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    They mentioned on ABC news this morning that the church shooter yesterday had mental illness due to Lyme Disease.  They reported  the shooter was a subject of a  news article done about Lyme and mental illness. 

    I was getting dressed and listening to the news.  It was such a short statement and I was not sure I had heard it correct so I went downstairs to my TIVO and replayed the clip to make sure I had heard correctly.  Should be interesting if this gets much more reporting.  Very interesting that there is such a close timing to the chimp that attacked that had lyme.


    I came across the website of  Virginia T. Sherr, M.D., a psychiatrist in private practice in Holland, PA.:


    In her article, Lyme is a Brain Disease, the symptom  “unprovoked rage” is mentioned.  Scary stuff in light of the chimp attack and now the church shooter.




    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?

    Susan LymeRA


    Wow!  At least they are mentioning Lyme in the news.  Of course, we know it is significant, but so much of the medical world shrugs it off.


    Great article. 



    Jan Lucinda

    Glad you posted this.  ABC didn't mention the Lyme.


    I have a very good friend who works in the media who just confirmed to me that her news org killed her story on the connection between the shooter and Lyme cause the “medical community doesn't think that violent behavior is a symptom of lyme disease.”

    I'm of two minds on this here.  I don't want people thinking all people with Lyme are uncocked killers.  But why so much cover-up?  It seems so suspicious to me.

    Susan LymeRA


    It sure does.  But I think the biggest coverup was President Bush's bout with lyme.

    It wasn't reported at all when it happened.  One year later it is discovered during a review of his medical records and even though step by step details had been given for some other medical procedure (colonoscopy?) they refused to detail how he was treated for Lyme.

    Inasmuch as this is a major debate between the doctors as to whether or not longterm antibiotics are needed, I find it very offensive that they would not devulge how he was treated and I just bet he remains on medication to this day.

    Someone on lymenet posted a video of him in 1996 and again in 2006 giving a speech and the difference was appalling.  Even people who hate him and his conservative politics were driven to pity when viewing the two videos.

    Lyme does affect the victim mentally as well as physically.  Usually causing shortterm memory problems as well as severe headaches and for many people, mental confusion.  I was one who suffered those three symptoms along with stiff neck.  Luckily the first 30 days of treatment cleared up the mental issues and they have not returned but…………………uh……..what was I saying?  😀  hee-hee!  Just kidding.

    It really isn't funny and I certainly don't believe most people with lyme become deadly, but I absolutely do believe for some, it can trigger severe mental disorders.

    I personally hope the defense attorney brings lyme disease to the forefront and in doing so brings more awareness of the devastation of this disease.



    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    I personally hope the defense attorney brings lyme disease to the forefront and in doing so brings more awareness of the devastation of this disease.

    Susan, we can hope, right? Sounds like they want to downplay the Lyme/psychotic side in order to pin this guy with first degree, pre-meditated murder. They're looking for motives, according to articles I've read on this story. Of course, the current IDSA view, if they get an infectious disease doc on the stand, will be that the guy was cured with a month of antibiotics. Really sad. I just hope it won't take a number of these kinds of incidents before this is taken more seriously. :doh:

    Peace, Maz



    [user=86]Susan Lyme/RA[/user] wrote:

    Inasmuch as this is a major debate between the doctors as to whether or not longterm antibiotics are needed, I find it very offensive that they would not devulge how he was treated and I just bet he remains on medication to this day.

    My neighbor told me he was treated for 6 months.  She said she read it in our local paper, The Journal/Sentinel. 


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    [user=442]Trudi[/user] wrote:

    My neighbor told me he was treated for 6 months.  She said she read it in our local paper, The Journal/Sentinel. 

    I wonder if Bush was treated for coinfections and given any cyst-busters? 😕 Wouldn't that be a revelation? It is pretty sad to see how he degenerated over the years from a fresh-faced, energetic guy to a run-down, exhausted-looking one. Of course, he had a pretty full couple of terms in office, too. This kind of degeneration is sad to see in anyone…his signs have been so classic for neuroborreliosis…poor word recall, confusion, inability to string a full, comprehensible sentence together, etc. I guess we'll never know the full extent of his run-in with Lyme? :doh: There's a good chance even he doesn't know the full extent of it. A lot of ex presidents go on to do good works…maybe something good will come of it and one day we will see him advocating for Lyme patients?

