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    Hello everyone,  I have not written in a long time.  Briefly..dx RA January 2010, started AP March 2010 along with antiinflammatories and prednison,  now I am so so so much better.  Taking Minocycline,  1mg of prednisone( which will be none next week) rarely antiinflammatories.  Feeling so great except,  I am getting my second yeast infection in 3 months and feel like a pattern is forming.  I am taking probiotics everyday but still I get them.  This is new as I had only had maybe one my entire life up to this pt.  so what do you all do to help prevent this from reoccuring.  Stopping the AP is not an option as I am benefiting so much from it and am almost back to my old self.  Hope you are all doing well and would love your advice on this….


    Hi Zakdog,

    Sorry about the yeast infections.   They are truly a bummer.

    I have been looking for more natural alternatives to antiyeast meds.  Ketoconazole is very harsh on the liver and I don't like the side effects while using it.

    I recently tried a product called SF 722 by Thorne.   It is said to be the next best product next to antiyeast medications.  I have used this now for about 2 wks.  I am very impressed so far.   I have felt like I was getting thrush a few times and after taking this product it seemed to go away.   My tongue and mouth issues have felt almost symptom free since using this product.   If there is any hint that my tongue feels funny on days that I have slacked off with the SF722, I just up the dose back to 5 capsules 3 times a day.  There seems to be no side effects from this product either which is wonderful!   I am so happy to be off of ketoconazole!

    I also came across a web site with other natural products.   Can't find it at the moment, but my notes say that the following are good natural anti-fungals:

    SF722 (undecylenic acid), capryic acid, berberine, oregano, garlic, colloidal silver, cellulase, plant tannins and of course probiotics.  ….Just found the web site…   http://www.ei-resource.org/treatment-options/treatment-information/antifungal-treatment/

    There is also info on a candida puge that involves a shake made of water, caprylic acid, psyllium powder and liquid bentonite.  I have not tried this either but it sound interesting.  http://www.notdoctors.com/colclnse.html

    Of course, diet is key and keeping of sugar, white flour and processed food is a must.

    You might also consider purchasing some books on the matter.   The “Yeast Connection” has been out there forever as well as many others.

    Hope this helps.


    PS  If you try SF722, please let us all know your experience.  There are several here at RB that are awaiting info on first hand experience in using this.  So far, I think I am the only member trying it here at RB.

    Oh and PS again.   Diflucan never worked for me.  So you might consider that you are getting yeast infections for the same reason.   This is why I had to move to the harsher and more toxic ketoconazole.  It does work, but at a price.




    In addition to avoiding Sugar, Wheat etc – also try taking 2-3 Tablespoons of VCO ( Virgin Coconut oil) per  day. It seems to be helping me.


    I look at an antibiotic bottle and break out with a yeast infection! Greek yogurt has helped, lots of it each day. Are you taking a lot of baths or swimming? Sometimes the dampness can make it worse (depending on where you have symptoms!)

    I also take a supplement Amazon A-F, which is an anti fungal.

    Sorry, it is not fun.


    Hi Kash,

    Are you still getting infections while on Diflucan?

    Is the Amazon product natural?   Never heard of it.  What is it?

    I have been looking at H. Clark's para/candida zapper or the Beck blood purifier.   It sounds bazarre and I don't know if it is a hoax.   But I am considering trying it.  If is works, it sure would beat taking things internally.  

     Have you heard of it?



    Where do you get greek yogurt and the Amason AF??? I am doing tons of probiotics and a natural yeast fighting supplement.  I am no longer on  diflucan and will see my doc next week to see if I need to just take it once a month to get things handled.  Thanks so much for the advice. 


    i second the virgin coconut oil.  it's touted as having anti fungal properties.  i just did a round of doxycycline for an eye infection & i didn't get a yeast infection & i always get yeast infections if i take antibiotics.  i attribute it to the fact that i eat 2 tbsp of coconut oil every day. (and i love the taste!  i put it in my morning hot cereal – delish!)

    A Friend


    We can have — and even can have had for a long, long time — yeast infections, fungal-yeast overgrowth, without ever having had typical signs.  These are, in my experience only the “tip of the iceburg.”  I personally believe that by the time we have become chronically ill, that we have overgrowth of these type organisms, plus very probably many more. 

    Dr. Wm Crook and his books (back in the 1990's, but still applicable) were what saved me, because I had serious systemic yeast/fungal overgrowth, but had no other visible signs of it.  Just knew I had turned into a sickly, lifeless vegetable (after two years of constant 10-days-of-abx, and not being told or knowing about probiotics. 

    There are varying degrees of susceptibility by patients to these yeast problems.  I learned this from abstracts mailed to me by Dr. Crook's foundation (he was a pediatric allergist by training, and found a world of information while trying to figure out why he couldn't get many of his young patients well.  Many of us may appropriately call ourselves “canaries” and this is perhaps why we become chronically ill while others do not. 

    Dr. Crook died several years ago.  I highly recommend you find and read from the site:  Know the Cause.  Doug Kaufmann has been educating himself and others since he came home from Viet Nam where he was in the medical corps.  He has written many books, but it has been recommended that people begin with his books (small books or booklets) Book 1, Book 2, and Book 3.  I have read articles and  excerpts that certain products are recommended to take for a certain period of time; then rotate to other products; then to the 3rd product(s).  It stated that this helps to keep effective treatment, which the yeast overgrowth organisms do not become immune to. 

     Just searched by “Sent” files and found this.  Hope it is helpful.  AF


    Sent: Thursday, September 17, 2009 9:41 AM
    Subject: Yeast/fungus, illness… to get well, stay well, and lose weight…

    was a naturopathic physician who had really strong beliefs about true, healthy healing.  In order to give herself an MD background, to reinforce confidence in patients, etc., she got her MD degree. 
    The following is a very enlightening paper about candida yeast/fungal overgrowth, and all it can do to us and our bodies.


    Greek yogurt can be purchased at the grocery store or I am sure the health food stores. It has a thick consistency and not all like it.
    It was just a way of me getting my probotics in along with the capsules.

    The anti fungal is rain tree nutrition. Amazon A-F
    Rain-tree.com. I cannot say THIS is what has helped, but I have been clear…I am not on diflucan, they stopped me for awhile since I was doing ok.

    Coconut oil? Yum..bought at a health food store?

    As far as the other product…if it sounds to good to be true…..
    Ofcourse this is spoken from one who has a thousand different supplements that I have tried….


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