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    Margaret Mueller

    It has been one of those mornings…where I took my doryx, which makes me queasy, and after a half hour, it was time to drive the car pool. I got home, and started eating — a banana, whole wheat toast with marionberry jam, and just got down the egg white, when it all decided to come back up.

    My question is, do I eat, get things settled, and then take another doryx (IT WAs obvious the other one did not stay down). or forget about it?



    I take doxy with food but not with anything with calcium in it. I could never take it on an empty stomach or even with a small amout of food like an apple for example or i'd  end up sick within a half hour. Once i switched to eating a reasonable amount with doxy at the same time ,i have never had the problem again.

    Have you tried taking it with a good meal to see if the problem alleiviates?


    Margaret Mueller

    Thanks, no I hadn't tried eating it with food. My instructions have been to take it, wait 20 – 30 minutes and then eat. I was getting queasy, but wasn't worried about it — then this morning. I NEVER have any dairy within four hours of taking it. I need to have some dairy mid-day with my Vitamin D, so I am careful about that.

    I will eat a meal and go ahead and take it. I'm sure I'll be fine, but I'll let you know how it goes.

    Thanks again. I know this seems like common sense, but I'm just not sure.

    Margaret Mueller

    I ate a sandwich and some crackers and everything is good. Thanks very much.



    Try not to stress out too much about taking the abx with food ~ lots of folks have done just fine doing it that way and even if you loose a little absorption you're still getting most of it.  Protecting your gut is just as important as killing bugs so do what you have to do. 😉

    Take care……kim

    Margaret Mueller

    thanks, Kim, haven't lost it in about 27 years, I figure. I've tried to be disciplined about everything. It's nice to know that it won't make or break the treatment.

    I go down to Riverside Monday for my first check up. I really feel like I've come a long way. I expect to hear good things.

    I may meet cubby1 on the trip.

    I'll post Monday night.


    Great, Margaret.  Looking forward to hearing about your appt.




    What about eating first –then wait two hours then take the doryx —-I think this might just help the queasiness –it helped for me –



    My doc, Dr. T, prefers for me to take 100mg twice a day every day with maybe seltzer and possibly crackers.  However, there is no physical way possible for me to do this because my stomach won't allow.

    So overtime, and with the help of my local rheumy who consults with Dr. T we've tweaked me to 100mg every other day with food….as much food as I want regardless of whether or not there is calcium in it…and I always take it with a BIG MEAL so as not to upset the tummy.   

    So I don't know if Dr. T is happy about that or not,   I don't even know if my local rheumy has informed him of that…I suspect not…but I have definitely improved over time…AND I'm an RA patient with “severe RA” for nearly 2 decades before finding AP.

    So I'm breaking the rules and still progressing…  Everyone is different I guess.

    – – whaleharbor

    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.



    You can bet your local rheumy hasnt told DR T about food and disregarding whether you are intaking calcium with the med –T always suggests seltzer and a cracker -with the med if needed -thats about it –but everyone is different and since you are progressing -guess its ok —however I wouldnt suggest you tell DR T—


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