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    I am really getting confused about taking vitamins with SD, what is good what is bad does everyone just take a multi vitamin w/minerals or extra magnesium and the B vitamins , I am currently taking 100 doxy x 2 per day, I have an appointment with my rhuemy to get her to let me take mino, I have all the paper work to convince her to let me change, now just want info on the vitamins that everyone is taking



    I take iodine, Armour thyroid, Mg (away from antibiotics), Vitamin C, and probiotics. I eat lots of fruits and veggies.


    My hubby has been on a variety of supplements since dx over 2 yrs ago.  A naturopathic doc put him on a boatload before we discovered AP – once hubby started AP, the naturopath adjusted the supplements to what he thought would work best.  Currently, my hubby takes probiotics, b12, coq10, omega 3, MSM, biotin, vit e, zinlori (a metagenics supplement) – a varied combination of these.  You will get a million different responses to your post – everyone does something different – aside from probiotics, which everyone should be on when taking abx long term.  I think it depends on your concerns – if inflammation is a problem, take the omega 3s, if heart health is a concern, coq10 is good for that.  Biotin for skin, hair, nails, the zinlori is for digestive, etc. etc.  You would have to pinpoint your needs, and seek out a naturopath or DO, because I doubt mainstream docs, esp. rheumys, would every recommend taking vitamins!!   Good luck  – I hope this helps

    Ann R.

    HI!  You mention taking Omega III's to help with inflammation.  What dosage would you recommend??  I have taken two 1000 mg.  Omega III a day for several years (for heart health) prior to being diagnosed with RA in June '08.  I have been on Minocycline, 100 mg. daily for 6 weeks now and haven't had too bad a time with herxing etc., just seem to need some anti-inflammatory help.  Most of my pain and swelling now is in my index finger joints and  some right shoulder pain.  My knee pain is improving!:)   From what I have been reading, I must have a mild case of RA so far.  I was on Naproxen generic for an anti-inflammatory for several weeks, but Dr. weaned me off of those a short time ago. 

     Best wishes to everyone for improved health!!  Ann


    Hi Ann,

    My hubby usually takes 3-4 capsules a day, 1200 mg each capsule.  We play around with this, if his inflammation in his hands is noticeable, he takes 3-4,  if not then he drops down to 2-3.  When he was really having problems w/inflammation, he took Ultrainflammx, by Metagenics – it is a powder that you mix w/water and drink 2x day.  Like most things, it is an acquired taste.  He hasn't needed to take it for about a year, but at the time he was taking it daily, it definitely helped reduce the inflammation, over time.

    A Friend

    [user=387]DAR[/user] wrote:

    I am really getting confused about taking vitamins with SD, what is good what is bad does everyone just take a multi vitamin w/minerals or extra magnesium and the B vitamins , I am currently taking 100 doxy x 2 per day, I have an appointment with my rhuemy to get her to let me take mino, I have all the paper work to convince her to let me change, now just want info on the vitamins that everyone is taking


    My answer to your above post would be to say that each of us is different, and some supplements one person takes may not be right for us… or we may most need others not mentioned. 

    There are a number of SD patients that have turned around their illness.  It may be very helpful to read what they have written; or, ask them for specifics about supplements and about your specific problems.  I believe there are some supplements that have been shown not to be helpful for those with SD, so be sure to learn about these. 

    If you live in an area where there is a highly respected Certified Clinical Nutritionist or Naturopathic Doctor, they are usually knowledgeable, nd possibly can help you put together a plan.  However, there are some good sites/links to knowledgeable-respected medical professionals that write about specific illnesses and give educated suggestions/guidance.  Be aware that the vast majority of us have received very little help with diet and supplements from our physicians.  Somehow, they seem to have graduated from med school without learning much about nutrition, and has been said that they usually have one course in it, if at all. 

    When it comes to supplements, I've found there is no substitute for we as patients becoming knowledgeable about our own bodies, diagnoses… and conditions that medical doctors have notoriously ignored, and not even learned in med school.  In this area, I feel we must become detectives, print or copy important information when we find it that seems important to us (memory for most of us is not good at retention, and we will not retain what we've read and heard). 

    Diet knowledge for us is also important.  A very respected AP physician in Lufkin told us in a meeting that she usually takes all her new patients off most dairy products and grains with gluten, as these have been shown to be problematic for many, if not most, patients.  Also, the point was made that even if people do not have true Celiac Disease, the same gluten grains that are problematic in CD also create a “Celiac Syndrome” in other patients because of the difficulty our digestive systems have with these, with patients' compromised digestive systems. 

    You might use the above search window for this BB to do searches for specific supplements and read what is written.  Also, if you click on General Discussion above, under the topics near the top will be instructions about how to search the old RBF BB archived messages.  While each of us would love to be helpful to you, we've read that each of us is the expert about our own body, our symptoms, and our history — and will usually know when we read about something that fits and may be helpful to us.  While I've had to become a detective for myself, I've remained skeptical and need to have proven, legitimate sources of information before deciding something I've read is right for me. 

    After saying all of the above, I believe most of us need a good multiple vitamin (and I believe food source vitamin supplements are the best type). 

    I believe all of us need probiotics in larger amounts daily, because illness and meds cause the gut flora to be depleted.  Additional B-complex vitamins, sublingual are said to be the best absorbed, and if our B-12 is low, this needs to be looked at and addressed, because our gut flora is necessary to manufacture our B vitamins and for conversion of foods to perform necessary functions.  I believe we must get the sugar and high glycemic foods out of our diets that feed the bad organisms and help them multiply, resulting in candida and fungal overgrowth. 

    The comments I've made are not a complete list; so be sure to read about the proven, best antioxidants and other helps.  Also, there are many other categories that may be needed, and not all supplements are created equal.  Reading a label does not a good supplement make.

    Keep asking questions on the BB about specific problems you need to address.  There is a lot of experience and knowledge on this BB. 

    I had hoped to reply to your post with a shorter reply.  So please forgive my usual long answer. 


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