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    Ok, guys it is time I put pen to paper – so to speak.  Firstly I would like to thank Rosemary from WA and Lynnie from Sydney for their assistance.  Next all the folk on the RB website offering amazing encouragement.  Last but not least my husband – can't believe hes still there (yes I can, he is my rock).

    Well, I'll try to make this short.  About this time 2 years ago went to my GP feeling really tried and exhausted.  He took blood test which came back low in Vitamin B12.  So increase red meat, pumpkin and stone fruit, also change my lifestyle. So off I went umph!! that was a great help.  Come to March/April 2007 my Dad was really ill so inbetween working full time and getting him out of hospital, the day my husband and I were to fly to Thailand my left shoulder gave me hell – I couldn't peg the clothes on the line.  Not to worry holidays here we come.  About half way through my right wrist felt like it was broken and I was waking up at night with something stabbing my right thumb – unbeliveable pain.  Had a wonderful holiday until the flight home my whole body ached, my hubby slept and all I wanted to do was cry. 

    Within a couple of weeks my right knee was blown up beyond belief and I had started to hobble around the house.  My mum thought I had dropsy!!!  So off the GP again, this time he gave me some anti inflamitories and they sort of worked, but within 2 weeks pain was everywhere.  I could not pick up a cup, wash hair, drive, eat – the jaw one is a killer – the list goes on.  So GP takes blood test and comes back RA at 177 (apparently is should be b/w 11-20) so off to rheumy I go.

    Straight onto Methotxtrate and cortisone and folate and Vitamin D and caltrate.  I was shaking as I waked with all these pills.  Still being naive I stuck with it or I thought I would just die.  I had become totally dependant and was really independent before. (3 older brothers).

    As I improved I started to check out the internet.  Well blow me down with a feather!!! when I found this.  So about Sept/Oct 2007 ordered my new bible.  I read and re-read.  By Christmas which we spent on the Mighty Murray River I told my hubby that I was getting off all this crap and going to try the AP.

    Back to GP and wheened off all tablets in 4 weeks.  By this stage I had printed out information which Rosemary had provided and showed him. New blood test came in at 34.  Hey this is good. maybe I don't need nothing!!!  Boy was I cocky (throwing in as much ozzie lingo as I can)  Then off to Sydney Feb 2008 and guess what, I got a ******  cold. Within  a week of getting home back to GP to prescribed 1000mg of some anitbiotic, which seemed to work sort-of but once finished the pain came back with a vengence.  Seeya I'm now spirilling down.  So back to GP who said if second script did not work I would have to go back on the MTX.

    Went to work rang hubby and hit the roof, I had had enough of this GP  ******** (too vile to repeat) and made an appointment with one of the GP's on the list.  Got in quickly and blood test.  RA now at 200.  Dr. K said to me no wonder your in pain. Hubby came along and now understood what was happening.  Within two weeks I was having IV's (7 over two weeks) then 2 week break and then a further 7.  I could not tollerate going up to 600 or 900 mil as I became really upset and teary. This can happen with too much too quick. 

    So last IV was 20th June 2008.  I take Minocyclin 50mil twice a day every second day.

    I have ups and downs but the ups are getting stronger each day.  My last suffering is always my hands in the mornings and sometimes that bloody jaw at night.  I have a couple of nodules one on index finger and one on back of heel – work that out.

    Anyone who reads this please be patient and positive and determined and bloody minded, don't let anyone sway you.  There were times when I did not want to go and get another IV – bugger it – I felt it was all too much.  But let me tell you all it was the best thing I could have done. I feel mentally the best I have in years, I'm happy and yes most mornings I'm stiff but I have no pain, that is the best feeling ever.

    Good luck to everyone and keep going, I will continue to read all posts just for my own personnal encouragement when I have a bad day.




    Annie/Melbourne Australia RA07/2007. AP April 2008





    my fingers still get me, too.  Not my wrists… just the fingers.  It left the toes nearly a year ago.  Nov. is two years for me! 



