Home Forums General Discussion Telangiectasias and laser removal?

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  • #302260
    paper tiger

    Has anyone here ever gotten laser removal for telangiectasias. They've started on my face in the past few weeks and I'm not nuts about the redness. I can only imagine they'll get worse, too. I'm am very, very pale so they are pretty prominent and I'm already thinking about removal procedures. The ones on the rest of my body can stay for all I care. But is it safe to have them lasered off, or are people with SD not responsive to the treatment the way someone with rosacea would be?

    Thank you!


    Personally, I don't have them on my face or body but, my aesthetic dermatologist has a brochure in her office that states the different uses for the laser, and it lists telengiactasias as one condition it treats.  Some lasers also tighten the face by increasing collagen production so, I would definitely ask whoever is going to do the procedure about the contraindications for patients with SD, since most have an excessive collagen deposition in the skin. 



    Hey Tracy,

    SD skin is not normal skin and consequently it doesn't heal like normal skin.  I would not have any procedure done at this time that is not life threatening, seriously.  The last thing you need is any more trauma to your body to throw your immune system further out of whack.  You'd be wise to wait until things have settled down, but that is just my opinion. 😉



    One of my first spots was right on my nose and kind of bothers me. Not pain etc. I just don't like looking at it. I had said that when I stopped getting them I might think about the laser. I have gotten no new spots in quite a while and at my last visit to my AP rheumy I asked about having the ones on my nose removed, none of the others really bother me, and he was not high on the idea. He said that sometimes the laser causes more problems than is solves lots of bleeding etc. My skin heals fine everywhere presently even where I had my digital ulcers. I guess I will wait a while and think about what to do. I have had the nose spot almost four years – maybe I'll just get used to it. IMO I would not even think about it until I stopped getting new ones and even then as I said I'm not sure about what to do about mine.

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