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    My computer had been down for a few weeks, I really missed reading the forum.

    Troy started school, using a motorized scooter helps him reserve his energy, he use to have shortened days now he can stay all day.  He also has much less stiffness in the morning so he can get to school on time, last year they allowed him to come in 45 min later then his classmates because he needed the extra time for his body to adjust.  This may change again once winter begins.

    Compared to 3 months ago he looks great, when he returned to school all the teachers were so impressed with how 'healthy' he looked, less drained, more of his 'normal' color, keep in mind someone who doesn't know Troy would not say he looked 'healthy' but we are comparing him to three months ago.

    Sept 8th was his 7th anniversary of diagnosis……

    He is still climbing three flights of stairs every Friday night to spend the night at his grandmothers, that is his 'reward'.  I no longer have to get up at night with him to help him out of bed, he can now do it on his own.  I also no longer have to help him off the toilet which is really great for him, (what 13yo boy wants his mom helping him with such personal moments.)

    That's it for now……


    That is great Troy and Troysmom!
    I have been waiting for you to post to hear how it is going. Excellent about the new steps towards independence, and you getting a better night's sleep as well.:D
    Loads of congratulations to both of you. This is a very inspiring story for us – please keep it coming!



    Your news is so wonderful to read.  It truly sounds like you have found the right course for healing.  Looking forward to reading more of these positive posts.

    All the best to you and Troy–


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    So excited to read this as I have been wondering how you all are doing!  Great news!  Look forward to the next update!


    Eva Holloway

    thank you for the update, I have been thinking about Troy a lot. glad something is working for him finally.:D


    Eva Holloway

    Christina V

    This is just the best news for your whole family.  I am so happy for the good results, may they continue one small miracle at a time.  Give Troy and your daughter (who must be such a patient little girl) a big hug (((()))).  Look forward to your next post.



    Thanks for posting.  I was starting to worry when we hadn't heard anything for so long.  Glad it was just the computer that wasn't doing well not Troy. 


    Great news, mom!   See how we all worry when someone is a.w.o.l. around here. 😉

    I sure hope to be that special grandma in my grandchildren's lives when they are 13.  You are definitely putting a smile on all the grandma's faces picturing him climbing those stairs.  Does she have a fresh pie out of the oven or his favorite cookies waiting for him? :roll-laugh:

    I picture Troy being an AP doc someday.

    Take care…..kim

    Eva Holloway


    how are things with Troy? hope he is doing better. Is he back to school and enjoying it a little bit more? Take care. Thinking of both of you


    Eva Holloway

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