Home Forums General Discussion Why would an AP doctor prescribe Enbrel????

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    I posted a few minutes ago on our visit with this doc but failed to put in the subject line (and can't fix it) that it was an AP doc and we are thoroughly confused on why he would have RX'd Enbrel if he believes in AP?!?!

    Can anyone help? Dh asked him – his answer was that we needed to hit it hard. What will Enbrel do to HELP this get better????


    Those “AP docs” are called this by us but most of them practice Rheumatology or General Medicine but also have interest in trying the antibiotic approach. The “ap” doc I see has info on biologics in the waiting room.



    How severe is your husband's RA? If his doctor is worried about joint damage he might rx enbrel, altho it seems a bit drastic. Has he already tried and failed to respond to anti-inflammatories?

    One thing to keep in mind is that AP is much more effective when it doesn't have to fight thru inflammation to get to the joints, most of us have had to be on some kind of anti-inflam, mtx or a biologic at first. The goal is to wean off them when the abx begin to work, so they are only temporary. I've been on Enbrel, the shots don't hurt. Given the choice, I'd choose Enbrel over prednisone for short term use. Best wishes,



    [user=11]linda[/user] wrote:

    How severe is your husband's RA? If his doctor is worried about joint damage he might rx enbrel, altho it seems a bit drastic. Has he already tried and failed to respond to anti-inflammatories?

    One thing to keep in mind is that AP is much more effective when it doesn't have to fight thru inflammation to get to the joints, most of us have had to be on some kind of anti-inflam, mtx or a biologic at first. The goal is to wean off them when the abx begin to work, so they are only temporary. I've been on Enbrel, the shots don't hurt. Given the choice, I'd choose Enbrel over prednisone for short term use. Best wishes,


    His RA is moderate. The most “severe” aspect of it would be the set in joint inflamation/pain in his wrist that has lasted for a year now. Otherwise, he get's transient joint pains on and off, never lasting more than a day to at most (and rarely) a week. We think he has Palindrome RA as his symptoms have matched that almost verbatim since he started with joint pains almost 6  years ago.

    Thank you for the info on Enbrel and reasoning. When I was thinking more clearly, I went to the Enbrel site later and read about the anti inflammatory aspect of it.

    This AP doc is actually no longer recommended by this site, FTR. We went to him based on older information and a helpful mod here has confirmed that he's really not a doc that can be relied upon. So it helps.

    He does have the Minocin RX…and lots of blood work that can be done now…so those are 2 positives. We can go through his regular NON AP rheumie for both of those (as this post AP doc and rheumie actually refer patients to each other, oddly enough).

    We just need to go to sleep for several  hours and deal with this whole thing later. LOL

    What a roller coaster….


    Your problem with the AP physician not being on the list anymore is becoming a problem for many here. I don't know if my former AP doctor is still on the list, but I fired him about 9 months ago anyway. There are a few rheumies in Phoenix who will rx abx, but they don't contract with my insurance carrier. I'm glad that at least your husband has th rx and access to lab work.

    As for yesterday, don't sweat it, we've all been there and this is a great place to vent-the little headbanger emo is very popular around here!



    Yep – love the headbanger guy! 😀

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