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    Just wondering about you and your daughter. How's the fish oil working? Hope things are getting better and a little less hectic for you.



    Thank you so much for asking!  She is fine; less hectic, no LOL.

    I do have something that might be helpful to others, so I'll share.  I was going to order the Carlson's Pediatric fish oil online, but it costs 24.90 and they have a minimum order requirement of 25.00.  Ugh.  Didn't want two bottles, in case she had issues with it.  It is what I wanted – no A or D in it, they say.

    So I went to a local health food store that carries their adult products, and they were happy to order it for me!  Charged me 24.89, plus tax, so it was even better than having to pay shipping.

    But, my daughter has not been willing to try it.  She doesn't say 'no', she says 'okay, later'.  Can't say that I blame her, so I'm not forcing it.   She still asks for Gummy Fish, though, and I'm giving them to her.

    It is so hard, looking at her everyday, but I think maybe her wrist has some improved ROM.  I don't want to get too excited, because I always get smacked back down.  But her older sister mentioned to me out of the blue that she noticed her bearing more weight on it when they were playing on the floor (usually she bends all fingers, no wrist, to crawl).  

    Here is where the hectic comes in:  Big sis sick with something, being treated for sinus infection, but also has stomachaches, so we are trying eliminating dairy (seems to be working).  Thought things were settled down, then a note came home from my younger one's school saying there is chicken pox in the classroom.

    Great, she didn't get the booster because of JRA.  Ran a 101 temp Sat.  Great.  Then vomited and the fever broke.  Good, was just a stomach virus.

    Woke up Sunday feeling great.  With TWO rashes.  Very fine bumps on her stomach.  Itchy red patch behind one knee/thigh.

    Nurse said didn't sound like chicken pox (I'm wary; it presents weird when they've had the vaccine).  She said send her to school unless the fever returns or the rashes spread.

    She felt great this a.m., the stomach bumps were less pronounced and the leg rash was smaller and a triangle.  It might be new location for her 'normal' rash, only dx'd as Notpsoriasis.   

    Classmates be damned, she's at school today….

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.


    Good grief, Charlie Brown! Sometimes it seems like we need a few clones to help us. About the rash, I used to get eczema behind the knees and inside the elbows as a child. It went away when I got to be about 12, but that's when I started to get psoriasis. My mother used to buy SkinSoSoft from the Avon lady- it helped with the eczema but never the psoriasis. It makes for a great bug spray, tho ( not bug spray, bug repellent, I'm such a goof sometimes); believe it or not, a lot of guys and girls use it in the military when they are out on field manuevers. Hang in there,



    Big sis gets eczema, but not my younger one.  We use Eucerin lotion and sometimes step it up to hydrocortisone.  She didn't tell me it was bothering her a few months ago, and lost all the pigment in that area!  Ped says it will come back over time.


    Little one does not have Notpsoriasis this time.  Still itchy this a.m., and moved up closer to her buttocks.  Not spreading, just getting better lower and starting again up higher.  Weird, but in the absence of other symptoms, I'm not forking out a co-pay to be told that by a doctor.  “Hmm.  Put hydrocortisone on it and come back if it gets worse.'  Skipping that $25 step….. 

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.


    I know the back of the knee isn't the most common place for it, but could the notpsoriasis (I love it) be a yeast infection?


    I think Notpsoriasis could be something yeasty, since it peels, but only one phone nurse ever agreed with me.  My daughter had it before AP, too.  Her first AP dr. thought it might be strep coming out by the way I described, but he never saw it. 

    This leg rash is pretty much gone today, and never peeled.  Just another unknown mystery event to be chronicled in her 'archives' (poor thing doesn't have a normal scrapbook LOL, but I have two volumns of nearly daily notes on temps, rashes, bowel habits, anything that hurts; never know what will go away or what I will need to know specifics on). 

    Mom of teen daughter with Poly JIA since age 2. Current med: azithromycin 250 mg MWF.

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