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    I don't recall bumping into something and it is on the inside of my upper arm.
    It is flat and a a circle of normal skin color in the middle. About the size of a half dollar. Doesn't hurt, just looks ouchy.:shock:  Guess I am glad it DOES NOT hurt as the rest of the body does!
    Anyone else have strange bruises?


    [user=2011]Kash[/user] wrote:

    It is flat and a a circle of normal skin color in the middle.


    Hi Kash,

    A couple of ideas for you to ask your doc:

    Some folk get late disseminated Lyme rashes when on treatment. Trudi can share with you how her Lyme rash reappeared and hung around for a while. Lyme rashes vary in size, color and shape, but a circle of normal skin in the middle sounds a bit like a bulls-eye.

    Second, amoxicillin can cause depletion of Vit K. Vit K is needed for blood clotting. I've noticed more bruising of late, too, as I am on Moxatag in high doses, which is an extended release amoxicillin. I will be asking my doc about Vit K supplementation when I see him next.

    You're not on minocycline, so wouldn't be to do with the blue/gray hyperpigmentation that can sometimes look like bruises on this antibiotic.

    Hope you find your answers, Kash, and that otherwise you're doing better!

    Peace, Maz   


    [user=27]Maz[/user] wrote:

    Some folk get late disseminated Lyme rashes when on treatment. Trudi can share with you how her Lyme rash reappeared and hung around for a while. Lyme rashes vary in size, color and shape, but a circle of normal skin in the middle sounds a bit like a bulls-eye.

    Hi Kash–

    As I started reading your post, I thought, uh oh, that sounds like what I had.  I developed a bulls-eye rash exactly as pictured on the website for the movie “Under Your Skin.”  I also had a lot of petichiae which is an indication of bacterial infection.  Going on antibiotics brought the underlying Lyme to the surface.  This was back in April, 2008.  I saw my LLMD for the first time in Oct, 2008.  My bulls-eye rash actually got much bigger–an area of 4 to 5″ by 3″–and I still have it.  For the first year I was only on herbals, botanicals, homeopathy, etc. to treat the Lyme because my body was too inflammed for antibiotics.  I started my antibiotics on January 4 of this year.  The rash is slowly starting to fade.  My primary,  my LLMD, and I think it is a visible reflection of my bacterial load.

    I also want to mention that ringworm can also have the round circle with regular skin in the middle.

    Good luck,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    here is a picture of it.  thanks for all of your ideas.  I don't have a LLMD yet – hopefully going to see one next month.

    didn't realize it is such a big picture….eeeeyyyuuu



    You were so smart to take a picture, be sure to put the date on the back too.  It definitely could be a bulls-eye rash.

    Take care……kim


    Hi Kash…

    I do get those bruises… In fact I have about 6 or 7 on my right arm and hand right now. Mine show up when I bump into something usually something kinda pointy. They look exactly like the photo that you posted. They will remain for about a week then disappear just like a regular bruise. I have always blamed it on my meds. I got this latest batch from changing the oil filter on my car. It is difficult to get to and I bump a lot of “pointy” things while removing and installing.
    They don't hurt at all, but are ugly as heck. If I ever have one when I have my regular Dr appointment, I am going to ask her about them…

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