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    judy cash


    Glad you are back. You have been very missed…..However, the other volunteers did a great job….

    You volunteers are the greatest…..and we love you all very much for all that you do for the rest of us…

    Maz, did you have a relaxing vacation? I sure hope so. You deserve a good rest..



    Judy, thanks so much for your lovely warm welcome back! I had a terrific one-week vacation with the family in NC's Outer Banks in Rodanthe….our first vacation in 4 years.

    If you've seen the movie, “Nights in Rodanthe,” with Richard Gere and Diane Lane…well, all I can say is that the place is just as depicted in the movie…gorgeous stretches of coastline and beaches. The Nights in Rodanthe house, though, has been moved from the actual beach, as the house was condemned after the movie was made due to erosion and the water causing the house to sink into the sand. Our rental property was located right by the pier that was used in the movie for the romantic dance scene.


    Really didn't want to leave that gorgeous place and could see us living there one day!! 😀

    Hope you are doing well, Judy!



    Just lovely!  Nobody deserves a break more than you. :blush:

    Take care…..kim


    Keep in your mind and heart: the beautiful view, the warm sand between your toes, the sounds of the waves, the salt air and as you always say
    “peace”. Glad you had a good time.
    It always seems there is something missing when one of you are away….



    Kim and Barb…thanks for your very kind thoughts….I love that visual Barb and you're right…I always feel it, too, when someone here is AOL.

    Thanks….ahhhh….blissful sun, susurration of the waves and warm sand! 😎

    Peace, Maz 


    Hi Maz,

    it is great to see you back but even more wonderful that after such a long time without a break you had a really relaxing and what sounds like a spiritual time!:roll-laugh:

    Take care'



    Hi Maz,

    What a great beach house! It's great that you were able to do this! We were at the Eastern Shore at about the same time…100 miles north of you.

    I am very proud of my “tan.” 😉


    Eva Holloway


    what a lovely place, I can just see you relaxing on the beach or the cool water. You deserve a break. Everyone needs a break on occasions.


    Eva Holloway


    Thanks so much, Caroline, Michele and Eva – you're all treasures! Boy, do I wish the Rodanthe house was the one we rented, but it was the one in the movie, Nights in Rodanthe….lovely movie if you get a chance to see it.

    Peace, Maz


    [user=27]Maz[/user] wrote:

    Nights in Rodanthe….lovely movie if you get a chance to see it.

    Hi Maz–

    I read the book–it was a great read.

    Welcome back!  I hope your vacation has fortified you with renewed energy to tackle AI and friends on behalf of US!!

    Take care,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?



    Welcome back!  And yes, you were missed but the other “Tommy's Angels” took good care of everyone while  you were away.

    This place looks amazing!  I am going to do a mapquest and see how far away it is from me…shouldn't be too far from where I live in GA.  (9 hours 53 minutes   /   594.87 miles – shoot!  Longer than traveling to St. Louis!)
    Absolutely gorgeous!  I saw the movie and was struck by the sheer peacefulness of the scenery!



    Thanks Trudi and Michelle!

    Michelle – I think the Outer Banks must be NC's best kept secret…it's truly a spectacular place to visit…beautiful stretches of ocean line and beaches and free of all the trappings of tourism that are found further up and down the coast. Just a nice place to crash out and chill….but it's expensive, so unless resources are unlimited, most folk who go there get together with a group of friends or for family reunions in order to share the cost of a rental home. The houses are huge, like the Rodanthe Inn, and can comfortably accomadate several families. We had three families (13 people in total), as we met up with old college friends from England to share the vacation.

    We stopped in VA Beach on the way home for one day. It's been years since we visited there, but it reminded us why we love the Outer Banks so much…VA Beach was just packed and you couldn't get in the water without bumping into someone.

    Still in vacation la-la-land! :roll-laugh:

    Peace, Maz

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