hard to let go of that baby.  She really is adorable.  Thank you for the compliments about her.



    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    No.  We have had to delay the prolotherapy.  I have had a setback and actually had to go back on the Enbrel.  grrrr.

    But, God does not seem to want me on a horse farm and I am trying to remain open and flexible to his will there.  It is just hard for me to be without them altogether and especially hard to let go of that baby.  She really is adorable.  Thank you for the compliments about her.

    Oh, Susan, really sorry to hear about these latest health hurdles and the difficult decisions facing you with your horses. Must be so hard to even contemplate….but don't give up hope, yet….there may be a solution waiting for you around the corner with the baby. Will definitely put it out there that something will crop up for you…maybe a goodhearted temporary 'babysitter' for her until you get yourself sorted? I hope so, Susan…

    I'll keep you in my thoughts on this and you'll get there with your health concerns…you're so proactive and have a great doc!

    Peace, Maz


    Hi Susan,

    Does you doctor think that prolotherapy will put your RA into remission?  If so…I'm afraid to tell you, it did not for me.  It got me moving a little better, but it was all only temporary.  Hubby and I both went through prolotherapy treatments.  He had a severe neck injury when he was in law-enforcement.  Prolotherapy was only a temporary help for him too.  I had many more treatments then he did.    Both of us responded very well to NUCCA treatments from our chiropractor.  That is the only thing he does.  He specializes in NUCCA.

    I think its wise to be open to other therapies.  But also be cautious because its all so expensive and if money is an issue at all, it can wipe you out in no time.

    I was raised on a farm and no way would I be able to work on a farm or live there.  I'm too sensitive to molds and dust and manure pits etc… I live in the country now with no farm.  The farmers around me all have manure pits and when they spread the manure in spring, it keeps me in the house.  The manure pits create a methane(sp?) gas.  It causes me great lung distress.

    I truly don't mean to sound negative with everything that you bring up, but learn from me and don't waste your money for a long period of time if the treatment isn't going to work.  It could work for you.  And it does on a temporary basis, but not as well as AP.  I wish I would have found AP first instead of all the other stuff.  We paid out of pocket, well over 150k.  It has set us back so many times.





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