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    My ap doc here in Ohio agrees with my rheumy that I should start enbrel.

    I don't want to give up on ap altogether so am contemplating traveling to an ap doc that is more experienced for a second opinion. I am thinking about a Dr. W in New Jersey….any experience with this doc out there?



    Oh Sue, I didn't know you were still struggling with your decision!

    The little tiny bit I looked into Dr. W, he does MP.  Maybe he does both, though.

    I hope you find some peace and relief soon.  Are your current doctors opposed to staying on AP with Enbrel?  Can you try them both for awhile?

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

    Cheryl F


    Are you sure you are both talking about the same Dr. W in New Jersey, I have never heard that the Dr. W I am thinking of does MP.  Last I heard, he was quite the traditional Rheumy that did AP too, he worked with Dr. Bronw for a bit.  I don't have access to the list right at this moment, so I cannot look to see if there are two Dr. W's in New Jersey.


    Are you seeing Dr. T, the AP doctor in Parma that treated her own RA with AP?  Also, if you are going to travel, have you considered a trip to Ida Grove?  I believe that the treatment protocol that you would recieve in Ida Grove would give you the best chance of AP working.  Also, Dr. B in Michigan is a very comprehensive AP doctor.



    The one I am thinking of is a rheum, member of the ACR, 'looks' traditional LOL; I was told he is the only rheum doing MP?  Maybe not accurate. 

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

    Cheryl F


    I just looked at the NJ list, there is only one Dr. W.  I had not heard that he was doing MP.  That is very interesting!  Is there a way we can confirm this? Did someone from the MP site see Dr. W?  Dr. W is clearly one of the most experienced AP doctors in the US, it would be very interesting to learn his take on the AP vs. MP protocol.

    I know that Dr. F attended an MP conference a few years back, he was open to the concept.  His protocol is not in line with MP, he recommended D supplementation for Jess.



    Well Suzanne as I wait and wait and wait for the dog gone enbrel, insurance companies…ugh, I am going to give the enbrel a go, if I ever get it but am thinking of trying a ap doc that might be a little more experienced and  also more pro ap. I don't want mp though, there is a naturopathic doc here that would do that  but for whatever reason that scares me. Of course so does Enbrel, MTX, prednisone but that didn't stop me!



    [user=2]Cheryl F[/user] wrote:

    I just looked at the NJ list, there is only one Dr. W.  I had not heard that he was doing MP.  That is very interesting!  Is there a way we can confirm this? Did someone from the MP site see Dr. W?  Dr. W is clearly one of the most experienced AP doctors in the US, it would be very interesting to learn his take on the AP vs. MP protocol.

    Hi Cheryl,

    I hope she won't mind me mentioning this, but Dolores Rosner was a patient of Dr W in NJ and she shared on the rheumatic.org yahoogroup that when she switched from AP to MP, Dr W was willing to help. However, she wasn't impressed, because his idea was to prescribe lower doses of benicar than is normaly recommended for MP. So, she switched physicians. If you contact her, I'm sure she'd elaborate on this more and tell you whom she saw instead….very dear lady.

    Peace, Maz

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