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    Hello to all,

    Just wanted to update everyone and gets some feedback! I was diagnosed with RA a few years ago. Started AP about 5 weeks ago , went to an AP Doctor I found near by and he wanted me to do IV Cleomyacin for 10 days, so I did . I have been herxing like crazy for about 4 weeks, every joint. But some more than others, started in the wrists then went to the elbows and then to the shoulders. My knees are now swelling  and it is hard to get around but I am tuff!! Just wanted to see how many of the veterans went through this and how long they Herxed. I am on Minocycline , pulse dosing on Mon.Wed.Fri. 100mg twice a day. Is it worth backing down to 100mg once a day , I can handle the herxing but want to do the right thing! Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thanks




    Don't be too tough, keep an eye on yourself. A massive herx is not necessarily good for you. Look out for signs that the mino has set your immune system into overdrive. For me that included swelling of every past scar, a sore throat that never quit, depression, muscle pain, dizziness, ear ringing, spots in the eyes, brain fog, fatigue, and so much more!!!! In the end I developed mino-induced lupus, which is unusual.
    100mg twice a day is quite a bit. So just really keep an eye on yourself. I had to learn that for me, more is not necessarily better. We're all different, so I'm hoping you're just fine. But it might well be worth backing down to once a day.

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