Home Forums General Discussion Update: I'm Headed to Ida Grove for IVs in August

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    Just wanted to post an update and let you all know I will be heading to Ida Grove in August to see Dr. S and have a 5 day round of IV antibiotics. I'm a little nervous. You know, something can always go wrong, but I am trying to calm my fears. A friend said she would go with me when she found out about the situation. She will ask for time off and go with me! We'll enjoy our time there I'm sure surfing the web and watching tv and whatever else we decide to do…play games, read, talk, eat, snooze. I'm excited about this because once I get the first IV done in Ida Grove, then I can have subsequent IV treatments done in my home town. So hopefully this will jumpstart my treatment–woohoo! Please pray all goes well. Thanks.

    I'm very :roll-laugh:



    That's great news Sharon!  Sounds like some great girl-time.  Do they have spas in Ida Grove?

    I hope you come to love your IV's as much as most of us do….

    Eva Holloway


    I am so glad you can go to Ida Grove for the IV antibiotic. I hope this will help you more to get better. Sometimes I think I should also do that. Who knows what is best. Will talk to you again soon.


    Eva Holloway


    i just got back from Dr.S in Ida Grove and yes it is worth it …as always he and his staff are great :):)…The Super 8 is a good place to stay and if I remember correctly you have done this before so you know that all…not a whole lot can go wrong except if you have a reaction to meds but if you've been doing it orally thats not likely to happen.I loaded up on cranberry juice this time because for some reason that cut the bitter flavour side effect from the treatment…good luck  jane


    Hi Jane,

    This will be my first IV infusion. I have been on the oral a little over 3 months now, but haven't done the IVs yet so am a little leary of how I will react. My rheumatologist told my husband and me that I shouldn't be on any antibiotics in the IV form, so that was pretty unsettling. But he did not know what I was going to be on and that it is a low dose.

    Thanks so much for the hint on the cranberry juice!

    If anyone has any other hints/suggestions I would sure appreciate them.

    LOL, I don't know if there is a spa there. I sorta doubt it 🙂  It's a pretty small town.

    Thanks, Sharon


    there is a town by the name of Storm Lake with beautiful park and great food and some shopping that is 45min away…town Denison with awesome mexican food that is a little closer…rec centre in Ida Grove with pool etc.haha no spas there…Sioux City about an hour away…we got bored enuff that we checked out all of those…but first time I went I was so tired i mostly slept…jane



    Did you have any other side effects of the IVs other than the taste issue? 


    Patti D

    What is your reasoning for adding the clindy ivs to the mix? I am contemplating doing the same' I have gotten my rheumatoid factor down so close to normal which is 0-20 and mine being at 25. I am so close but think I may need to ad clindy once week. Why are you adding it to your program?


    Sharon, what great news! So many have gone before you – no worries – you'll be in the best of hands. 😀 Wish I lived as near as you!

    Peace, Maz


    The first time I went my vein burned a little when infusion went in and i had tummy trouble not real serious but bad enough to try to stay close to restrooms at times…otherwise bitter taste and tired were my only complaints…which i could easily handle…first time i went with friend who was also getting treatments so we both slept a lot…you might wanna warn your travelling companion that this is a relaxation trip…i brought books and laptop with…good luck    jane


    ok an answer to your question…not sure exactly what to all tell you but I have got to try getting totally off my prednisone so the only way i see that happening is if i can get my inflamation down…i also have raynauds…poor mobility lotsa pain etc. and the iv's defianately calm down my symptoms…i am taking 2 mino a day 100 each so ya thats all I can think of to tell you   i do not have lyme tho so dunno if that has same symptoms or whatever…jane


    [user=1956]sjess[/user] wrote:

    Please pray all goes well. Thanks.

    Hi Sharon–

    Absolutely.  Keep your chin up–stay positive–you're a fighter and that's a really good thing!!

    Take care,


    Lyme/RA; AP 4/2008 off and on to 3/2010; past use of quinolones may be the cause of my current problems, (including wheelchair use); all supplements (which can aggravate the condition) were discontinued on 10/14/2012. Am now treating for the homozygous MTHFR 1298 mutation. Off of all pain meds since Spring '14 (was on them for years--doctor is amazed--me too). Back on pain med 1/2017. Reinfected? Frozen shoulder?


    Congratulations, Sharon. You will love your stay in Ida Grove. Dr S and his staff are wonderful. Jane has given you some great suggestions already. I would second those. Definitely stay at the Super 8. There is another motel in town that people here at RB suggested we avoid. We took their advice. Trust me, stay at the Super 8. When we were there we took a drive down the road to check out that other motel. Believe me you would definitely not want to stay there. There should be a small fridge in your room at the Super 8 for your cranberry juice. Our nurse also suggested that if you do get that metallic taste in your mouth from the IV's, you could also carry some hard candies with you, so we went to the local Dollar General Store and got a bag of Jolly Ranchers.

    There is a Subway just down the road from the motel and also a Pizza Hut. I would strongly recommend that you visit the little restaurant right next door called The Family Table. It's a little family-owned restaurant that has excellent food. They have a “special” every night. A lot of the locals eat there. You can walk to it from your room. The prices are good too. And of course, the people are “small town” friendly.

    Do be sure to bring books and your laptop. The motel does have internet access. Other than what Jane has already suggested regarding Storm Lake and so on, there's not much else to do in town. So relax and enjoy it.


    Thank you all for your prayers and thoughtful words. You bring tears to my eyes. I am not so afraid now.

    We will be staying at the Super8 and I will take my laptop along.

    Thanks for all the advice.

    With much appreciation

    Sharon  :blush:



    So glad to hear that you have a such a wonderful friend who is going to stay with you in Ida Grove.  I don't know if you realize how much you have changed over the past few months.  Little by little you are starting to take charge of your health and this is one more step in the right direction.  We'll all want to hear how it goes so keep us posted.

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