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    I was on doxycycline (and/or minocycline) for many years for my lupus through my family doctor and it worked great. However, since march of 2008 my stomach has been hurting so bad that I cannot take doxycycline or minocycline anymore even with food and/or H2-blockers (e.g. Prilosec) or else I will vomit. Thus, I am now experiencing all the symptons of my lupus especially inflamation and pain. My family doctor is helping me even though she knows nothing about this therapy except for what is in “The Road Back” book. She looked into it a little bit and found out that some people with arthritis take zithromax , one 500 mg tablet on Mondays and one 500 mg tablet on Thursdays, but she does not know if it helps lupus. I have started taking zithromax and my stomach appears to be able to tolerate it. Is anyone taking zithromax for lupus or knows information about whether zithromax will work for lupus? I would appreciate any information that I can give back to my family doctor. Unforturnately, there is no AP doctor near me so I am thankful that my family doctor is willing to help me with using this AP therapy. Thank you for any information and help.



    I'm afraid I don't know much about abx, but you might want to try InflaThera for inflammation and pain.  It's a turmeric based supplement made by ProThera.  You have to get it from a dr who sells it (might be a good idea to see if ProThera can get you a dr list).  It's $20 for 60 capsules.  I take 2/day, 4/day if uncomfortable.  I've found it works as well for me as steroids.


    Cheryl F


    If your doc is willing, I recommend that you request that s/he consult with Dr. S in Iowa. Send me a Personal Message and I will send you Dr. S's full name and contact information if you want to do this.

    Cheryl Ferguson


    Your family doctor could also contact The Arthritis Research Center, http://www.tarci.net and speak to Dr. C-V


    My husband saw Dr. S in Iowa  2 years ago and his lupus symptoms are gone.  No more itching, or feeling sick.   He also is sure to eat yogurt or kefir to help his stomach.  It was the best thing we ever did.


    Did your husband use minocyclin or zithromax? Did he do the Clindymacin IV? How did Dr. S treat him? I am really thrilled to hear your husband is in remission or cured. Bless Dr. S!!! He is God sent!!! JB


    Hi JKeuler,

    So glad to hear this with your hubby. Was his lupus caught early and what were his symptoms?

    Thanks so much,



    Hi,  His symptoms appeared following gallbladder surgery.  His symptoms were a rash, high fever, general malaise, stomach upset, achiness and sensitivity to the sun. At the beginning the docs thought it was an allergic reaction to the antibiotic he was on following the gall bladder surgery. After stopping the antibiotic and the rash didn't clear up, they thought it might be a viral infection because his rash looked like a herpes virus.  So, they put him on an anti viral drug which did not help.   After two years of trying to figure out what was wrong, the dermatologist did numerous tests and came up with the Lupus diagnosis and sent him to a rheumatologist who put him on plaquenil.  I started researching and came across http://www.roadback.org and read Dr. Scammell's books.   We couldn't find a doctor who knew anything about AP treatment so we went to Dr. Sinnott in Iowa.  We live in Wisconsin.  He is symptom free for over 2 years now.  His dermatologist says he must be in remission, but will not admit that the AP treatment might be what helped him.



      Hi Jkeuler,  You said your husband was diagnosed with Lupus but you didn't say if he took Zithromax, Clindamycin or something else for his Lupus .  I've taken Doxycycline or Minocycline for the last 3 years for my Lupus and was doing great.  But I had to stop because my stomach wouldn't take it down anymore(nausea, stomach pain, vomiting, etc. even when I took food with it ).  I am able to take the Zithromax tablet down(500mg on Monday and 500mg on Thursday) but I seem to be getting worse all over and I've been on it for over 4 months now.  I'm getting worried it's not working.  Please let me know which antibiotic your husband took for his Lupus.  Thank you very much.                                                                                                                     



    Dr. S treated him with 900 mg. of clindomycin via IV twice a day for 5 days. The ER nurses did that in the ER room of the hospital.  He and the nurses were super nice.  On the 2nd or 3rd day he got quite sick (Herxheimer  reaction).  After that he started feeling better.  When he came home he started on 100mg minocycline twice a day.  He is now on 100 mg twice a day 3 times a week.  He calls Dr. S every 6 months or can call him if there is a change in his health.

    He eats yogurt or drinks kefir to keep his stomach in good bacterial balance.  We were on vacation last week in Italy and he used probiotic pills while we were gone.


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