    Peace, Maz

    Joe M

    This was in an AP (associated press) story today:

    Sedlacek's attorney, Ron Slemer, told the Belleville News-Democrat that his client has deteriorated both mentally and physically since contracting Lyme disease.
    But Dr. Eugene Shapiro, a Lyme disease expert at Yale University, said it would be unlikely that the tick-borne illness would make someone so violent. “Lyme disease doesn't cause people to shoot people,” Shapiro said.

    You're right Maz.  The presidency ages everyone who holds the office.  The changes in the before/after pics can be dramatic.  Presidents seem to age at about twice the rate as the rest of us.

    Susan LymeRA


    Hope you aren't believing Dr Shapiro.  In Lyme disease, there is a vicious battle being waged between the doctors and two very big medical associations.  ILADS (International Lyme and Associated Disease Society) and IDSA (Infectious Disease Society of America). 

    ILADS believes lyme is epidemic, easy to catch and in some cases, hard to cure.

    IDSA believes lyme is low risk, hard to catch and easy to cure.  They kiss off those of us with ongoing symptoms as “post lyme syndrome” for which they offer no solution.

    The oddest part of it is that some of those IDSA doctors were onboard when lyme was discovered and they were actively involved in the lyme vaccine that was once available.  At that time, they swore by the dangers of lyme.

    The vaccine was pulled from the market and I have heard because of lack of sales but I have also heard because some of the receivers of the vaccines contracted lyme from the vaccine itself.

    I don't know.  I have not spent my energy following all the theories of why some doctors deny lyme.  I was diagnosed lyme right from the start and have only been involved with doctors who recognize lyme.

    I was treated for lyme for 6 mths in 1995 by a family practitioner.  At that time, he had no problem doing so as it was when the doctors were espousing the dangers of lyme.

    After 6 mths, my horrific fatigue and vague joint pains disappeared so we thought all was well.  It was after that I developed weekly migraines, bad stiff neck, short term memory loss (oh the jokes my family has enjoyed over that one) 5 root canals in teeth that were excellent before the lyme.

    It took 10 yrs for the lyme to take me down.   Today I know the symptoms I suffered for 10 yrs were lyme which had never really left my body.

    Today I have positive tests for lyme, babesia (another tickborn illness that is incredibly difficult to eradicate).

    Unsure why the coverup on lyme or the denial of its dangers, but I do know the government has built a 12 million facility in Texas to study biowarfare diseases and lyme is one of the ones they are studying.  So, seems the government takes it that serious.




    Local press covered the man's struggle with Lyme in the past.  Talks about lesions on the shooter's brain.


    Apparently the lawyer is going to try to use Lyme as a defense of mental incapacity for the shooter, so the press is going to have to start covering it soon.  Here's some preliminary coverage


    This article features this old canard “The vast majority of people with Lyme disease–about 95 percent–can be cured with a short course of antibiotics.”


    This one features Wormser and Shapiro as “expert sources.” Conspicously missing – ILADS reps. 


    I am NO fan of Fox News, but this one seems to be the best one.  Mentions chronic Lyme without putting the chronic in quotes.  So at least some respect there.


    Neuroborreliosis is known to cause sclerotic lesions on the brain, which is what this guy's family has reported. These sclerotic lesions have been found in MS, ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer patients as reported by Dr Alan McDonald, a Lyme researcher, who found that 7 our of 10 Alzheimer brains he studied contained spirochetes or cystic forms of the disease.


    http://www.columbia-lyme.org/ (searchable studies)


    Depending on where these sclerotic lesions appear in the CNS and brain, the only sane inference, even for a humble patient/layman like me, is that they could cause psychotic episodes.

    Peace, Maz

    Susan LymeRA

    Everytime I read about how it can be cured in 30 days if caught early, I always ask the same question which I think is so obvious yet they never address it.

    How do you know the person is cured if the tests are so inaccurate?


    [user=27]Maz[/user] wrote:

    Neuroborreliosis is known to cause sclerotic lesions on the brain, which is what this guy's family has reported. These sclerotic lesions have been found in MS, ALS, Parkinson's and Alzheimer patients as reported by Dr Alan McDonald, a Lyme researcher, who found that 7 our of 10 Alzheimer brains he studied contained spirochetes or cystic forms of the disease.


    http://www.columbia-lyme.org/ (searchable studies)


    Depending on where these sclerotic lesions appear in the CNS and brain, the only sane inference, even for a humble patient/layman like me, is that they could cause psychotic episodes.

    Peace, Maz

    My brain MRI showed lesions “unknown cause” so if I go postal maybe there will be a precedent set. 😉

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