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    With all the talk about Vitamin D-3 deficiencies, has anybody experienced sun sensitivity. My AP doc has warned me a couple times to watch my time in the sun. She says some people have horrific reactions after only as little as 15 minutes in the sun. I really enjoy sunbathing and I think it helps me a lot. I might add that sulfazine, which I was on till about a month ago, had the same warning about sun sensitivity and I never experienced a problem.

    I am ready for some sunshine. Its been a long winter in Ohio. I was able to soak up some rays last Sunday as we might have had the nicest day in the last 6 months.



    I'm really glad you posted this! We are going on a family vacation to Florida in June and I'm wondering if I should worry about being in the sun a lot (with sunblock of course but still).


    I could have sworn that if you are on Mino you are not supposed to be in the sun too much becuase you could burn really badly as it makes you skin more sensitive(I am pretty sure that is what my AP dr said…)


    I couldI could have sworn that if you are on Mino you are not supposed to be in the sun too much becuase you could burn really badly as it makes you skin more sensitive(I am pretty sure that is what my AP dr said…) have sworn that if you are on Mino you are not supposed to be in the sun too much becuase you could burn really badly as it makes you skin more sensitive(I am pretty sure that is what my AP dr said…)



    [user=957]Nort[/user] wrote:

    I couldI could have sworn that if you are on Mino you are not supposed to be in the sun too much becuase you could burn really badly as it makes you skin more sensitive(I am pretty sure that is what my AP dr said…) have sworn that if you are on Mino you are not supposed to be in the sun too much becuase you could burn really badly as it makes you skin more sensitive(I am pretty sure that is what my AP dr said…)

    Yes – I'm aware that the Mino is supposed to make you more sensitive to the sun. my question is, has anybody experienced this?

    Or, does wearing sunblock make it so it's OK?


    I THINK that like so many of our issues the sun sensitivity depends on the individual. I have SD and I was getting somewhat darker before beginning AP. Since starting mino I do tan more quickly and easily. I am much better about using sun screen now. Although I live in New Engalnd I am outside a lot both winter and summer and I have not had any problem with sun sensitivity. I do find that after the first two or three days at the beach I look like I have been out there for a week or two. I just get darker initally but burning has not been a problem and perhaps less of a problem than previously. Just my experience.


    I was wearing 40 Sunblock when I took a trip to Florida in January, and I got one of the worst sunburns I've ever had sitting out on the beach.  I could actually feel my nose burning before I left the beach, which is a new one for me. 

    If I'm still on doxy going into the summer (I'm hoping to change it up…), I'm going to do two things.  1) Wear a hat/coverup, etc. and 2) Stay under an umbrella. 

    I am very fairskinned, so I'm pretty good about applying and reapplying and Florida was no exception.  I think the rays must have been going right through my sunblock!:doh:  So I'd be careful, especially on doxy.



    [user=854]tainabell[/user] wrote:

    I was wearing 40 Sunblock when I took a trip to Florida in January, and I got one of the worst sunburns I've ever had sitting out on the beach.  I could actually feel my nose burning before I left the beach, which is a new one for me. 

    If I'm still on doxy going into the summer (I'm hoping to change it up…), I'm going to do two things.  1) Wear a hat/coverup, etc. and 2) Stay under an umbrella. 

    I am very fairskinned, so I'm pretty good about applying and reapplying and Florida was no exception.  I think the rays must have been going right through my sunblock!:doh:  So I'd be careful, especially on doxy.


    Oh man.. That doesn't sound promising for me! I tend to burn easily too.. Suxors!!


    Jeff – I'm a lot like you. I was out in the sun for a couple hours this past Sunday and I got a good start on a tan. Even in Ohio in mid March. Hopefully it won't be a problem with me.  As I said earlier, I was on sulfazine, which has the same warning as the mino (except the doctor didn't warn me), and I had no problem. So I will watch, but I will not avoid the sun unless I have a problem.

    Thanks to all on this site. 



    When I was on high doses of tetracycline (750mg twice a day) for Lyme, I found that a few mins in the sun really stung my skin. Last summer, however, on the Mino 100mg bid MWF, I found I could enjoy hours sitting in the sun, as long as I wore a really good sunblock and a hat. I still got the gray/brown freckles on my forearms, but they have disappeared during the winter months…got the best tan of my life, though.

    I think the biggest concern is the increased chance of sunburn, as this increases the risks of skin cancer. On the dose I'm on now, I wouldn't avoid the sun, but I'm very careful to avoid sunburn. If I went to Florida on vacation during summer peaktime when the sun is very hot and high in the sky, I'd take all the precautions Jen suggested and probably wear a t-shirt to cover up a bit, even in the water. The sun in CT isn't as fierce as down south in summer. Really fair-skinned people need to take very good care not to burn anyway, but should be even more cautious while on the tetracyclines.

    Peace, Maz


    Think much depends on your skin type. I live in Australia (harshest sun in the world) and have never had a problem in the sun over my 5+ years on mino. However, my skin is reasonably olive which makes it less prone to burning. I also take 1000mg Vit C daily to help avoid any hyper-pigmentation issues. Lynnie

    Be well! Lynnie

    Palindromic RA 30 yrs (Chronic Lyme?)
    Mino 2003-2008 100mg MWF - can no longer tolerate any tetracyclines
    rotating abx protocol now. From Sep 2018 MWF - a.m. Augmentin Duo 440mg + 150mg Biaxsig (roxithromycin). p.m. Cefaclor (375mg) + Klacid 125mg + LDN 3mg + Annual Clindy IV's
    Diet: no gluten, dairy, sulphites, low salicylates
    Supps: 600mg N-AC BID, 1000mg Vit C, P5P 40mg, zinc picolinate 60mg, Lithium orotate 20mg, Magnesium Oil, Bio-identical hormones (DHEA + Prog + Estrog)


    I live in FLa and in the sun.  I do notice I turn a little more reddish brown when I'm in the sun, but the red fades before I go to bed and that's from going out durring peak hours with only spf15.  I do get a very deep brown tan now even from being out only a little bit.


    froggy where in Florida are you? We are going to Navarre.

    A Friend

    [user=957]Nort[/user] wrote:

    With all the talk about Vitamin D-3 deficiencies, has anybody experienced sun sensitivity. My AP doc has warned me a couple times to watch my time in the sun. She says some people have horrific reactions after only as little as 15 minutes in the sun. I really enjoy sunbathing and I think it helps me a lot. I might add that sulfazine, which I was on till about a month ago, had the same warning about sun sensitivity and I never experienced a problem. 

    Hi Nort,

    I just saw the following in a paper in my inbox.  It is an interesting discussion on different medications and sensitivity to the sun. Found your topic and decided this is a good place for it. 


    Dear Pharmacist

    Many Medicines Spark Sensitivity to the Sun[/size%;”>
    Suzy Cohen, R.Ph.


    My experience has been that I TAN very easily….best tan of my life without even trying!!….actually trying to avoid the sun and still tan. When I was younger I would have really enjoyed this, now that I'm old I don't care about getting a tan and am getting the best tan ever!


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