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    Has any one used coloisal silver.

    Just curious. It's just that I know someone who did with drastic results so I wanted to know if any one else has used it.



    Yes, I've used colloidal silver, but only for a short while. That was about ten to twelve years ago.

    The danger with colloidal silver, as far as I can tell, comes from taking CS that is too strong and/or for too long. Some companies are selling CS that is way too strong, and some homemade CS is too strong because people are following a bad recipe, or are disregarding the instructions and letting their colloidal silver generators run for hours.

    As for CS being anti-viral, I am not certain that it has been studied well enough to be able to say for sure what it can and can't do. There has been one study (within recent years) that I know about, but the results of one study shouldn't be accepted as fact because experiments can be botched or poorly-designed.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein



    But did it work? I worked real hard to get a girl onto Minocin but some one talked her into Colloidal silver. She said the Minocin was making her sick.
    Last I heard she was doing kelation to try to get it out of her system. Her skin turned gray.

    Some how I always associated it with gold or heavy metal so didn't want to do it. She swore by it and her parents tried to get me to switch. Now they don't talk to me. I did tell them that I thought there wasn't enough information for me to make a decision about it. Besides Minocin was working so why change.

    Could be that she just did it wrong, look how many people do AP wrong.
    Any way I was just curious, just wanted to add it to my information bank.
    Just curios about whether it was an immune suppressant or anti bacterial.


    Todd WI

    This guy swears by it: ?Because of some profound benefits that I had received from using it, like no more acid reflux, no more sinus troubles; my arthritis went away,?


    judy cash


    What do you mean when you say,”look how many people do AP wrong?”



    Thanks Todd

    How long have you been doing it? What kind of arthritis? The girl had RA.


    [user=1539]Davit[/user] wrote:

    Has any one used coloisal silver.

    Hi Davit–

    I used it for about a year and had no problems.  Here is the product information–



    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Hi-There is no such thing as wrong –the antibiotic therapy is about 60 % effective for RA about the same  as the biologics with much less baggage –Doses vary based on what doctor is being used —The MIRA studies used 200 mg daily for RA and obtained good results –thats 1400 mg weekly -while other doctors use 50 MG three times a week –thats 150 mg weekly —-Is one of them wrong —the answer is no –as good results have been obtained at both levels —-While I have very definite questions as to whether that level is a therapeutic dose I dont consider it wrong !!!!




    Very few AP doctors in B.C. and none in the northern part. I know of quite a few people in my area alone that let there doctor prescribe to high of a dose and them stop it when the poor patient herxed. One guy is so sure he is allergic to Tetracyclins because they make him sore.
    Look at how many times we have said slow down and start lower. And crossed our fingers hoping they wont quit and go to something else. People still think if some is good then more will be better. They want a quick fix. This is what I mean by doing AP the wrong way.
    The girl,Lady, I should say has two children so she wanted the RA gone now. If she was getting sick from too high a dose of Minocin then I am quite sure she would use too much CS especially if it was working. You are not supposed to turn gray from a normal dose. Silver is still used in hospitals as a disinfectant. Zinc is in a lot of creams. Copper is an immune suppressant. But in large amounts they are all toxic. And unlike ABX they stay in your body.

    Yes people do, do AP wrong but you people are so lucky to have Doctors to direct you so it probably happens less there than here.



    No Richie

    Wrong is when your Doctor prescribes 200 mg three times a day for 10 days and says you are alergic cause you flare. This is how it is done for ordinary infections but I know of no one with RA who got higher than 200 once a day.

    Taking MTX in large doses with ABX doesn't work either. At least not for the people I have seen do it.

    If 60% is the best I could hope for I would have little hope.

    The difference in doses: Well it seems ReA uses higher doses than RA. etc.
    50-100 pulse does seem to work for most of the people I know with RA.



    Hi trudi

    It sounds almost as good as MMS. It destroys the cell walls in gram neg and gram pos. bacteria. But Micoplasma have no cell wall so I wonder how it can work unless it works on other forms of arthritis that may be bases on a bacteria other than Mycoplasma.

    Some thing for me to study and think on since it's too cold to do much else.

    Let me take this opportunity here to thank every one for there input. I love the vast difference of oppinion and although I only suffer from RA and stupidity (falling off Tractors etc.) looking at what others have and how they treat it has been very interesting.



    [user=1539]Davit[/user] wrote:


    But did it work? I worked real hard to get a girl onto Minocin but some one talked her into Colloidal silver. She said the Minocin was making her sick.
    Last I heard she was doing kelation to try to get it out of her system. Her skin turned gray.

    Did it work? I don't know. To tell you the truth, I'm not 100% sure why I took it.

    She took way too much colloidal silver. That's the only way to build up enough silver in the body to turn the skin gray. I'd like to know exactly what she was taking and how much of it she was taking. And for how long.

    By the way, my friend works for a naturopathic doctor. She told me that he prescribes colloidal silver for some patients. My friend also told me that she used it to save some of her animals that probably would have died because the antibiotics she was giving them weren't able to completely knock out the infections they had.


    "Unthinking respect for authority is the greatest enemy of truth."
    - Albert Einstein


    I would say she was probably taking it for around five years. And I agree that she probably took too much. I think it probably has its place but I would think short term only. Amazing what people will do to themselves looking for a quick fix. I have horsey friends that tell me to go to the vet and get some phynabutasone (probably spelt wrong) and I have used it but the doctor only gives you enough for ten days because its hard on the liver. The vet will give you all you want if he thinks it's for a horse.

    Few domestic animals live more than 10 or 15 years so it doesn't matter what you give them if you are only trying to get a few more years out of them.
    It is amazing what has come to us from vet use.



    Davit,  I took a very large dose of MTX along with Minocycline for a month. I went into spontaneous remission thanks to it. It came back a couple of months after I stopped MTX.


    Hi, Davit:

    I knew a fellow who drank about a pint of 7-10 ppm colloidal silver and 4-5ppm colloidal gold in distilled water daily for at least three years.  He made this using an odd distiller and claimed that “argyria” (grey skin from improperly manufactured colloidal silver) would be avoided if people used distilled water and pure silver to make their colloids.

    His potion successfully treated 1 case of prostate cancer, 1 case of mouth cancer, 1 case of stage IV mouth cancer, and end-stage hepatitis C.  He believed it could be used to treat AS, but I was never convinced and only took it sporadically when trying to avoid viral stuff going around; it is difficult to evaluate its effectiveness, but telling is that, if a person took a “therapeutic” dosage in a day, they would certainly have the 'trots' for a while.

    Yes, this is worth a try, but it should be done with caution.  This guy used 5-9s Ag and Au and tested it most on himself over the years.

    Regret he died last June due to asbestosis.

    I built many Beck Bioelectrifiers for him.  There is a “Beck Protocol” that may have helped some people ready to self-treat, and he theorized that his special distiller took the place of ozonated water required.

    Good Luck,

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