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    Hi Rebecca,

    How did your appointment go? What dose are you on? Have you been advised about diet?

    I'm curious as I started AP 2 months ago, my Rheumatologist was willing to let me give it a try but doesn't know much about it!:? So I am finding my way via this website.




    It is so neat that you have a skunk you're feeding. Wow! Send me a few pics if you can. Good for you for helping these little guys. (Sorry to get off topic guys)




    For newbies to AP,

         Get a good probiotic. Remember to take your antibiotic (and if you forget, take it as soon as you remember to, even if you're eating – some is better than none).

         Limit your sun and alcohol.

         See if changes in diet help or not. Some have had to avoid red meat or nightshade veggies like potatoes and tomatoes.

         Do what you can to boost your immune system like getting a good night's sleep.

         It might help to keep a journal.

         Remember, for most, this is a choice about your life and for the rest of your life; when you feel better don't stop the AP! Talk to your AP doc about a maintenance dose.

         Good luck and good health!



    Thanks Susan and sorry for seemingly hijacking your post Rebecca.


    Hi sargeanmajor,

    My appt went well…I went to a doctor in Riverside, CA..Dr. Franco. He started me on Mino 100mg in the A.M and P.M. on MWF along with Omega 3 supplements everyday and 2 kinds of probiotics everday and I have been taking on my own B-12 casue Im vegetarian and I also take digestive enzymes which are really working well with not having acid reflux and the digestive enzymes are natural occuring in food.



    I do have one more question I take my mino once in the morning before breakfast on an empty stomach and also for dinner as well but I dont know how long I should wait to eat after I have taken my mino. The prescription bottle says wait 1 hour to eat …does it make a difference if i wait 1/2 hr or 1 hour?


    Sounds very similar to my dosage and supplements bar the MWP (?).

    I have just been taking the antibiotic morning and evening and as long as I'm 2 hours off any supplements I haven't worried about the food aspect!

    Anyone else with any thoughts/advice on this?


    sorry I meant the MWF – as I don't know what it is.


    MWF – Monday, Wednesday, Friday.  Sargeantmajor, I hope you are availing yourself of the mine of information on this site accessible from the Home page. It'll take a while to plough through it but its a goldmine. Plus, of course, read the Henry Scammell book. The really important thing is to start educating yourself about AP. You'll find it a very empowering thing to do. Best to you. Lynnie


    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    Thanks – I have read the book only once though (will probably need to reread several times) and am ploughing through all of the available information. A little at a time though as I have 19mo twins!………



    Not to get off subject, but I have been to Auckland several times.  I just wanted to say that it is the most beautiful country I have ever seen!!!  And I miss the steak n mushroom pies and the takeouts lol




    I've been told nothing two hours before and after Mino., no med's 1-2 hours either way as well and no antacids especially two hours either way. It is best absorbed with nothing in a two hour window for everything. If this is too hard do the best you can and for me the brand name worked better. Info. is from pharmacy, hope this helps.





    [user=275]Terri9967[/user] wrote:


    Not to get off subject, but I have been to Auckland several times.  I just wanted to say that it is the most beautiful country I have ever seen!!!  And I miss the steak n mushroom pies and the takeouts lol



    I think so too, that's why we moved here from the UK last year. Hence my 2 big flair ups since giving birth to twins – stress (we emigrated when they were 4 months old)!

    I miss the pies and take-outs too – I'm on a no dairy, wheat, nightshade diet! 🙁

    Em 😀


    [user=157]steph-sclero[/user] wrote:

    I've been told nothing two hours before and after Mino., no med's 1-2 hours either way as well and no antacids especially two hours either way. It is best absorbed with nothing in a two hour window for everything. If this is too hard do the best you can and for me the brand name worked better. Info. is from pharmacy, hope this helps.




    Thanks Steph. I knew about lot's of water and try to keep out of sun (very hard to do here) but the DR and Pharmacy didn't mention not eating either side!



    thank you steph for the info on no food or meds 2 hrs before or after mino …. now i feel better.

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