Home Forums General Discussion To all who replied about the IRON Supplementation:

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  • #305462

    Wow.. after reading that, I will not be supplementing, not by pills, not by natural methods.

    I have been saying for a YEAR that I need to go see a LLMD, and every time I make an appt, something gets in the way, and I need to cancel it… well, It is becoming more and more apparant that I MUST go. I have to fix the underlying cause of all of these medical problems, rather than trying to band aid all of the symptoms.

    I also need to STOP thinking i am going to get any type of accurate Lyme info from Dr. W. he may have accurate nuggets here and there, but he is not a LLMD and doesnt get the overall big picture. its like taking your computer to a bicycle repair shop and expecting the guy behind the counter to know how to fix it….

    When i finally do get on Lyme treatment, I will certainly tell Dr. W so he knows whats going on, and also because he does a pretty great job of coordinating all of my medical care like no other doc has ever done before ( he really coordinates everything except the gynecological stuff, and he does a great job of it, very thorough ) but whether or not he believes in Lyme & the co-infections ( and I think he does, but not sure to what extent ) I have to finally except that while Dr. W is my “Hero” in many respects, when it comes to this subject, he is not “the man”, and I have to do what I have to do, and not worry about what he thinks about it, as long as he keeps RX’ing me the Mino.

    I dont come to this board much anymore, not because its not an AWESOME place ( because it is ) but because I am out here, trying to live my life.. I try not to think about the sclero; not that I am in denial, but because to be honest, the more I come here, the more I focus on the fact that I have this disease, and I end of thinking about it waaaaaaay too much, and thats not good. I try not to let it become who I am, and not to over-focus on it.

    I fear the same thing may happen when I begin seeing the LLMD; instead of feeling like “me”, I will end up feeling like a walking diagnosis, and I will over focus on it, and end up depressed, etc.. just like I felt the first year after my sclero dx… BUT.. whatever.. if that happens, it happens… that too, will pass, as I just get on with the treatment, and eventually I am sure i will feel like myself again.

    OK..sorry for rambling!

    and, by the way… for PETRESCUE.. you are having TWINS?!?!? WHOA!!! FABULOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am THRILLED FOR YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ((( Hugs )))

    Thanks again to everyone who replied.. something in my gut told me iron supps werent a good idea…

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