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    Karen R

    I have been supplementing with high doses of Vitamin D and fish oil for some time now. My Ap doc checks my levels regularly and they have barely climbed. By the way my levels have always been in the normal rage. I believe that these diseases are as a result of bacterial overgrowth in the small intestine which blocks the absorbtion of vitamin A, D, E, B, magnesium and calcium. I supplement in high doses of all of these. I was losing muscle strength at an alarming rate and now my muscles in my legs have improved and I can walk normal again. My muscles in my upper arms are also improving. Vitamin D is needed for muscle health. It is not a coincidence that as soon as I started supplementing with the Vitamin D my muscle stength started to improve almost immediately. I tried stopping it and my muscles became weaker again. I also noticed that some people have trouble with the headlights of oncoming traffic, I too had this trouble and now it is gone. I read that low levels of Vitamin A cause this and I began suppplementing with the Vitamin A. Again my levels for this were always in the normal range and have not raised even though I supplement with high doses. I do want to mention that I am celiac which explains my absorption theory. I just returned from Miami and I can honestly say that I felt better there than I have felt in a long time and I attribute this to the sun. I have tried many things to get well and I really believe that vitamin D is important. I also want to mention that I have been taking a probiotic called VSL#3 and it is great.

    All the best,

    Karen R


    John McDonald

    Ah, but which explanation is it? Both competing D models predict that you will get better. You and I can be control experiments for one another. 🙂


    I just want to say Karen , i value your input . If vit D works for you , that is really great. Each is individual and these opinions and experiences are exactly what i meant to pull out.

    Very few have come out and said they supplement with it so it is great you did.

    Also, in regards to the D test. If they are in similarity to my sons, Marshal says this is high and the body is not killing bacteria. The question is “, IS he right?

    What i would have liked to see , is the D results in people who arent sick vs the D's who are. Maybe that would tell something, that we will never know.

    Thanks for your post on this!




    I've been unconsciously cutting back on Vit D, my levels are extremely low. My RA is still active and painful, my doc wants me to take D supplements everyday.
    In the last couple of months I noticed intense leg muscle pain. So I'm cosidering starting D supplements.
    How much Vit D do you take and how often?


    I am curious as well. My neurologist wants me to take high doses of Vitamin D. At least two other doctors have tested my Vitamin D levels and have told me how they feel it is important to supplement with Vit. D. I have read both sides of the debate and I'm not sure what to think so I haven't started taking it. I am seeing a new doctor in January and I will ask her opinion.

    Lynne G.SD

    Hi Mom;
           Your leg pain very well might be due to magnesium deficientcy.See what happens after a couple of weeks at500mg a day or a bit more.Also try 400mg of MSM a day.These made an enormous difference to me.Malabsorbtion is a big problem for many of us and the MSM acts as a detoxing agent as well as a yeast control which helps fix the leaky gut problem.
             I did try lots of vit D about 5 years ago and it did not make any difference.My D 25 remained low and when my doctor tested for the D1,25 it was sky high.Definately not a good thing so I dropped the supplements and D foods .It made a tremendous difference to getting to remissionthat only took 18 months.
          Everyone should know what is happening with the D1,25 before supplementing with D3

    Lynne G.SD

    OOOOOOPS,I meant 4000 mg of MSM


    I've been feeling much better–more energy, great mood, and the disappearance of quivering in the thigh muscles–since starting high dose vitamin D (prescription due to a diagnosed deificiency).



    I've been on 4000 IU's of D3 every day now since 12/06 and have definite shift in mood and energy.  So much better; I was deficient enough and now up in the 50's range on the lab work.

    Also, up to 20 grams per day of MSM and what an improvement there.   I can walk up and down steps like I used to a couple years ago…..inflammation GOING AWAY in the knees!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

    Just getting into The Miracle of MSM and what a READ…take care.   jam


    Can you just walk into Health food store and buy MSM and trust that it's good quality or should we order pharmaceutical grade product…….any brand recommendations is much appreciated.


    I buy Source Naturals thru VitaCost good price.  I'm now buying the 35 oz jar for about $22 online.  About 50% savings from health food stores.  I feel their's is a good grade.   Health food stores have quality grades too…my opinion…jam

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