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    Well it's been two weeks now and the first week my rheumy had me taking 100mg mino two times daily.  I thought it was high but I started it and I decided to email a rheumy that is experienced in AP although far away hoping for a consult as mine doesn't really believe in it but willing to try.  Dr. S told me to stay on the 2 x a day and I did.  The second week I started hurting everywhere and feeling like I was getting a kidney or UTI as well as joints that never hurt before.  On one hand I was happy for herxing on the other I decided on my own to cut it back and skipped two days and started today at one a day.  i immediately started feeling better the next day after skipping my second dose two days ago.  So does anyone else get UTI's?  And I haven't heard back from Dr. S in Iowa so my guess he will say it's ok to cut back as I know that is a high dose to start and from what I hear he is very experienced in AP.  Any recommendations/suggestions or comments I am sooooo open to them.

    judy cash


    Dr. S. is my AP doctor, and he started me out on 100mg. twice a day and I have done good. I have RA. Do you have RA?  I got much worse in the beginning, I was really scared, but I knew that it was a good sign that AP was starting to work. I hope this helps.



    Hi tcregon, and welcome to the Roadback forum.

    As you have already learned finding your correct dose may take a little experimenting.  I have always done better pulse dosing vs daily dosing, and my gut was much happier.

    Sorry I can't help with your UTI question.  The board is a little slower on the weekend so if you don't get any responses you may want to post again on Monday and put UTI in the subject line to catch attention from fellow sufferers.

    Take care…..kim

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