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    going to rheumy next week, have decided i will go ahead and start enbrel and continue ap. given up mtx. i feel like a traitor but i must do something. my boys are 10 and 13, i need to start living again…don't know if this will help or not but rheumy has worn me down. anyway the question is…are any of  you having success with this combo?



    Haven't done that…but I believe that Kathleen Turner the actress is treated by Dr. T and she is on (I believe) celebrex, minocin and enbrel….do a search onlne and see for yourself.  Conflicting info on whether or not she's on enbrel or is just a spokesperson for the drug.


    — whaleharbor

    Minocycline 100mg every other day with food...lots of food: Zydus brand. Celecoxib 200mg twice per day: Greenstone brand.


    Hi Sue,

    just saw this while surfing through old posts, how are you doing on Enebrel? Thanks,



    Hi Sue,

    I understand how you feel, I also went on Remicade temporarily. The good news is that it works fast, hopefully it wiil bring the inflam. down so AP can work better. I had to stop due to other unexplained health problems, but after one dose of Remicade and 3 of mtx, I was tons better. Did your rheumy tell you to dc the mtx? I'm asking because they have found that our bodies make antibodies to the biologics which cause them to be less effective over time. Mtx prevents the formation of these antibodies. Maybe you could decrease your dose to the lowest possible amt, but I'd definitely ask your doctor about it. I've noticed a few other people on this bboard who have been rx'd a biologic w/out mtx, and I have to wonder if these rheumies are keeping up with the current research into their own treatment of choice. Something has got to change in our current system of healthcare, this apathy is making me crazy.

    Good luck with your treatment,



    i stopped methotrexate because i think it is the root of some female problems i am experiencing. i guess i should mention that to rheumy as he is unaware that i haven't taken the mtx since 3/20/08.


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