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    My daughter is now on 50mg mino 2x daily with food. Next week it will be before food, then following week it will be 100mg 2x daily before food.  Some small patches of urticaria are showing up – we are using an antihistamine.  Not sure what to do now. She has a history of hives with antiobiotics although she doesn't react when she has skin tests but will generally without fail get hives on antiobiotics.

    Oh … and one other thing not related to antiobiotics … she is noticing that she gets sore within minutes of eating spicey food.  Could this be possible?  She also gets itchy with many strong smells.




    Hi there,

    Even though hives were my presenting symptoms with my disease, i soon found out that even after AP, eating tomatoes will and still cause an outbreak so i do believe certain foods, like spicy ones can do this. Also, when my son switched to mino from doxy, he started on daily dose instead of pulsed. By the end of the first week his back was covered with hives. i ended up taking him off mino for 5 days and restarted him on a pulsed regime. The hives never returned. We are celiac as well and we also react to certain abx like penicillan and cephalosporins.

    You could try doing the pulsing regime and see what happens . In the meantime, bland food and maybe a rotation diet might help. We did this for over a yr but it sure helped. I believe healing the gut is imperative in healing the body. Also, a good probiotic is a must.

    Best wishes,



    When I fist started AP, I got hives and itched and still do from certain ABX.
    I use Eurax cream for the itch.
    My biggest flare causing food Is corn flour and it is on every thing so I can not have much processed food and almost all restuarants are out now.
    My other is Aspertane. Either one will cripple me in about an hour, some times less. The Nightshade familly does not bother me at all.
    Oddly enough I can have Canned corn or corn on the cob. I suspect that I have leaky gut syndrome because sugar bothers me also.



    Pulsing? What would that look like over the course of a week. We are at 50 2x daily.

    Good idea.


    Pulsing is merely doing the ABX on Mon Wed and Fri. or every second day. The reason for this is to allow the body to remove toxins and to make sure you don't get a build up of medication. In a lot of cases pulsing works better.
    There is less chance of herx. Don't increase the med to compensate. just skip every second day.

    This works well for RA, I don't know about anything else.



    I had to stay with the 50×2 daily for a while because of hives. Then I graduated to the 75×2 daily(more hives). I am now on 100×2 daily, but it took a year and 1/2 to get here. I never take mine around food. Always two hours after food and no food one after pill. Regards, MB 😀

    A Friend

    [user=1830]bizzylizzy[/user] wrote:

    My daughter is now on 50mg mino 2x daily with food. Next week it will be before food, then following week it will be 100mg 2x daily before food.  Some small patches of urticaria are showing up – we are using an antihistamine.  Not sure what to do now. She has a history of hives with antiobiotics although she doesn't react when she has skin tests but will generally without fail get hives on antiobiotics.

    Oh … and one other thing not related to antiobiotics … she is noticing that she gets sore within minutes of eating spicey food.  Could this be possible?  She also gets itchy with many strong smells.



    Liz, I haven't read replies to your posts yet… am rushing and just glanced over it.  Two things came to mind that may very well pertain to what you wrote about your daughter.

    Urticaria/hives are often associated with yeast overgrowth… per Dr. Wm Crook, pediatric allergist who became the guru in this area of research and medical treatment.  He is now deceased, but his books live on and are still very relevant. 

    Hives, etc. can show up when something we begin causes acidic wastes to begin being excreted/eliminated through the skin.  (One thing I've seen written many times, and more or less accepted as true, is that when we become chronically ill, our body has become unhealthily acidic, our pH has become abnormally acidic, and this condition allows all sorts of organisms… including yeast/fungus, virus, bacteria, mycoplasma, and on and on … to multiply, as they love and thrive in an acidic environment. 

    Also, Dr. Sherry Rogers in her books has written much about sensitivities to nightshade foods (I believe peppers are in this category, but check this out).  She has five medical degrees, and when asked in an interview how she happened to get all of those, she replied that she had been ill for years and could not find physicians knowledgeable enough to get her well.  So…. she said… she had to get degrees in these areas to get herself well.  Nightshade sensitivities debilitated her to such a degree when she ate anything in this category, that what she wrote about them was quite impressive. 

    I believe it “could” be very helpful for you to look into both of these ideas.  Getting well can be like looking for a needle in a haystack.   

    Good luck to you,




    Here we are – 1 month later. Doing M W F pulsing of minocycline.  My daughter is telling me that she feels dizzy and hard to concentrate on mino days.  Is this possible?

    No apparant improvements yet.  Fingers crossed that they may come

    We are to start Azrythmoycin 1 x /week soon.





    Hi Liz,

    It is not uncommon to experience dizziness with Minocin, but it should abate over time.  I always felt better on my non-Mino days, for others it's just the opposite in that they felt better on the day they took the abx, go figure. 😕

    Here is another post discussing the dizziness from Maz:

     Posted: Thu Oct 1st, 2009 07:04 pm
    [user=1441]Conniel7777[/user] wrote:

    Now that you mention it, I think I had heard before that the Mino could cause dizziness.. thanks for reminding me of that, as I had forgotten it.

    Yup, early dizziness from minocycline is very common and, as you just upped your dosage to 50mg bid MWF, this would likely do it. 😉  I also experienced intense episodes of vertigo when I started mino, but they passed within a few months. Not everyone does, but it's unnerving when it happens, I know…I had to pull over to the side of the road once, as it happened when driving.

    Minocycline has pretty good tissue penetration and is said to cross the blood/brain barrier. I've wondered if the dizziness is due to a benign form of transitory intracranial hypertension (one of the listed side-effects), but this normally passes within a few weeks/months as the body adjusts. There is a more serious form of intracranial hypertension that can occur, too, but it's quite rare. Other early symptoms and symptoms when increasing [highlight= rgb(136, 255, 255);]mino doses can include nausea and headaches. These, too, usually pass as the body adjusts. The nausea can be controlled by eating a small snack or meal with the dose (avoiding anything containing minerals).

    Interestingly, minocycline has been found to improve outcomes for stroke victims if they receive it within about 5 hours of the event, which seems to provide further evidence of its capability of crossing the blood/brain barrier.  

    Peace, Maz

    Take care………kim

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