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    Hello all,

    First of all, thank you for all your support! I have received a lot of great advice, especially from Maz! Thanks! Anyway, I saw my family doctor today who is quite open to new ideas, and she was puzzled as to why my rheumatologist said no to the mino! She thinks that maybe there was a misunderstanding involving my going completely off the Enbrel. So, she is going to write to my rheumatologist to discuss the issue. I was really happy that her attitude was so positive. She whipped out her laptop and did some research right then and there with me. She asked some really good questions, like “has anyone with long term RA been helped by this therapy?” I said yes, that I thought that people with long term RA have been helped, but that it may take longer to see any results. All in all she seemed positive. I just hope that the rheumatologist will be cooperative here! She has usually been pretty open to new ideas in the past-gluten free and dairy free being helpful in RA.

    If the rheumatologist says no, then I guess I will get the mino from my boyfriend's family doctor and ask my family doctor to monitor me-I really bet she would! I think the problem is with the prescription itself and not with the treatment.

    One other thing, I priced name brand mino at Walgreen's (with no insurance) and they want something like $479.00 dollars for 100, 50 mg capsules! Yikes! I am really glad that I saw that post from Maz (thanks again!) about the pharmacy in Canada!

    Anyway, I will keep you all posted just in case this works with my family doctor. Who knows, she might even be willing to treat others with mino. I live in Washington state in case anyone lives near me and wants to talk!

    Thanks again to everyone!


    Jeni, your family doc sounds wonderful! Thanks for the update and glad she is so open to possibly helping you get started on AP. Hey – maybe you have a new AP doc in the making? 😉 I will keep all toes and fingers duly crossed for you that she will come through and support you in your choice.

    Any luck finding info on the H Pylori and RA connection?

    Peace, Maz


    Hi Maz!

    Yes, I read some articles about H. Pylori and RA but I don't know what to think since I tested negative for it. Again, I wonder if all the immuno suppressing drugs I've been on messed up the test? My doctor also said that I should have been eating wheat like crazy for 3 weeks before I got retested for celiac! I still tested borderline, though. I just know that when I go on a wheat and especially dairy product binge, my stomach hurts and my joints follow shortly!

    I will let everyone know what my doctor says after she emails my rheumatologist. Thanks for keeping your fingers (and toes) crossed! Hopefully she will become an AP convert!

    Take care!


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