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    Lynne Wrote: ” It took me over 5 years to figure out what antibiotics helped and which did not.The best for me were  Minocin,Zithromax and Clindamycin.Heavy doses did not help and low dose did.Mino 100mg 3 times a week.Zith 250mf once evry 10 days and Clindamycin 1200mg a week for a few months and taperd down to 150 2 times a week.I am in total remission and the only visible sighn is ridged finger nails.I now have a serious yeast problem but eventually will fix it also.”

    I noticed some people use Zithromax 250 mg once every 10 days. What is it? How does this work? Why do you need to add Zith? Whose protocol is it? How could you tell you are in remission? What kind of blood tests do you need to confirm it? If you could provide me some information, that will be really great.

    Thank you!





    jb, that's a good question?  I would like an answer on that also.  i hear so many people say they didn't just have one kind of bacteria, and minocin only treats l-form bacteria, i'm confused.  when i get well, i want to totally be well, but it's hard when you have to have this blood test and that and don't know which way to turn.  my doc, gives me meds, but she knows very little about this.  i call dr. s once in a while to get ideas, but i think he only goes with doxy, minocin and cleocin. 

    Cheryl F

        This is another good example of a topic that would be well worth looking into the old RBF BBoard archives.  I just did a search on “Zith” and came up with quite a few postings of people using and considering using Zith!  A good discussion worth reading.

    Look at the top of the BBoard hear for the link and instructions to read the old posts.



    JbJbJb-  I used mino for a year and developed a sensitivity to it.  Dr. S then moved me to zithro as he says that some people tolerate it better than mino (those who have mino sensitivities).  Well I developed a different kind of intolerance to that.  I thought I was doing well but my liver enzymes ended up skyrocketing on zithro.  That was over a month ago when I stopped it.  I really did well on zithro though and it is an option for people who can't tolerate mino or who need something extra.  Currently, I am not on any medications.  ALl my blood work has returned to normal (but my ANA is still high and my WBC count is low).  Everything else is now normal.  I currently have no RA symptoms, which is amazing considering a year ago I could barely lift my arms or hardly walk across the room.  The turning point for me was the IV clindy.

    I talked with Dr. S earlier this week and he gave me two options.  #1–Do nothing and if I flare, do another round of IV clindy as I responded really well to that.  #2–Try Doxycycline at a very low dose.

    Dr. S felt that my infection levels have been knocked down to a level that my body's own immune system can handle.  He says he doesn't normally recommend going off antibiotics, but since I am extremely sensitive, he said in my case he thought it would be okay to try and if I flare to try another round of clindy IV. 

    I'm debating my options right now.  Currently, he told me not to do anything as I'm leaving for Egypt in a few weeks and he doesn't think its a good idea for me to start anything new at this point.

    Good Luck!

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