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    Todd WI

    Hi Everyone,

    I'm in “mini-remission” number 3.  Its a beautiful spring day in WI, 60 degrees and sunny.  I went for my lunchtime walk and it felt so good that I actually broke out in a jog.  It wasn't pretty, and I got winded after only a few blocks, but its a huge improvement over where I was just a few months ago.  Back then I could walk (with pain) on my good days, and on my bad days I was lucky if I was able to drag myself around (i.e. literally dragging one leg or the other).

    I always hated jogging, but somehow this was actually fun.  I'm really starting to believe that AP works!!!


    Cheryl F


    This is wonderfull news.  Enjoy your spring walks (and jogs).  Here in sunny California it was near 90 over the weekend, already too hot to jog!



    Good for you Todd!  I so enjoy my running!  Before my knee started acting up last year I ran 6+ miles a day.  It was such a great feeling! I am slowly working my way back to running again.  I think you really appreciate moments like those when they  have been taken away from you.  You're on your way back!! 😀

    How long have you been on AP?  I have been on it for one month now and I already feel so much better.  I think its because I am off of the Methatrexate and that made me feel so fatigued and like I was in a “brain fog”.  That has cleared up and I am so thankful!

    Thanks for sharing your accomplishment.  Its always so nice to hear how people are doing.

    Heres to continued healing!




    What I wouldn't give for 90 degrees right now!  I love the sun!  I live in South Dakota and we have the craziest weather!!  Just this weekend we had the nastiest blizzard of the season…. and now 2 days later its 70 degrees!  You never know what to expect from one day to the next thats for sure!  My daughter is wanting to move to California once she graduates from grad school.  That would be super cool cuz then I would have a place to visit that was warm!

    By the way, your daughters are beautiful!!  They must get their looks from their Mom. 😉

    Hope your day is great!


    Todd WI

    Hi Lori,

    I've only been on AP for 2 1/2 months. So far, so good.  I was rather surprised I could jog and not feel any pain.  I've just come to expect the pain.



    Well you are making an amazing come back!  It's only been 2 1/2 months and look what you can do?!  Please keep us updated on your road back!



    Is any of this improvement due to the LDN do you think?


    Congrats!!!  I had that almost forgetting your sick feeling today when I climbed my stairs 5 times. (..I'm forgetful).  5 times was a weeks worth of climbing one year ago. I'm glad you can enjoy this weather pain free today! 

    Todd WI
    Is any of this improvement due to the LDN do you think?

    I don't know, but if I had to guess I'd say its the doxy, not the LDN.  I've had 3 mini-remissions, the first of which occured before I started the LDN.  In a way I've trapped myself with the LDN, I won't know if its helping until I stop taking it and then have some kind of setback that I can attribute to not taking it.



    In a way I've trapped myself with the LDN

    Oh yes! Haven't we all done that! Right now, I am trying a radical diet, prednisone, doxy, ionic footbaths with a special electrical frequency (blush), and of course my therapist who thinks it's all due to repressed rage has hopes of curing me as well!
    I get a little desperate and try some crazy things sometimes.

    But one thing I know works – we must enjoy ourselves every second we can!

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