    I am so relieved you got some relief.  The nodules are a sign of infection still so keep going and yes more is not necessarily better.  Some of us cannot take large doses of anything.    I hope you are on a systemic antifungal.  You may have read where my Rheumy told me some of his patients take both Diflucan and the Grisovin.    The Diflucan whilst it does treat antibiotic fungus is for Candida.   The Grisovin works in a different area being the antibiotic fungus.   I am now using both but just warning all of you to go slow with these also.   The Grisovin could give you a nasty headache if you take the full dose straight off.  What I did was take two 125mg tabs one day and three the next, as I seemed to be able to cope with this amount, do whatever you can cope with. Then one difulcan in evening. Do not go straight into the recommended dose of anything or it may put you off for good.  Thank heavens I have at last found something to help in this area –  for those who need it.

    I would probably think that the one that they gave you 1000mg. of was working and what you experienced was a horrific herx.   This is why you at least need to understand that this is what is happening when you react like that.  Please read all about this on the board under education and herxing.   Happened to me early days with one I really needed and I never took it again when I really needed it.  I should have cut it in half but did not know this at the time.  Ease off if you get a reaction like that. Only do one thing at a time so you know that the reaction is only from that particular med. It is a pain but we have no choice.  The Clinda will hopefully get rid of the nodules, thats for the opportunistic infections we get.  I eventually used the lincocin IM instead as they taught me how in the States.   Saved me heaps as that particular one which is compatable to the Clinda is on the PBS scheme here.


    So happy for you Annie!!



    Annie, what terrific news and thanks so much for sharing! You are an inspiration and I do believe you are right…it does take some force of will and sheer bloody-mindedness to forge ahead some days, but the results you've had are proof positive that AP works!

    Here's to pain-free days and can't wait to hear when your fingers, nodules and jaw improve, too!

    Peace, Maz


    Thanks everyone for there kind thoughts.  My heart goes out to all those still suffering but I know it will get better – just takes time and don't be detered.



    Susan LymeRA

    Hi Annie,

    Kudos to you!  I also believe you are on the right track.

    I want to share with you the amazing thing that ended my jaw pain.  I had it so bad in the jaw, I would wake up in the mornings with my mouth so out of line I could not open and close it.  I learned how to push it back into place to save me the cost of seeing my chiropractor daily.

    When I read about the root canal connection, I went to two biological dentists to have my 5 root canals tested.  They both identified the same 3 as infected.  So you think I am going to tell you I had them pulled…right?  Nope.  Too expensive and too scary.  I keep hoping to heal without that drastic measure.  But what I did do, was have my 3 remaining mercury amalgam fillings removed and replaced. 

    At the time I had it done, the dentist could barely get into my mouth to work.  I had a very limited range of motion.  Two weeks after removing the fillings, all jaw pain was gone and has never returned.  That was June 2006.

    So consider having this done if you have amalgam fillings.  It was not expensive or painful.  I had it done by a biological dentist and went immediately to my doctor for a Vitamin C IV.  Actually, he gave me a Myers Cocktail.  This helps the body clear the mercury vapors that escape when removing the fillings.  Of course, I used a biological dentist.

    Anyway, if you have amalgam fillings, you might try having them replaced.  Follow up with a Vit C IV and see if your jaw pain disappears too.




    Hi Susan

    Funny that, I've made an appointment with my Dentist 2 weeks ago. Booked for 13/8 at 8.00am.  I hate the dentist too.

    Thought I'd add my photo – and yes the tiger is real.



    Wow, Annie…thanks for sharing that beautiful pic!!!!! You look totally amazing there….well and completely in control of the situation. I look forward to the day when my knees will allow me to sit on the ground like that again….but not sure I'd be brave enough to have a tiger in my lap!

    Peace, Maz

    Susan LymeRA


    What an awesome picture.  I can't wait to show my husband.  He just loves tigers.


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